Pregnancy to infancy by Sonam Sharma

Post on 25-Jul-2016

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A lack of knowledge and information relating to family planning in India results in more children being born by ‘accident’ rather than planning. In most cases the mothers are of young age and not well trained to handle their own pregnancy or the new born child. This leads to the unfortunate situation where the mother and child both are malnourished and underweight, frequently falling ill due to lack of medication or vaccination and a shockingly large number of mothers and children do not survive child birth and an even larger number of children die before they turn five years old. With an aim to help spread education relating to child birth and pregnancy, this book was conceived by Sonam Sharma. She decided to publish this book after becoming a mother herself hopes that this will play a positive role in educating would be mothers about themselves, their bodies and their new bundle of joy. This book is supported by Mahavir International as part of its initiative to educate woman

Transcript of Pregnancy to infancy by Sonam Sharma

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