Preparation of transparent hydrophobic polymeric...

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Preparation of transparent hydrophobic polymeric films spray-deposited onsubstratesF. N. Viechineskia, E. T. Kubaski b, S. Schmidtc, T. Sequinel d, J. A. Varelac† and S. M. Tebcherania

aFederal University of Technology – Paraná, Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil; bState University of Ponta Grossa, Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil; cUNESP –Institute of Chemistry, Araraquara, SP, Brazil; dFederal University of Grande Dourados, Dourados, MS, Brazil

ABSTRACTThis paper describes the production of transparent hydrophobic polymeric filmsmade of poly(vinylchloride) and paraffin wax. A liquid polymeric solution was prepared and spray-deposited on silicaglass and nonwoven fabric surfaces. The contact angle between water droplets and glass substratewas 102° while that between droplets and nonwoven fabric was 120°. The films exhibitedhydrophobic behaviour regardless of the droplet size. Field emission gun scanning electronmicroscopy revealed complete adhesion of the film on the substrate and a film thickness of0.16 µm. The atomic force microscopy micrographs showed a nanoscale rough film surface,which was responsible for air entrapment, preventing water from penetrating the film. This factexplains the high contact angle obtained. The raw materials also contributed to the film’shydrophobicity because of their non-polarity, which prevents miscibility between water dropletsand film.

ARTICLE HISTORYReceived 7 April 2016Accepted 1 July 2016

KEYWORDSHydrophobicity; polymericfilm; contact angle; lotuseffect; non-polar film; waterrepellency; glass substrate;transparent film


The so-called lotus effect refers to the self-cleaningproperties of highly water-repellent surfaces, such asthe leaves of the lotus flower, which renders themhydrophobic. The angle between liquid and surface isgreater than 90°, and surfaces with this characteristicare called hydrophobic. These surfaces are of scientificand technological interest because of their anti-sticking,anti-contamination and self-cleaning properties [1].

Studies of hydrophobicity must necessarily considerthe property of wettability, i.e. the tendency of water tospread over the solid surface of a given material [2].The contact angle (θ) between a liquid droplet and asolid surface is a quantitative measure of the wettabilityof this surface by a liquid. Therefore, the contact angleis a direct measurement of the interaction between

liquid, solid and gas phases, including the surface ten-sion between these phases that occurs when a liquiddroplet comes into contact with a solid surface. Contactangles lower than 10° indicate a hydrophilic regime, i.e.the solid surface has a tendency to be wetted by waterspreading over its surface. The higher the contact anglethe lower the interaction of water with the surface. Asurface is considered hydrophobic when contact anglesare higher than 90°, and it is considered superhydro-phobic when the contact angels are higher than 150°,which means that a water droplet remains virtuallyspherical on it [3–5].

Several researches have focused on reproducinghydrophobic surfaces found in nature, such as lotusleaves, in order to develop functional properties; thisstudy is called biomimetic. Microscopic analysis of

© 2016 Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining Published by Taylor & Francis on behalf of the Institute

CONTACT T. Sequinel†Deceased.

SURFACE ENGINEERING, 2018VOL. 34, NO. 2, 121–127

hydrophobic plants has revealed structures of differentmorphologies, which nevertheless share a commonproperty, i.e. their surfaces are covered with microcav-ities that entrap air and thus prevent water dropletsfrom infiltrating the surface [6].

According to the Cassie–Baxter model [7], a surfacewith microcavities is not completely wetted by a liquidbecause of the presence of air within the cavities [7–10]. This model can be used to explain the hydrophobicbehaviour of surfaces. As a matter of fact, the liquidinterface separates into two phases, a liquid/solid inter-face, and a liquid/vapour interface, and each phasecontributes with a different contact angle. When a dro-plet evidence the behaviour of the Cassie–Baxter state,the low contact area between the droplet and the solidsurface allows the droplet to roll-off easily [7,10,11].

Several studies on hydrophobic surfaces have beenconducted and published in the last decade; see, forexample [12–27]. The results of these studies revealedcontact angles between the liquid droplet and solid sur-face ranging from 107° to 168° and indicated variationsin the roll-off angle of the droplet according to the sub-strate upon which the hydrophobic film was deposited.However, despite the numerous applications of hydro-phobic surfaces, their preparation methods are stillcomplex, requiring the use of special equipment andlong preparation and drying times [16,20–23,26,28].Therefore, more research is needed in this field.

The various research papers in this field describeseveral applications for hydrophobic surfaces: surfaceprotection against weather conditions such as precipi-tation and condensation of water [18,20]; water or oil-proof surfaces for devices and utensils [15,28–31]; andimpermeable or self-cleaning surfaces of fabrics thatcan prevent the growth of fungi and bacteria[12,16,17,25]. Hydrophobic films protect metallic sur-faces by preventing them from coming into contactwith water, thus decreasing corrosion and also improv-ing the lubrication of systems, reducing the wear ofmetallic components [14,19,21,23,26,32].

Hydrophobic films applied on glass surfaces are alsoreported in the literature. For example, Hozumi et al[28]. described a hydrophobic film based on fluoroalk-ylsilane and prepared by radio-frequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition. This film wasdeposited on glass, polished silicon wafers and polycar-bonate substrates, and the authors obtained contactangles of about 107°. Jindasuwan et al., [18] who coatedglass substrates by means of layer-by-layer depositionof a polyelectrolyte, followed by the deposition of silicaand a semifluorinated silane, reported contact anglesranging from 132° to 154°.

Several different materials have been used as hydro-phobic systems, including compounds containing flu-orine [28], polytetrafluoroethylene [12], silanes [14–17,20,26,33], poly(ethylene terephthalate) [17], poly-propylene/methyl-silicone [13], silver [20,21],

hydrofluoric acid [22], and nanoparticle silica [25].However, the methods for applying hydrophobic sys-tems are non-standardised, laborious, and in mostcases require complex equipment.

This paper proposes the development of a transpar-ent hydrophobic polymeric film using poly(vinyl chlor-ide) (PVC) and paraffin, which is inexpensive, easy toapply and dries rapidly. The hydrophobic film in liquidform is spray-deposited uniformly on the substrate,whereupon it solidifies on the surface by a physicalprocess of solvent evaporation. The substrates used inthis study for film deposition were silica glasses andnonwoven fabric. The proposed method of applicationrequires no complex equipment and is easy to perform.PVC was chosen because of its chemical resistance,including resistance to attack by fatty substances, itsmechanical strength and abrasion resistance, waterrepellency, film-forming ability and transparency,which hardly change the appearance of the surfaceon which it is applied. Moreover, PVC is nontoxic,inert, easily formed and of low density, thus promotingno significant weight changes [34]. Paraffin is a highlynonpolar compound commonly used in applicationsthat require water repellency. Paraffin also possesseshigh brightness, low odour, low reactivity, and hasemulsifying, lubricating and adhesive properties.Given these characteristics, paraffin is suitable forhydrophobic compositions [35].

Material and methods

Production of the hydrophobic film

The following raw materials were used: PVC (69.4%purity) supplied by Vulcan; granulated paraffin wax(98% purity) supplied by AMC do Brasil; and nitroben-zene (99.5% purity) supplied by Synth. Reactants wereused in the as-received state.

The hydrophobic film was produced by dissolving1.50 g of PVC in 66 mL of nitrobenzene at a tempera-ture of 170°C under stirring at 500 rpm. After the PVCwas completely solubilised, 21 g of paraffin were addedto this solution, which was stirred continuously untilthe paraffin dissolved. The composition used hereshowed higher contact angle among several other com-positions prepared at preliminary tests. The resultingliquid product was sprayed uniformly on the glassand nonwoven fabric surfaces, using a fine mist spraywith a standoff distance between substrate and spraynozzle of 15 cm. The solvent evaporated after 3 minat heating plate (IKA C-MAGHS 7), resulting in a soli-dified hydrophobic film.

Measurement of the contact angle

Images of the water droplets on the surfaces of silica glassand nonwoven fabric were recorded using a digital


camera. The contact angles were measured using CoolingTech software, which adjusts the droplet profile andmeasures the contact angle between the droplet andsolid surface.

Morphological characterisation of thehydrophobic film

The morphology and thickness of the hydrophobicfilms on glass surfaces were characterised by meansof field emission gun scanning electron microscopy(FEG-SEM, JEOL 7500). The topography of the filmsurface was measured by atomic force microscopy(AFM – Bruker NanoScope V). Three-dimensionroughness profile of film surface was measured in con-tact mode. The size of the three-dimension scan was10 μm× 10 μm, and the root means square (RMS) par-ameter was used.

Cross-cut tape test

Cross-cut tape tests based on ASTM Standard D3359-09 [36] were conducted to assess the adhesion of thehydrophobic film to the glass substrate. The hydro-phobic film was applied on glass substrates and, afterthe proper solidification of the hydrophobic, it wascoated with a thin layer of white paint to allow inspect-ing the grid area of the test.


Contact angle

The glass surface without the hydrophobic film showedno water repellency. In contrast, in Figure 1, note thatthe water droplet is spread over the surface, resulting ina very low contact angle between the solid and liquid.In addition, when the coated glass surface is tilted,the droplet is trapped and does not roll-off.

After the hydrophobic film was deposited on theglass surface, the water droplets did not spread overit (Figure 2(a)). The measured contact angle betweendroplet and glass surface was 102° (Figure 2(b)).

When the hydrophobic film was applied on nonwo-ven fabric, its water-repellent effect was even greater

(Figure 3). The measured contact angle betweenwater droplets and the fabric was about 120° (Figure 3).

The droplet angle in glass surfaces and nonwovensubstrates were about 102° and 120°, respectively,which characterises the film produced here as hydro-phobic and, in comparison to other hydrophobicfilms applied on glass surfaces [18,20,25,28]. Also,these hydrophobic films were transparent in bothglass and nonwoven surfaces, without changingtheir appearance. In addition, the method for prepar-ing and applying the film, which involves only heat-ing, stirring and spraying, makes its use very easyand practical. These are the advantages that differen-tiate the hydrophobic film presented here.

The contact angle on the nonwoven fabric washigher than on glass because this fabric is made of non-oriented fibres that are bonded together, facilitating theformation of a hydrophobic film with a rough surface.This leads to a higher contact angle between the liquidand a solid surface.

Regardless of the size of the droplet, the hydro-phobic film was efficient in maintaining a high contact

Figure 1. Water droplet on glass surface without hydrophobicfilm.

Figure 2. Water droplet on glass surface with hydrophobicfilm; (a) water droplet on glass surface with hydrophobicfilm; and (b) contact angle between water droplet and hydro-phobic film.


angle (Figure 4), i.e. the surface continued showing ahydrophobic behaviour.

Water droplets sprinkled on nonwoven fabric notcoated with the film were completely absorbed by thefabric, so no pictures of droplets could be taken. Inaddition to rendering the fabric water-repellent, thefilm also renders it dirt-repellent.

Morphological characterisation of thehydrophobic film

Figure 5 illustrates the surface morphology and thecross-section of the hydrophobic film applied on aglass substrate. Figure 5(a) depicts a continuous filmthat ensures the hydrophobic properties are distributeduniformly on the substrate. Figure 5 also shows somecracks in the film; however, they do not seem to inter-fere in the roll-off of droplets from the film surface. Itmay be possible to reduce or eliminate these flaws bycontrolling the amount of solvent used in the PVC sol-ution. Figure 5(b) shows the film’s thickness and itsinteraction with the glass surface. As can be seen, thisthin film (around 0.16 µm) is distributed evenly overthe entire surface of the glass. This image suggeststhat the good adhesion of the film on the substrate pro-longs its hydrophobic properties and its protection ofthe substrate.

Figure 6(a) shows the smooth surface of the glasssubstrate with an RMS roughness of about 2.8 nm. Incontrast, the AFM shows a rougher surface for the

Figure 3. Water droplet on nonwoven fabric surface coated with hydrophobic film, and contact angle between water droplets andfabric surface coated with hydrophobic film. Inset: original photo without contact angle marks.

Figure 4. Water droplets of different sizes on glass surfacecoated with hydrophobic film.

Figure 5. FEG-SEM micrographs of hydrophobic film deposited on a glass surface; (a) film surface morphology; and (b) film thick-ness obtained by the cross-section of the film on glass surface.


hydrophobic film (Figure 6(b)), with an RMS rough-ness of about 11.6 nm.

The presence of the hydrophobic film results in asurface structure four times rougher than that of theoriginal glass surface. This fact, in addition to thenon-polarity of the film, explains the great hydro-phobic behaviour of the transparent film produced inthis research. The film’s water-repellent behaviourcould be explained due to two factors, the nonpolarsubstances used in its preparation and the roughnessof the film surface. In this paper, the film depositedon the glass surface is nonpolar, resulting in no inter-action with the polar molecules of water droplets, lead-ing to the hydrophobicity of the film. In addition, thesurface roughness entraps air preventing the pen-etration of water droplets [37]. Thus, the area of con-tact between the droplet and the solid surface isreduced, enabling water droplets to roll-off easilyfrom the surface [10,11].

Cross-cut tape test

The adhesion test results, obtained from cross-cut tapetests, indicated a classification 0B, which means flakingand detachment worse than Grade 1 with a percentarea removed greater than 65% (Figure 7) [36].

Although this classification indicates a low adhesionof the hydrophobic film to glass substrates, thisadhesion is adequate to the film purpose.


A transparent hydrophobic polymeric film based onPVC was produced. This film presented water repel-lency on both silica glass and nonwoven fabric sub-strates. The measured contact angles between waterdroplets and the glass and nonwoven fabric surfaceswere 102° and 120°, respectively. In addition, the filmis easy to apply and produce using inexpensive rawmaterials.

The morphological analysis by FEG-SEM and AFMof the films deposited on glass indicated the presence ofnanoscale rough areas on the film surface, which wereresponsible for its hydrophobicity. This roughnessentraps air and prevents water from penetrating thefilm’s structure. In addition, the nonpolar nature ofthe film renders it immiscible with polar solvents(e.g. water). The FEG-SEM micrograph of the cross-section of the hydrophobic film showed a thicknessof about 0.16 µm and good adhesion of film on theentire surface of the substrate.

Figure 6. Surface and roughness images obtained by AFM; (a) surface roughness of the glass substrate without hydrophobic film;and (b) roughness of the glass surface with hydrophobic film.

Figure 7. Adhesion test result for the hydrophobic film applied on glass substrate.



The authors acknowledge the National Council of Techno-logical and Scientific Development (CNPq), grants 310201/2012-8 and 305970/2015-1, and Coordination for theImprovement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES).


E. T. Kubaski Sequinel


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