Presentación historia franquista.

Post on 27-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Presentación historia franquista.

The cruel Francoist Spain

By:•Manuel Pulido Domínguez•Antonio Ángel López Machuca•Álvaro Barrios Godoy

Was afternoon when a woman came to buy food from the village grocery store, she was carrying a lot of food, led to take her husband and the other reds who were hiding in the woods, trying to hide from the civil guard who wanted shoot them for not being of their political ideology,

the woman put all the food in donkey´s pouches

Going way to his hiding the woman found two civil guard looking for reds, she tried to back away but his attempt was in vain because they had seen her, they registered her and she was carrying too much food for herself and they asked her if it was for her husband and his red friends.

She tried to hide it flatly refused and said he bought a lot for not going to the store as often. The civil guard who did not believe they said they were going to get into the pouches which were very large and perfectly enough for a person of medium height.

• The women keep walking and she saw that he had no choice because they would kill her if she was discovered with her husband and others reds and went to change the direction without the agents suspected, but she can imagine the fatal end.

• Her husband had gone hunting and happened to be in the area at the woman walked without a second thought this went to the road out to meet his wife asking if they brought him food, was at that moment when officers came out of the pouches with loaded rifles and the outcome could not be worse.

• The scene was bloody and the bodies were left on the floor waiting decomposition, inert and lifeless, just for trying to overthrow the Franco dictatorship in Spain and establish a democratic regime.

• This is one of several stories about this time, as real as unjust and cruel.