Presented at discussion of Literature in English Language ... · A KING AND TWO SERVANTS Andi...

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Transcript of Presented at discussion of Literature in English Language ... · A KING AND TWO SERVANTS Andi...


Andi Asrifan – Kuran Puasa - Sumarti

Presented at discussion of Literature in English Language Teaching

09 Rabiul . Tsani 1430 H- 05 April 2009 M


Once / one there was a king who had two servants who worked so well and so ……………(1) that he made them captains in his army. The day after they had become captains, the king saw them and said, “Why do you think you become captains?”

1st Paragraph

The first captain answered, “It is because I am a lucky man”; but the second said, “It is because you are kind and ……………(2).”

2nd Paragraph

The king said that he liked both the captains’ answer. “To show / snow you that I am pleased with you, I am going to give each of you a present, “he said. “Both presents have the same ……………(3), and both are from my own gardens.” He then gave the first captain a coconut, and the second captain a bunch of ripe bananas. But when he gave the bananas to the second captain, he ……………(4) took a very valuable ring off his finger and pushed it into one of the bananas.

3rd Paragraph

While two captains were walking / working home, the second captain told the first that his wife / wipe did not like bananas, asked him whether he was ……………(5) to give him the coconut and take the bananas.

4th Paragraph

The first captain knew that this his own wife did not like bananas either, but as he was an ……………(6) man, he said that he would do as the second captain wanted / hunted because he was friend.

5th Paragraph

The second captain knew that his own wife did not like bananas, but as he was an unselfish man, he said that he would give the bananas to the first captain.

6th Paragraph

That evening, the first captain began to eat the bananas and found the ring in them. At once, he ……………(7) to the king with it. When the king saw it and ……………(8) what had happened, he ……………(9) for the second captain and said to him. “I wanted to give you the ring because you said that I was kind and ……………(10), but it seems that your friend really is a lucky man, as he said!”

7th Paragraph

A king and two







Revisethe stages of story




underline the correct words in bold

fill in the missing words

Reading aloud



• Listening and vocabulary activity:

Listen to the story and underline the correct words in bold, as you listen; also fill in the missing words into the blank spaces.


Revisethe stages of story


(Revise the stages of story)

• Orientation: the beginning of story (the who, where, when, what and how of the story)

• Complication (describes the conflict or dramatic point.• Resolution (the end of the complication) • Coda (the comment of the story that states the purpose of its

telling – in this case the moral of the story)

(GRAMMAR) Simple past tense & Simple perfect tense

Write down 5 sentences that you find at the text enclose simple past tense and simple perfect tense B.Simple past tense


J.Simple perfect tense 11.……………………………………………12.……………………………………………13.……………………………………………14.……………………………………………15.……………………………………………

Speaking practice:

• Listen carefully the story which is reading by your teacher, then try to retell what the story tell about

• Interview three people at out-class about the story, in this case if you are as … in the story (the students have to explain the synopsis first). After interviewed, make a reporting through writing.

Reading & Translation Practice

• Reading aloud the story “a king and two servant” after completed • Try to translate the fable “the students may use any dictionary”.


Thank you for your attention!

Fastabiqul Khaerat Wallahul Musta’an