Presentation - Windows App Development - II - Mr. Chandan Gupta

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Transcript of Presentation - Windows App Development - II - Mr. Chandan Gupta

Agenda Windows 8/Windows Phone

In this module, we


Extension methods

Portable Class Libraries

MVVM Architecture

Data Binding Linked files

A common user experience

#if conditionals

In this module:

Common Structure





Data Binding


MVVM Benefits

• Reuse Model and View-Model code

• Test the ViewModel with unit tests

• Maintainability

• Can show design-time data in Expression Blend and the Visual Studio designer

Model – View - ViewModel

public class MyModelItem{

public int Id { get; set; }

[DataMember(Name = "text")]public string Text { get; set; }

[DataMember(Name = "complete")]public bool Complete { get; set; }


public class MyModelItem{

public int Id { get; set; }

[DataMember(Name = "text")]public string Text { get; set; }

[DataMember(Name = "complete")]public bool Complete { get; set; }


Data Service Calls in the ViewModel

private MobileServiceCollectionView<TodoItem> items;private IMobileServiceTable<TodoItem> todoTable = App.MobileService.GetTable<TodoItem>();

private void RefreshTodoItems(){

items = todoTable.Where(todoItem => todoItem.Complete == false).ToCollectionView();


private async void InsertTodoItem(TodoItem todoItem){

await todoTable.InsertAsync(todoItem);items.Add(todoItem);


Extract Model and Service Calls

Good MVVM Practice



Data Binding in the ViewModel

// Create INotifyPropertyChanged property called VisibleItemsprivate void MobileServiceCollectionView<TodoItem> RefreshTodoItems(){

items = todoTable.Where(todoItem => todoItem.Complete == false).ToCollectionView();

_visibleItems.Clear();foreach (var item in items){



Improved Structure

“Add as Link”

“Add as Link”

Common APIs in Windows 8 and Windows

Phone 8

Common APIs

Hardware Implementation: Accelerometer

Hardware Implementation: Accelerometer

<Canvas x:Name="hostCanvas" Loaded=“canvas_Loaded">

Accelerometer _accel;private void canvas_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){

_accel = Accelerometer.GetDefault();if (_accel != null)

_accel.ReadingChanged += _accel_ReadingChanged;}

Hardware Implementation: Accelerometer

void _accel_ReadingChanged(Accelerometer sender, AccelerometerReadingChangedEventArgs args){

double _accelX = args.Reading.AccelerationX;double _accelY = args.Reading.AccelerationY;// Update the position of the ellipse


Threading Difference


Dispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () =>{

double _accelX = args.Reading.AccelerationX;double _accelY = args.Reading.AccelerationY;// Update ellipse location


Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>{

double _accelX = args.Reading.AccelerationX;double _accelY = args.Reading.AccelerationY;//Update ellipse location


#if Complier Conditionals

#if Conditional Blocks

#if NETFX_COREDispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => {#endif

#if WINDOWS_PHONEDeployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => {#endif

#if Conditional Blocks


#if NETFX_COREDispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => {#elseDeployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => {#endif

double _accelX = args.Reading.AccelerationX;double _accelY = args.Reading.AccelerationY;

Extension Methods

Web Service

HttpWebResponse and HttpWebRequest

var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(autoCompleteUri);

HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)await request.GetResponseAsync();

// retrieve data using StreamReader

HttpWebResponse and HttpWebRequest

var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(autoCompleteUri);request.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(AutoCompleteCallback), request);}

private void AutoCompleteCallback(IAsyncResult callback){

HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)callback.AsyncState;HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.EndGetResponse(callback);// retrieve data using StreamReader


Extension Methods

public static Task<HttpWebResponse> GetResponseAsync(this HttpWebRequest request){

var taskComplete = new TaskCompletionSource<HttpWebResponse>();request.BeginGetResponse(asyncResponse =>{

HttpWebRequest responseRequest = (HttpWebRequest)asyncResponse.AsyncState;

HttpWebResponse someResponse = (HttpWebResponse)responseRequest.EndGetResponse(asyncResponse);

taskComplete.TrySetResult(someResponse);}, request);

return taskComplete.Task;}

HttpWebResponse and HttpWebRequest

#if WINDOWS_PHONEusing MyExtensionClass#endif

var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(autoCompleteUri);

HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)await request.GetResponseAsync();

// retrieve data using StreamReader

Translating User


Web Service

UI Differences and XAML

Different Form Factors Require Different UX

Different Form Factors Require Different UX

User Experience Considerations

One-handed touch most common

Guaranteed hardware, such as camera and accelerometer

Avoid multiple columns of content

Scroll vertically for more content

Very limited room on the app bar

Hardware back button

No semantic zoom

• Windows 8

One or two-handed touch, mouse

No guarantee of any specific hardware, must check at runtime

Rows and columns of content are normal

Scroll horizontally for more content

Significant room on the app bar

On-screen back button

Semantic zoom

Windows Phone 8

Design the UX separately for each platform!

• Avoid reusing XAML across Windows Phone 8 and Windows 8

• Major differences in the platforms make this difficult anyway:–XAML namespaces

–XAML controls

–User experience

–Screen space

–Page layout / orientation


• Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls contains Windows 8 controls• Microsoft.Phone.Controls and Microsoft.Phone.Shell contain WP8

controls• System.Windows.Controls contains Windows 8 controls and some shared

controls• Some controls are present on both platforms but in different namespaces

• Example: Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls.Canvas (Win8), System.Windows.Controls.Canvas (WP8)

XAML Namespaces and Controls

Different Controls

Different Controls

Different Controls

Different Form Factors Require Different UX

Different Form Factors Require Different UX

Different Form Factors Require Different UX

Translating UX

Translating UX – Details View

Different Form Factors Require Different UX

• Tiles are an entry point for Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 apps–One primary tile that launches

the app normally–Also, secondary tiles can be

pinned to the Start screen• Create a “Deep link” that takes

the user to a specific page in the app

• Both platforms support live tiles, in which content is periodically updated


Tiles on Windows 8 Tiles on Windows Phone 8

var tile = new SecondaryTile(item.UniqueId, // Tile IDitem.ShortTitle, // Tile short nameitem.Title, // Tile display nameitem.UniqueId, // Activation argumentTileOptions.ShowNameOnLogo, // Tile optionsuri // Tile logo URI


await tile.RequestCreateAsync();

CycleTileData tileData = new CycleTileData()


Title = group.Title,

SmallBackgroundImage = new



CycleImages = list


ShellTile.Create(new Uri(navDataSource,

UriKind.Relative), tileData, true);

Both platforms support tiles, but the APIs are completely different

Tiles (cont.)

Windows 8 TilesWindows Phone 8 Tiles

• With webcams and cell phones, capturing photos and videos is prolific–Both Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8

have media capture APIs

Media Capture

Windows Phone 8 camera app

Windows 8 camera app

Media Capture (Windows 8)• Windows uses CameraCaptureUI to capture images and videos

• Windows.Media.Capture namespace

• Enable Webcam and Microphone in the manifest

private async void OnCapturePhoto(object sender, TappedRoutedEventArgs e)


var camera = new CameraCaptureUI();

var file = await camera.CaptureFileAsync(CameraCaptureUIMode.Photo);

if (file != null)


// Do something with the result...



Media Capture (Windows Phone 8)Windows Phone uses CameraCaptureTask take photos

Microsoft.Phone.Tasks namespace

Enable ID_CAP_ISV_CAMERA and ID_CAP_MICROPHONE in the manifest

Recording video is more complicated, but possible

private readonly CameraCaptureTask cameraTask;public Init() {

cameraTask = new CameraCaptureTask();cameraTask.Completed += PhotoCaptured;

}public void TakePhoto() {

cameraTask.Show();}private async void PhotoCaptured (object sender, PhotoResult result) {

await Task.Run(() => {// Do something with the result...


App Bar

The app bar is a good place to put frequently used commands

The Windows 8 app bar has few technical limitations

Certification standards may limit it

Phone has limited screen space

The app bar cannot take up too much space

Put additional commands on the menu

A Windows Phone 8 app bar with the menu expanded

A Windows 8 app bar with three buttons

App Bar

Windows Phone 8 App Bar

• One app bar at the bottom of the page

• Only four items allowed

• Put additional items on the menu

• No grouping

• ApplicationBar control inside


• Set Mode to Default to show the app bar

when the page loads

• Set IsMenuEnabled to enable the menu

Windows 8 App Bar

• Two app bars: one bottom and one top

• Behaves like any container

• No menu

• Can group items in nested containers

• AppBar control inside Page.BottomAppBar or


• Set IsOpen to true to show the app bar when

the page loads

• Set IsSticky to true to force an app bar to

always remain open

App Bar (Windows 8)

<Page.BottomAppBar IsOpen="True"><AppBar x:Name="bottomAppBar" Opened="AppBar_Opened" Padding="10,0,10,0">

<Grid><StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Left">

<Button Style="{StaticResource EditAppBarButtonStyle}" Click="Edit_Click"/><Button Style="{StaticResource RemoveAppBarButtonStyle}" Click="Remove_Click"/><Button Style="{StaticResource AddAppBarButtonStyle}" Click="Add_Click"/>

</StackPanel><StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Right">

<Button Style="{StaticResource RefreshAppBarButtonStyle}" Click="Refresh_Click"/>

<Button Style="{StaticResource HelpAppBarButtonStyle}" Click="Help_Click"/></StackPanel>



App Bar (Windows Phone 8)

<phone:PhoneApplicationPage.ApplicationBar><shell:ApplicationBar IsVisible="True" IsMenuEnabled="True" Mode="Default" Opacity="1.0">

<shell:ApplicationBarIconButton x:Name="btnTakePicture"IconUri="/Assets/Icons/camera.png" Click="btnTakePicture_Click" Text="Take Picture"/>

<shell:ApplicationBarIconButton x:Name="btnShareTask" IconUri="/Assets/Icons/share.png"Click="btnShareShareTask_Click" Text="Share Image"/>

<shell:ApplicationBarIconButton x:Name="btnStartCooking"IconUri="/Assets/Icons/alarm.png" Click="btnStartCooking_Click" Text="Start Cooking"/>

<shell:ApplicationBarIconButton x:Name="btnPinToStart" IconUri="/Assets/Icons/like.png"Click="btnPinToStart_Click" Text="Pin To Start"/>


Launching Built-In AppsURI scheme Description

http:[URL] Launches the web browser and navigates to URL

mailto:[email address]Launches the email app and creates a new message.Note that the email is not sent until the user taps send.

ms-settings-accounts: Launches the Account Settings app.

ms-settings-airplanemode: Launches the Airplane Mode Settings app.

ms-settings-bluetooth: Launches the Bluetooth Settings app.

ms-settings-cellular: Launches the Cellular Settings app.

ms-settings-emailandaccounts: Launches the email and accounts settings app.

ms-settings-location: Launches the Location Settings app.

ms-settings-lock: Launches the Lock Screen settings app.

ms-settings-wifi: Launches the Wi-Fi Settings app.

Thank You..