
Post on 04-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Preface


The DANCE workshop has been organized with the aim to promote an active scientific interchange between the physicists working at the new DA~NE (LNF) and CEBAF (TJNAF) facilities. The program has been organized in the following 7 sections:

- opening session - baryon spectroscopy - meson spectroscopy - chiral Lagrangians - parity and PC violating experiments - hypernuclear physics - hadronic form factors

plus a conclusive panel and addresses the topics of interest for both communities in the investigation of hadron dynamics with electron magnetic probes.

Distinguished speakers from nuclear and particle physics have given excellent" re- views of the most significant present results in this field, and presentations of scientific programs in the two laboratories, pointing out the most promising topics and the key experiments.

Primary interest has shown the experiments designed to test fundamental laws like the observation of CP violation in kaon decays (DAqbNE) and of P violation through interference of weak and electromagnetic interaction in nucleon and nuclei (CEBAF). Particular emphasis has been given in many talks and following discussions to the programs that will take advantage of the availibility of a common probe, the virtual proton, in different physical momentum transfer regions: space like in electron scattering, time like in e+e - collisions. Among them the measurement of the electromagnetic form factor of mesons, the spectroscopy of higher nuclei, the search for glueballs and mixed (glue-quark) configurations and the investigation of various meson pole diagrams related to pion polarizability and chiral anomalies. Also the presentation and discussion of programs on baryon and meson spectroscopy, more typical of each separate facility, have shown general aspects and contributions that appear as complementary in a complete description of hadron structure in the framework of developing non pertubative QCD theories and lattice gauge calculations.

The main conclusions of the Workshop can be found in the exhaustive report of the

xii Preface~Nuclear Physics A 623 (1997) xi-xii

conclusive panel. We are very grateful to INFN and DOE that have sponsored this meeting, to the

President of INFN, and to the Directors of Frascati National Laboratories and Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility for their support and encouragement. We express our deep appreciation to the Organizing Committee and the International Advisory Committee for the major role played in the selection and organization of the program. We have very much appreciated the quality of the invited talks and the conclusive discussions stimulated by the panelists. We also thank the participants who by lively discussions created a high-spirited scientific atmosphere.

We are also indebted to many people for their assistance in making this workshop possible. We would like to give special thanks to the secretaries Mrs. L. Opisso (Gen- ova) and D. Pierluigi (Frascati) who have made a considerable effort to meet all the requirements of the organizers and participants before and during the Workshop. We also gratefully acknowledge the enthusiastic help of Mrs. A. Mantella (Frascati) during the running phases. Finally our gratitude to Mrs. D. Pierluigi for her competence and enthusiastic work on the editing and typing of parts of the present report.

Rinaldo Baldini, Enzo De Sanctis, Giulia Pancheri and Giovanni Ricco