Prepared by: Safaa S.Y. Dalloul Training and Development | Unit 4 2013-2014 .

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Transcript of Prepared by: Safaa S.Y. Dalloul Training and Development | Unit 4 2013-2014 .

Prepared by: Safaa S.Y. Dalloul

Training and Development | Unit 4



Introduction to Training and Development

Job and Career Security HR Development Training and Development The Training and Development

Process Determining TD Needs Establishing TD Objectives Selecting TD Methods Implementing TD Programs Evaluate TD

Elements of Lecture

Career Planning and Development

Training and human resource issues in small e-businesses Introduction Training and HR in small e-

businesses An illustrative and personal

research agenda Concluding remarks

Introduction to Training and Development

Why Training and Development?

To improve employees' competency and organizational


To do their jobs and career well

To keep pace with the organization as it changes and grows.

To align a firm's employees with its corporate strategies.

Job and Career Security

Job security implies security in one job, often with one company.

Career security requires developing marketable skills and

expertise that help ensure employment within a range of careers.

HR Development

Human resource development is a major HRM

function that consists of:

o Training and development.

o  Individual career planning.

o  Development activities.

o  Organization development.

o  Performance appraisal.

o  Activity that emphasizes T&D needs.

Training and Development

Training: activities are designed to provide learners with the

knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs.


Development: Learning that goes beyond today's job and

has a more long-term focus.

Training and Development

Training: activities are designed to provide learners with the

knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs.


Development: Learning that goes beyond today's job and

has a more long-term focus.

Training and Development

Training: activities are designed to provide learners with the

knowledge and skills needed for their present jobs.


Development: Learning that goes beyond today's job and

has a more long-term focus.

Training and Development

The most prominent changes affecting T&D:

Changes in organization structure caused by mergers, rapid

growth, downsizing and outsourcing.

Changes in technology and the need for more highly

skilled workers.

Changes in the educational level of employees, some more

highly educated, others needing remedial training.

Training and Development

The most prominent changes affecting T&D:

Changes in human resources creating a diverse workforce

consisting of many groups.

Competitive pressures are necessitating flexible courses

and just-in-time and just-what's-needed training.

Increased emphasis on learning organizations and human

performance management.

Training and Development Process

External Environment

Select T&D Method(S)

Establish Specific Objectives

Determine T&D Needs

Implement T&D Programs

Evaluate T&D Programs

Internal Environment

How Can We Determine the T&D Needs?

Organizational analysis: from an overall organizational

perspective, the firm's strategic mission, goals, and corporate

plans are studied, along with the results of human resource



Task analysis: focuses on the tasks required to achieve the

firm's purposes. Job descriptions are important data sources

for this analysis level.

How Can We Determine the T&D Needs?

Person analysis: determining individual training needs is the

final level. The relevant questions are:


Who needs to be trained?

What kind of knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA) do

employees need? Performance appraisals and interviews

or surveys of supervisors and job incumbents are helpful

at this level.

Establishing TD Objectives

Training and development must have clear and concise



The purpose of training is firstly established, and then the

specific learning objectives about what the training should



By objectives, managers can determine whether training has

been effective.

Selecting TD Methods

Classroom programs

Instructor-led training in the classroom is the most popular

training method.

The advantage of classroom programs is that the instructor

may convey a great deal of information in a relatively short


Selecting TD Methods

Classroom programs

The effectiveness of classroom programs improves when:

∂ Groups are small enough to permit discussion.

∂ When the instructor is able to capture the imagination of

the class and utilize multimedia in an appropriate


Selecting TD Methods

Monitoring and coaching

Monitoring: is an approach to advising, coaching, and

nurturing for creating a practical relationship to enhance

individual career, personal and professional growth and

development. And focuses on skills to develop employees

to perform to their highest potential and leading to career


Selecting TD Methods

Monitoring and coaching

Coaching: is a responsibility of the immediate boss and

provides assistance much as the same as a mentor.

Groups are small enough to permit discussion.

When the instructor is able to capture the imagination of

the class and utilize multimedia in an appropriate


Selecting TD Methods

Monitoring and coaching

Reverse mentoring: is a process where the older

employees learn from the younger employees.

Selecting TD Methods

Case Study

Training method in which trainees study the information

provided in the case and make decisions based on it..

Selecting TD Methods


The use of videotapes is a popular training method.

Small businesses that cannot afford more expensive


Provides the flexibility desired by any firm.

Behavior modeling utilizes videotapes to illustrate

interpersonal skills and shows how managers function in

various situations.

Selecting TD Methods

Role playing

A training method in which participants are required to respond

to specific problems they may actually encounter in their jobs.


Trainees learn by doing.

Selecting TD Methods

Apprenticeship training

A combination of classroom instruction with on-the-job


It is common with craft jobs, such as those of plumber,

barber, carpenter … etc.

Selecting TD Methods

Vestibule Training

Training that takes place away from the production area on

equipment that closely resembles the actual equipment used

on the job.

Selecting TD Methods


Training approach utilizes devices or programs replicating

tasks away from the job site.


The devices range from simple paper mock-ups of

mechanical devices to computerized simulations of total


Selecting TD Methods


Training and development specialists may use simulated

sales counters, automobiles, and airplanes.

Selecting TD Methods

Business games

Simulations, computer-based or non-computer-based that

attempt to duplicate selected factors in a particular business

situation, which the participants manipulate.

Selecting TD Methods

Basket training

A simulation in which the participant is asked to establish

priorities for and then handle a number of business papers

such as memoranda, reports, and telephone messages that

would typically cross a manager's desk.

Selecting TD Methods

Distance learning and videoconferencing

A great deal of training takes place using this technology,

offering the prospect of increasing the number of trainees

and at the same time saving companies money.


Distance learning, videoconferencing, and similar technology

can increase access to training consistency of instruction, and

reduce the cost of delivering T&D programs.

Selecting TD Methods

Computer-bases training

A teaching method that takes advantage of the speed,

memory, and data manipulation capabilities of the computer

for greater flexibility of instruction.

Selecting TD Methods

E-learning (Web-based Training)

It is an umbrella term describing online instruction.


The versatility of online instruction has important

implications for T&D since the demand for an educated and

empowered workforce is critical in the new economy.


E-learning (Web-based training) is available anytime,

anywhere in the world and in different languages.

Selecting TD Methods

On-the-job training

It is an informal approach to training in which an employee

learns job tasks by actually performing them.

Management Development

Learning experiences are provided by an organization for the

purpose of upgrading skills and knowledge required in

current and future managerial positions.

Development Programs



Management Development

• Training that is more specific to needs.

• Lower costs.

• Less time.

• Consistent and relevant material.

In-House Development is in-side the organization by using the internal sources For many reasons:


Management Development

• More control of content and faculty.

• Development of organizational culture and teamwork.

In-House Development is in-side the organization by using the internal sources For many reasons:


Management Development

• An outside perspective.

• New viewpoints.

• Exposure to faculty experts and research.

• Broader vision.

In-House Development is Out-side the organization by using the external sources For many reasons:


Implementing TD Programs

A perfectly conceived training program can fail if

management cannot convince the participants of its


Participants must believe that the program has value and

will help them to achieve their personal and professional


Implementing TD Programs

Implementation of training program difficulties:

It implies change, which employees may strongly


Participant's feedback is vital, as there are often bugs

in new programs.

Implementing TD Programs

Implementation of training program difficulties:

It may be difficult to schedule the training around

present work requirement, unless the employee is new

to the firm.

It is important to maintain training records including

how well employees perform during the training and

on the job. (i.e. Follow up + Cost)

Evaluate TD

We have different approaches to evaluate TD:

Participants' opinions: it is asking the participant's

about their opinions to provide a response and

suggestions for improvements.

Extent of learning:

Administering tests are to determine what the

participants in a T&D program have learned.

Evaluate TD

We have different approaches to evaluate TD:

Behavioral change: tests may accurately indicate what

trainees learn, but they give little insight into whether

the training leads participants to change their behavior.

Accomplishment of T&D objectives: determining the

extent to which programs have achieved stated

objectives and have actually impacted performance.

Career Planning and Development

Career is a general course that a person chooses to pursue

throughout his or her working life. “Usually Change”

Career Planning is an on-going process whereby an individual

sets career goals and identifies the means to achieve them.

Career Planning and Development

Organizational Career Planning is the planned succession of

jobs worked out by a firm to develop its employees.

TEAM: Together Everyone Achieve More

TEAMWhat is the life?
