Pre dynastic egypt -abridged

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Pre dynastic egypt -abridged

Stages of Development

Badarian Culture

•Ca. 5,500 – 3,800 BC

Naqada I

• (Amratian)

•3,800 – 3,500 BC

Naqada II

• (Gerzean)

•3,500 – 3,200 BC

Naqada III

• (Proto-Dynastic)

•3,200 – 2,950 BC

Early Dynastic

•2,950 – 2,575 BC

Old Kingdom

•2,575 – 2,150 BC

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Naqada I (Amratian Culture)

Red pottery with shiny black

tops or geometric designs

Burials for commoners

much the same as Badarian

era – grave goods include

Pottery, jewelry, slate

palettes (for preparing eye

makeup) food, weapons

Female fertility figurines

and bearded male figures

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Naqada III (Proto Dynastic) King Narmer (Menes)

Dynasty 1

Ca. 3,100 BC

Sometimes referred to

as King Catfish

Credited with unifying

Upper & Lower Egypt

But Egypt was

unified slowly over

generations of

kings … he just put

the last piece in

place Narmer Palette

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Early Dynastic Khasekhemwy

2nd Dynasty

Ca. 2,686 BC

Last Pharaoh buried in Abydos

Huge tomb

Largest mud-brick structure in

the world (230’ long X 56’ wide)

Divided into 58 rooms + Temple

Intentional mummification

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Old Kingdom The Pharaoh

Personification of Horus, son of Osiris

Also identified with Osiris, god of the dead

Duties include: Mediating between gods & people

Guaranteeing change of seasons

Guaranteeing annual floods

Guaranteeing safety from natural disasters and enemies

Joins the gods after death

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Mythology of Isis Sister/wife of Osiris; Mother of


Greatest goddess of Egypt

throughout its long history

Osiris Myth:

Osiris murdered by brother Set who

tore the body into

14 pieces and scattered the parts

Isis searched for and found the

pieces; through magic she

reanimated Osiris in order to

conceive Horus

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Jebel Tjauti

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