Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Jun Ma Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology The First Hospital of Xi’an...

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Transcript of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension Jun Ma Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology The First Hospital of Xi’an...

Pregnancy Induced Hypertension

Jun Ma

Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynecology

The First Hospital of Xi’an Jiaotong Univ


Incidence: China: 9.4%, worldwide: 7-12% The most common and yet serious conditions seen

in obstetrics cause substantial morbidity and mortality in the

mother and fetus Death due to cerebral hemorrhage, aspiration

pneumonia, hypoxic encephalophathy, thromboembolism, hepatic rupture, renal failure

Hypertension in pregnancy

Definition Diastolic BP ≥90 mmHg Systolic BP ≥140 mmHg Or as an increase in the diastolic BP of ≥ 15

mmHg or in the systolic blood pressure of 30 mmHg, as compared to previous pressure

The increased blood pressures be present on at least two separate occasions, > 6h apart


• Pregnancy-induced hypertension




Eclampsia• Chronic hypertension preceding pregnancy• Chronic hypertension with superimposed PIH

Superimposed preeclampsia

Superimposed eclampsia• Gestational hypertension

Classification of Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy (ACOG)

Classification (1)1. Pregnancy-induced hypertension:

Hypertension associated with proteinuria and edema, occurring primarily in nulliparas after the 20th week or near term.


【 mild 】 BP ≥ 140/90mmHg Onset after 20 weeks’ gestation Proteinuria (>300mg/24-hr urine collection) or + Epigastric discomfort Thrombocytopenia

Classification (2)

【 severe 】 BP ≥ 160/110 mmHg Marked proteinuria (>1-2 g/24-hr urine collection or 2+

or more), oliguria Cerabral or visual disturbances such as headache and

scotomata Pulmonary edema or cyanosis Epigastric or right upper quadrant pain (probably

caused by subcapsular hepatic hemorrhage) Evidence of hepatic dysfunction, or thrombocytopenia

Classification (3)


Meets the criteria of preeclampsia

Presence of convulsions, not attributable

to other neurological disease,

Occurrence: 0.5 -4 %, with 25%

occurring in the 1st 72 hs postpartum

Classification (4)

2. Chronic hypertension proceeding pregnancy (essential or secondary to renal disease, endocrine disease, or other causes)

BP ≥ 140/90 mmHg

Presents before 20 wk gestation

Persists beyond 12 wk postpartum

Classification (5)

3. Chronic hypertension with superimposed preeclampsia or eclamptia

Coexistence of preeclampsia or eclampsia with preexisting chronic hypertension

Cause greatest risk When diagnosis is obscure, it is always wise to

assume that the findings represent preeclampsia and treat accordingly.

Classification (6)

4. Gestational hypertension: not mentioned in

the ACOG

Finding of hypertension in late pregnancy in the

absence of other findings suggestive or


Transient hypertension of pregnancy

May develop into chronic hypertension if

elevated BP persists beyond 12 weeks


High risk factors

Nulliparous <18ys or >40 ys, multiple pregnancy Has previous gestational hypertensive

disorders Chronic nephritis Diabetic Malnutrition Low social status Hydatidiform mole

Etiology: UNCLEAR Immune mechanism (rejection phenomenon,

insufficient blocking Ab) Injury of vascular endothelium----disruption of the

equilibrium between vasoconstriction and vasodilatation, imbalance between PGI and TXA

Compromised placenta profusion Genetic factor Dietary factors: nutrition deficiency Insulin resistance Increase CNS irritability


Central nervous system

Raised BP disrupt autoregulation

Increased permeability due to vasospasm---thrombosis of arterioles, microinfarcts, and petechial hemorrhage

Cerebral edema: increased intracranial pressure

CT scan (1/3-1/2 positive): focal hypodensity

Cerebral angiography: diffuse arterial vasoconstriction

EEG: nonspecific abnormality (75% in eclamptic patient)


Serous retinal detachment Cortical blindness

Pulmonary system

Pulmonary edema Cardiogenic or noncardiogenic Excessive fluid retention, decreased hepatic

synthesis of albumin, decreased plasma colloid oncotic pressure,

Often occurs postpartum Aspiration of gastric contents: the most

dreaded complications of eclamptic seizures


Characteristic lesion of preeclampsia: glomeruloendotheliosis

Swelling of the glomerular capillary endothelium

Decreased GFR Fibrin split products deposit on basement

membrane Proteinuria Increase of plasma uric acid, creatinine,


The spectrum of liver disease in preeclampsia is broad

Subclinical involvement

Rupture of the liver or hepatic infarction

HELLP syndrome: hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes and low platelets

Cardiovascular system

Generalized vasoconstriction, low-output, high-resistance state

Untreated preeclamptic women are significantly volume-depleted

Capillary leak Cardiac ischemia, hemorrhage, infarction,

heart failure Increased sensitivity to vasoconstrictor effects

of angiotensin

Blood (1)

Volume: reduced plasma volume Normal physiologic volume expansion

does not occur Generalized vasoconstriction and capillary

leak Hematocrit

Blood (2): coagulation Isolated thrombocytopenia: <150,000/ml Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia DIC (5%) HELLP syndrome: in severe preeclampsia

1. schistocytes on the peripheral blood smear

2. lactic dehydrogenase > 600 u/L

3. total bilirubin > 1.2 mg/dl

4. aspartate aminotransferase >70 U/L

5. platelet count <100,000/mm3

Misdiagnosis: hepatitis, gallbladder disease, ITP

Endocrine system

Vascular sensitivity to catecholamines and other endogenous vasopressors such as antidiuretic hormone and angiotensin II is increased in preeclampsia

Disequilibrium of prostacyclin/ thromboxane A2

Placenta perfusion

500 mm vs 200 mm Acute atherosis of spiral arteries: fibrinoid

necrosis of the arterial wall, the presence of lipid and lipophages and a mononuclear cell infiltrate around the damaged vessel----vessel obliteration---- placental infarction

Fetus is subjected to poor intervillous blood flow

IUGR or stillbirth

Clinical findings (1)Symptoms and signs

1. Hypertension

Diastolic pressure ≥ 90 mmHg or

Systolic pressure ≥ 140 mmHg or

Increase of 30/15 mmHg

2. Proteinuria >300 mg/24-hr urine collection or + or more on dipstick of a random urine

Clinical findings (2)

3. Edema Weight gain: 1-2 lb/wk or 5 lb/wk is

considered worrisome Degree of edema Preeclampsia may occur in women with

no edema Most recent reports omit it from the


Clinical findings (3)

4. Differing clinical picture in preeclampsia-eclampsia crises: patient may present with

Eclamptic seizures Liver dysfunction and IUGR Pulmonary edema Abruptio placenta Renal failure Ascites and anasarca

Clinical findings (4)

Laboratory findings (1)

Blood test: elevated Hb or Hct, in severe cases, anemia secondary to hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, FDP increase, decreased coagulation factors

Urine analysis: proteinuria and hyaline cast, specific gravity > 1.020

Liver function: ALT and AST increase, alkaline phosphatase increase, LDH increase, serum albumin

Renal function: uric acid: 6 mg/dl, serum creatinine may be elevated

Clinical findings (5)

Laboratory findings (2)

Retinal check:

Other tests: ECG, placenta function, fetal maturity, cerebral angiography, etc

Differential diagnosis

Pregnancy complicated with chronic nephritis

Eclampsia should be distinguished from epilepsy, encephalitis, brain tumor, anomalies and rupture of cerebral vessel, hypoglycemia shock, diabetic hyperosmatic coma


Preterm delivery Fetal risks: acute and chronic

uteroplacental insufficiency Intrapartum fetal distress or stillbirth IUGR Oligohydramnios

Predictive evaluation (1)

1. Mean arterial pressure, MAP= (sys. Bp + 2 x Dia. Bp) /3

MAP> 85 mmHg: suggestive of eclampsia

MAP > 140 mmHg: high likelihood of seizure and maternal mortality and morbidity

Predictive evaluation (2)

2. Roll over test: ROT Preeclamptic patients are more

sensitive to angiotensin II Difference between Bp obtained at

left recumbent position and supine position (at a 5 min interval)

Positive: > 20 mmHg

3. Urine calcium/ creatinine < 0.04


Calcium supplementation: not effective in low risk women bur show effect in high risk group

Aspirin (antithrombotic): uncertain Good prenatal care and regular visits Baseline test for high-risk women Eclampsia cannot always be prevented, it

may occur suddenly and without warning.


A. Mild preeclampsia: bed rest & delivery Hospitalization or home regimen Bed rest (position and why) and daily weighing Daily urine dipstick measurements of proteinuria Blood pressure monitoring Fetal heart rate testing Periodic 24-h urine collection Ultrasound Liver function, renal function, coagulation

A. Mild preeclampsia: bed rest & delivery

Observe for danger signals: severe headache, epigastric pain, visual disturbances

Sedatives: debatable

B. Severe preeclampsia:

Prevention of convulsion: magnesium sulfate or diazepam and phenytoin

Control of maternal blood pressure: antihypertensive therapy

Initiation of delivery: the definitive mode of therapy if severe preeclampsia develops at or > 36 wk or if there is evidence of fetal lung maturity or fetal jeopardy.

Magnesium sulfate

1. Decreases the amount of acetylcholine released at the neuromuscular junction

2. Blocks calcium entry into neurons

3. Vasodilates the smaller-diameter intracranial vessels

Magnesium sulfate

1. Prevent convulsion

2. Virtually ineffective on blood pressure

3. i.v. or i.m. 5g loading dose 5-10 min, i.v. 1-2g/hr constant infusion Total dose: 20-30 g/d

Toxicity: Diminished or loss of patellar reflex Diminished respiration Muscle paralysis Blurred speech Cardiac arrest

How to prevent toxicity? Frequent evaluation of patellar reflex and

respirations Maintenance of urine output at >25 ml/hr

or 600 ml/d Reversal of toxicity:

1. Slow i.v . 10% calcium gloconate

2. Oxygen supplementation

3. Cardiorespiratory support

Antihypertensive therapy: reduce the Dia. pressure to 90-110 mmHg

Indication Bp> 160/110 mmHg Dia. Bp > 110 mmHg MAP > 140 mmHg Chronic hypertension with previous

antihypertensive drugs usage

Antihypertensive therapy

Medications: Hydrolazine: initial choice Labetolol Nifedipine Nimoldipine Methyldoe Sodium nitroprusside

Medication Mechanism of action


hydralazineDirect peripheral vasodilation

CO, RBF maternal flushing, headache, tachycardia

labetalol, -a b adrenergic


CO, RBF maternal flushing,headache, neonatal depressed respirations

nifedipineCalcium channel blocker

CO, RBF maternal orthostatic hypotensionHeadache, no neonatal effects

methyldopaDirect peripheral arteriolar vasodilation

CO, RBF maternal flushing,headache, tachycardia

sodium nitroprusside Direct peripheral vasodilation

Metabolite (cyanide) toxic to fetus

Plasma expander Diuretics


Indication of termination of pregnancy

1. Preeclampsia close to term

2. <34 wk with decreased placental function

3. 2 hs after control of seizure


Induction of labor

1. First stage: close monitor, rest and sedation

2. Second stage: shorten as much as possible

3. Third stage: postpartum hemorrhage Cesarean section

1. Induction of labor unsuccessful

2. Induction of labor not possible

3. Maternal or fetal status is worsening


No aura preceding seizure Multiple tonic-clonic seizures Unconsciousness Hyperventilation after seizure Tongue biting, broken bones, head

trauma and aspiration, pulmonary edema and retinal detachment


Control of seizure Control of hypertension Delivery Proper nursing care