Presentation1.pptx, radiological anatomy of the arm and forearm.

Post on 08-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Presentation1.pptx, radiological anatomy of the arm and forearm.

Radiological anatomy of the arm and forearm.


AnatomyThe arm - anterior region,

posterior region.The forearm - anterior region,

posterior region.

The arm (brachium) region 1. The anterior group

The biceps brachii, the coracobrachialis, the brachialis.

2. The posterior groupThe triceps brachii.

The forearm (antebrachium) region

1. The anterior group

1) The superficial layer (6)The brachioradialis, the pronator teres, The flexor carpi radialis,the palmaris longus, The flexor digitorum superficialis, The flexor carpi ulnaris.

2) The deep layer (3)The flexor pollicis longus, The flexor digitorum profundus, The pronator quadratus.

Upper Limb Skeleton

• Scapula

• Humerus

• Radius, ulna

• Carpals--proximal, distal

• Digits

– Metacarpals

– Phalanges.

Cephalic veinBiceps (long head)Biceps (short head)BrachialisMusculocutaneous nerveBrachial artery and veinMedian nerveHumeral shaftRadial nerveProfunda Brachii artery and veinTriceps (medial head)Ulnar nerveTriceps (lateral head)Triceps (long head)

Upper Limb arm CT Images.

Upper Limb forearm CT Images.

Upper Limb forearm CT Images.

Flexor digitorum profundus (fdp) and superficialis (fds), flexor carpi radialis (fcr), palmans longus (p1), and flexor carpi ulnaris (fcu). B,

(PL) palmaris longus, (FDS) flexor digitorum superficialis.

fcr = flexor carpl radlalis; fcu = flexorcarpi ulnaris; fdp = flexor digftorumprofundus.

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