Presentation for staff augmentation

Post on 15-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Presentation for staff augmentation

Customised Solution

for Staff Augmentation

eLearning Management SystemeLearning Management System

Introducing MoodleIntroducing Moodle

What is Moodle ?Moodle is an open source web application used to create interactive online learning sites.

“Who” is Moodle?

Moodle that is the acronym for

Modular Object-

Oriented Oriented Dynamic

Learning Environment

It is an online Learning Management System (LMS).

It runs on almost all platform, supporting a lot of useful function and customization, thanks to his modular structure.

Why Moodle?

It's free!

Why Moodle?Also,it's available in 78 languages!

It is used all over the world by teachersand educators and it's probably the bestE-Learning tool in the net!


online courses



into classesopen forums

What teachers can do

with Moodle...

create online tests

and examinations

upload files

and lessons

into classesopen forums

chat sessions

follow the


upload their

homework and


What students can

do with Moodle...

take part

into forums

chat sessions

Features Of MoodleFeatures Of Moodle

• Assignment

• Blog

• Chat

• Choice (Poll)

Moodle - Virtual Swiss Army Knife

• Lesson

• Quiz

• Resource

• SCORM• Choice (Poll)

• Database

• Forum

• Glossary


• Survey

• Wiki

• Workshop


Forum: you can discuss with all other registered user about many issues.


Chat: you can talk about what you wantin real time with classmate and professor.


Calendar: if you're aprofessor, you can programlessons, tests and more.lessons, tests and more.Students can consult thissection as a reminder forfuture commitments.

FeaturesLesson: Moodle provides teacher manyways to set up their own lessons andcourses and to keep them under control.


Wiki and Glossary: collaboration is the keyword of moodle, which has several functionsto work in group.

FeaturesQuizzes and Tests: there are many ways toevaluate the preparation of the students..or to have fun with questions of anyarguments!


...and more!Moodle has got really many functions! Andthey are all easily manageable, thanks totheir modular structure!

~ First of all we must be

Let's Try!And now, after all this chatting, it's time to work!

Let's enter the world of Moodle, and try to answer to a simple quiz! We are going to learn how to do it step by step;

~ First of all we must be registered in Moodle. If we are, we should only login from the panel in the top of the page

Let's Try: Quiz~ Now we should select the quiz from the right

page of our moodle website.

~Then, check that the quiz is the one we want; select it trought the button “Attempt quiz now”!

~ The first question! Can you tell me what's the right answer?

Yeah, that's Germany's flag!

So, we select it, and then we press the Submit button!

Quiz: Flags and Nations

Moodle confirms our answer.. we have collected 1 mark!

Quiz: Flags and Nations~ In the same way, we can complete the entire quiz!

Alternatively, we can select all the answers, and then press the button “Submit all and finish” at the end of the page

to confirm our choices all in one time.

A dialog box will appear to make sure we have selected the desired answers; press ok, and go to the results!

Time Information

Flags and Nations: Results~ Finally, we are arrived at the results page!

Here we can take a look at our performance, with some statistical information;

Score Information

Feedback Comments

~ We can repeat the quiz (if this option is enabled), simply by pressing “Start again” button.

Thanks for WatchingSo... this is Moodle!

If I had to explain all the functions, featuresand customizations that moodle supports, iwould have to keep this presentation goingfor hours but i think you're a bit tired now, soi'll stop right here, but i'm inviting you to usei'll stop right here, but i'm inviting you to useit as soon as you have the chance..

If you wish to read more about this opensource product you can log and get more information.You can download the product for free aswell

Where Invictus Play a Role

At Invictus Consulting we understand all thefunctions, features and customizations thatmoodle supports, We will help you incustomising & Maintaining this product for you.

We do not charge for the development of theWe do not charge for the development of theproduct ( It is Free as its an Open Source !! ), wecharge only for the implementation , Integration& Customisations

Commercials can be discussed once you let usknow the customisations required by you.

Value Proposed

• Integrated, automated process of staffing.

• Enables you to switch from the traditional, manual excel basedmethods of recruitment.

• A simple, user friendly, effective business solution, which takescare of your entire recruitment process, enabling you to manageyour clients, business developers, recruiters, and candidatescare of your entire recruitment process, enabling you to manageyour clients, business developers, recruiters, and candidatessimultaneously.

• This application gives you an edge over other players in therecruitment industry, helping you to overcome criticalinefficiencies in the business process, and attain a better talentmanagement system.

Proposed Equation

• A web based application developed in

using .Net Technologies.

• Completely custom built.

Proposed Modules

� Candidate

� Recruiter

� Business Developer

� Administrator


• Resume Management / Bench Management-

� Your potential candidate can visit your website and can submit

their resumes, which will be stored in the software.

� Your consultants can log in and post their resumes.

� Consultants who are on projects can submit time sheets,

Availability dates etc.

• Client Management:-• Client Management:-

� Your business development team can enter the client details and

also the client position requirements.

� Sorting of suitable resumes for the positions posted.

• Position (requirement) Management:-

� You can assign the position requirements to your recruiters with

dead lines.

� Allocation of requirements to the recruiters, so that duplicity of

submissions are avoided

Recruiter Module

� Your recruiters can MAP the

requirements with the candidate


� You can also upload all your existing

candidate resumescandidate resumes

� Calculate candidate availability

information and his time sheets

� Get proper MIS reports

� Task Management Tool

Recruiter Module

� Log in (with individual username and password)

� Change Password

� Task Management

To- do List- Candidate joining

CV forwarded

Open position

� Add candidate- Individual

� CSV Upload (bulk upload through an excel sheet)� CSV Upload (bulk upload through an excel sheet)

� Manage Requirement- View

Search Profile

Advanced search

� Map Requirements

� Update Candidate Status (Call, Sent for interview, Telephonic Round Taken, Closed etc)

� MIS- Automatically created but recruiter needs to submit it)

Candidate Module

�Add profile

� Provide basic information

� Primary qualification details

� Technical Qualification skills

� Skill Details

� Company experience details� Company experience details

� Skill experience details

� Submit open resume

� Submit resume against a job (posted by admin)

�View status ( Updated by Recruiter)

�Access to Moodle – for skills up gradation lessons

Administrator Module

� Log in (User Name and Password)

� Change Password

�Add Candidate- Individual

CSV Upload (Bulk)

�Manage Clients- Add/ Edit/ Delete

�Manage Requirements- Add /Edit/ Delete �Manage Requirements- Add /Edit/ Delete

�Manage Recruiters- Add/Edit/Delete

�Assign Position- Add/ Edit/ Delete

�Manage Fields- Add/ Edit/ delete

�Manage Users- Add/Edit/Delete

�View Billing Info

�View MIS Info

Technical Specification

• Platform for the database- SQL Server/ My SQL / MS SQL

• Front end- Microsoft .net

• Deployment model (how it is deployed)-1) Web based

2) Local implementation (on LAN)

• Scope of customization- Yes

• Source code- Optional to buy

• Hosting of the application:-– The application will be hosted on the client company’s


Optional Modules

• SMS Alerts

• Tracker

• Job Portal Building

• Payroll Accounting Integration

• Project Management Solution

• Business Development Software

Incentive Calculation (For recruiters and sales)• Incentive Calculation (For recruiters and sales)

Few Screen Shots of Proposed


Invictus Consulting Pvt. Ltd.Suit .501, Chaitanya Classicks,

Sus Road, Pashan , Pune 400021, India

+91 9603356777

+91 9000970678