Presented by Juan Antonio Zapata García Metering Manager Comisión Federal de Electricidad Overview...

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Transcript of Presented by Juan Antonio Zapata García Metering Manager Comisión Federal de Electricidad Overview...


Presented by

Juan Antonio Zapata GarcíaMetering Manager

Comisión Federal de Electricidad


Overview of the Electrical Metering Market in


México´s Electric Utility System

CFE LyFCCustomers (Millions) 21.34 5.62 26.96Sales (GWh/Year) 131,526 28,859 160,384


2 Government Companies:


Comisión Federal de Electricidad

LyFC Luz y Fuerza del


México´s Electric Utility System


CFE LyFC Total

Generation Infrastructure (MW)

Hydro 9,379 236 9,615Thermo 27,590 598 28,188Wind 2 - 2 Total 36,971 834 37,805

*Does not include External Energy Producers

Plants 157 18 175Units 532 50 582

CFE Overview

M od ern iza tion an d S tru c tu re ´s C h an g e D irec to r

S p on sored In ves tm en t P ro jec ts D irec to r

G en era tion A ss is tan t D irec to r

Tran sm is ion , Tran s fo rm ation an d C on tro l A ss is tan t D irec to r

N ation a l E n erg y C on tro l C en tre A ss is tan t D irec to r

D is trib u tion A ss is tan t D irec to r

E n erg y A ss is tan t D irec to r

Tech n ica l A ss is tan t D irec to r

O p era tion D irec to r

A d m in is tra tion D irec to r

F in an ces D irec to r

G en era l D irec to r

Each Area is Divided by Regions across

the Country

71,219 Workers


CFE Overview


15,998 km 400 kV Transmission lines 24,773 km 230 kV “ “ “ 470 km 161 kV “ “ “ 1,340 km 138 kV Sub-transmission lines 38,773 km 115 kV “ “ “ 140 km 85 kV “ “ “ 3,364 km 69 kV “ “ “ 63,654 km 34.5 kV Distribution lines 26,366 km 23 kV “ “ “257,462 km 13.8 kV “ “ “225,147 km 220/127 V “ “ “

TOTAL CAPACITY: 162,775 Megawatts


Transmission and Distribution Infrastructure

CFE Overview



Golfo Norte

Golfo Centro


Centro Occidente


Centro SurSureste


Centro Oriente


Distribution Area is conformed by 13 Divisions and 116 distribution



CFE Overview

Commercial 10.39% Agricultural 0.47%

Services 0.66%

Industrial 0.65%Home-living 87.82%

21.34 Customer Millions80 Mexico´s Inhabitant Millions

More than 900,000 new customers each year


CFE Overview

Type Quantity Customer Demand

Solid State Multifunction Meters, w ith AMR* Class 0.2% Power Quality

5,714 Largest Customers and CFE s Electric

Sistem Infrastructure

Solid State Multifunction Meters, w ith AMR* Class 0.2%

9,774 kW>750

Solid State Meters, w ith Max kW kVARh and TOU Class 0.5%

12,011 50<kW<749

Solid State Meters, w ith Max kW and kVARh Class 0.5%

205,628 kW<50 Commercial, agricultural, services

and Industrial Tariffs

Electromechanical 1,2 & 3 Phases Class 2%. (10,000 residential AMR* Meters)

21,762,165 kW<50 Residential Tariffs

Total: 21,995,292

Energy Meters in Operation

*AMR media used: Normal Phone line, cellular, ethernet, etc.

Energy meters

installed (by type)

Energy meters in operation

CFE Overview

Commercial 6.86%Agricultural 5.55%

Services 3.26%

Industrial 58.82%

Home-living 25.50%

131,526 GWh/year9.8 Billion US Dollars Income


CFE Overview

Indicator 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003

New Costumer Connection Period (days)

1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.18 1.12

Service Commitment Fulf ilment (%) 93.4 96.9 96.2 96.8 95.46 96.07

Customer Complaints (each 1,000 Costumers-month)

5.3 5.2 4.9 4.53 4.23 4.09

Interruption Time per Costumer (min.) 225 230 138 152 124 121

Population w ith Electric Energy Service access (%)

92.5 94.5 94.7 94.7 95 95

Customers per Operation Worker 294 303 313 320 326 334

Collecting Opotunity (%) 98.5 98.7 98.8 99.2 97.26 98.6

353 Work Centre ISO-9000 Certif ication (%)

14.7 28.9 52 73.09 84.42 100

Service Quality

Electric Energy Supply Quality

Operation and Productivity

A Worldwide-Class-Indicators Company

Operation indicators

Energy meter approval process

NOM-044-SCFI-1999 Watthour

Electromechanical Meter Instruments -

Definitions, Characteristics and

Test Methods(CFE´s GWH00-01



Energy meter approval process

NOM-127-SCFI-1999 Multifunction Meters for Electric Systems -

Specifications and Test Methods (CFE´s

G0000.48 Specification)


Energy meter approval process

–Electromechanical Equipment Evaluation–Materials evaluation–Energy Conversion Process Evaluation–Dielectric Tests–Short Circuit Tests–Engineering–Qualification and consultant Services –Quality Control–Suppliers Development and Evaluation–Normalize and Metrology Services

LapemMaterial and Equipment Test



Lapem guide Num. 1.- Product Official Approval and Prototype Evaluation

–Requirements–Application–Preliminary meetings–Prototype drafts approval–Prototype certification Process–Sample selection–Tests–Documentary evaluation–Evaluation Report–Certified Prototype List–Certified Product no-changes check–Prototype Re-certification

Energy meter approval processLapem

Energy meter approval process

Lapem guide Num. 2.- Supplier´s Qualification and Evaluation

–Evaluation Criteria–Suppliers Evaluation Procedure

–Company evaluation application–Product evaluation application–Documentary evaluation–In-Situ evaluation

–Evaluation report–Supplier Qualification Certificate


Energy meter approval process

1.- In the Divisions:

Random test when the meters are received in the divisions.

13 Secondary LaboratoriesCertified on Official Mexican Norm NMX-EC-025-IMNC-2000 “General requirements of Competence of the Calibration and Test Laboratories”, based in ISO/IEC GUIDE 25:1990 Standard.

Tests by the final user

Energy meter approval process

2.- In the distribution Zones:

Random test to the electromechanical meters and test to the 100% of the electronic and electronic-multifunction meters.

More than 100 Tertiary laboratories distributed in the most important cities of the Country

Tests by the final user

Energy meter approval process

3.- In the field:

CFE has a Yearly Test Program to insure the quality of metering.

Each year, it test more than 1.8 Millions of energy meters.

Tests by the final user

Energy meter approval process

4.- When the energy meters were retired from the field:

All the meters retired from the field, no matter the reason; receive maintenance service.

Each year, CFE gives maintenance to more than 644,000 energy meters on its laboratories.

Tests by the final user

Energy meter approval processTraceability chart

National Metrology CentreCENAM

CFE Material and Equipment Test Laboratory LAPEM

CFE Secondary Metering Laboratories(13 Divisions)

CFE Tertiary Metering Laboratories

(Distribution Zones)

Final CustomerResidential CustomerIndustrial Customer





Accuracy Requirements

0,0055 %

0,025 %

0,1 %

Energy Meter Comparison National Program

2 %

0,2 %

0,05 %

Energy meter approval process

The NOM-044-SCFI-1999 standard are based upon the ANSI Standards.The NOM-127-SCFI-1999 standard are based upon the ANSI and the IEC Standards.

CFE is always checking the updates of the ANSI standards, in order to include the changes in it´s own standards.

Update Standards

Juan Antonio Zapata GarcíaMetering Manager Comisión Federal de Electricidad

Rio Rodano No. 14 5°PisoColonia CuauhtémocC.P. 06598México, D.F.Phone: (01152) 55-5553-0344Fax: (01152)

Thanks for your attention!