PRAYING THROUGH THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2015instance, the Hajj Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca officially...

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PRAYING THROUGH THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2015 Happy New Civil Year! The month of September is a crucial and significant month for various reasons, for many people in many cultures. The word "September" is derived from the Latin word ‘Septem’ meaning seven (7). It is the seventh (7TH) month following the Biblical sacred calendar. However it is the ninth (9th) month of the Gregorian calendar. This is the first (1st) month of the Biblical civil calendar year called Tishri (Ethanim). It’s a major epoch making gate of seasons. The year 5776 is special in that it is the 50th year after the Shmitah, a Year of Jubilee commencing September 14th 2015 to October 2nd 2016.. It will be the 70th Jubilee Year since Joshua led Israel into the Promised Land. It will also be the 70th UN General Assembly – a very key gathering for the Babylonian system in a significant year. The heavens will be very busy during this season. During this month there are a number of events that take place; The autumnal equinox will occur on 23 September 2015 when the sun will be directly over the equator crossing southward and creating the phenomena of “equal nights”. It also marks an exit from the summer season and entry into the gate of new seasons – the fall/autumn in the northern hemisphere and the entry from winter to spring in the southern hemisphere. There will be a partial solar eclipse on 13 September. The fourth and final bloodmoon in the Tetrad which commenced last Passover 2014 will occur during the Feast of Tabernacles on 28th September. It will also be a supermoon. This is a month of festivals or feasts of YHVH. There are 7 feasts in the Old Testament calendar (Lev 23). The second lot of feasts occur in the fall (autumn) during the month of Tishri. This is a season of many ritual festivals. The Israelites made offerings to YHVH every month in praise, and worship and normal burnt offerings. The 7th month marked the beginning of a new cycle of life. Therefore they blew the silver trumpets to mark this new beginning during Feast of Trumpets [Rosh H’shanah]. It also marks the beginning of the Biblical new civil year calendar. In addition, the people rejoiced in YHVH’s blessing throughout the past year, and asked for His blessing for the New Year. The 10th day of this month marks The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). On that day, a solemn assembly is held and burnt offerings are presented to YHVH (Lev 23:27-32). Repentance is made for sins and transgressions committed in the year past, and His forgiveness asked. On the 15th day of this month the 7-day feast of Tabernacles [Sukk’ot, Booths, ingathering) (Neh 8:14; Exo 34:22) commences. In The Biblical CIVIL Calendar 5776 Rosh haShanah is: Monday, 1 Tishri 5776 Yom Kippur is: Wednesday, 10 Tishri 5776 Sukk’ot is: Monday, 15 Tishri 5776 Sukk'ot ends: Sunday, 21 Tishri 5776 Shemini Atzeret is: Monday, 22 Tishri 5776 Simchat Torah is: Tuesday, 23 Tishri 5776

In the GREGORIAN Calendar: SUNDOWN... Feast of Trumpets : Monday, Sep. 14, 2015 Day Of Atonement: Wednesday, Sep. 23, 2015 Tabernacles begins: Monday, Sept 28 2015 Tabernacles Ends: Sunday, Oct 4, 2015 The 8th Day Begins: Monday, Oct. 5, 2015 Annual Torah Reading Cycle Ends: Tue Oct. 6, 2015

In several African tribal communities, September is marked by the celebration of major traditional festivals, strengthening and/or renewal of altars and covenants with their deities. It is marked by offerings and sacrifices to the gods, drumming and dancing, sacred assemblies, resolutions and attempts at development of communities, ceremonies of rites of passage especially circumcision ceremonies in Eastern and Southern Africa. In some of the cultures it is a month of religious processions, music, dancing and theatrical exhibitions. For instance, the Hajj Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca officially set between 20-25 September 2015. The Eid al Adha (Feast of Sacrifice) falls on 23-25 September 2015 while the Umhlanga/Reed Dance Festival in Swaziland began on 27 August to 3 September 2015.


PRAYING THRU THE MONTH • Proclaim Psalm 148 instructing all creation to praise YHVH in this new year season. • The heavens govern times and seasons (Gen 1.14-17). Read Psalm 19:1-6 Command the heavens and every

gate of time in this new month to praise the LORD and give only Him all due glory. • Read Psa 136:7-9; Command the heavens to reject every contrary instruction to do anything that they are not

ordained to do by YHVH. They will do only His bidding i.e. to glorify Him and give Him pleasure, to govern the times and seasons of the days ahead according to His purposes alone.

• Proclaim Job 36:26-37:13, Jer 10.13, and utter the voice of YHVH over this new gate and new season to silence every other contrary voice.

• Proclaim Heb 12.24, Col 2.14-15; Utter the voice of the blood of Yeshua over the heavens and every gate of this new season. Blot out with the blood of Yeshua, the record of every other contrary voice to the purposes of YHVH from the heavens, and from every gate of this new season.

• Read Heb 1.14, Psa 34.7, 91.11, 103.20, Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you to interact with and utilize the angelic forces that are at your disposal for we are in a season of extremely high spiritual activity.

• Psa 24.9-10, Psa 118.19-20, Isa 35.8 As you close the gates of 5775, by these scriptural proclamations, open the new Jubilee gates of 5776.

• Read Rev 3.8 This new gate is an open door of opportunity to all who will take it. What new beginnings do you desire to have? Is it in a relationship? Is it in the workspace? Is it in ministry? Is it in your health status? Is it in change of direction in one area or another? This is a new opportunity of open doors. This is a new season. Thank the LORD that He is the One who Opens doors that no man can shut

• Read Isa 42.9, 43.19, 48.6 There is grace for a new beginning. Take hold of this doorway and pray into that area you seek new beginnings. Ask for YHVH’s strategy on how to move forward and the Holy Spirit’s guidance as you turn over a new leaf in that area(s).

It is by a prophetic arm that YHVH ushers people out of an old season into a new one. Melkizedek ushered Abram from the old season into a new season of everlasting covenant with the LORD Gen 14:18-20; Gen 15. It was Joseph who ushered embryonic Israel from Canaan into Goshen where they grew into a mighty nation. It was Moses who ushered the nation of Hebrew slaves out of Egyptian bondage into a mighty formidable national independence. It was Daniel who ushered Israel in captivity back to their land. It was Yeshua who ushered the whole world out of bondage from sin into eternal life Joh 3.16-17. You are the priest and prophet at the threshold of a new season and new open door. By prophetic declaration, you have the opportunity to move yourself, your family, the Ecclesia and your territory from the old season into the new. Therefore prophetically speak into the womb of the season ahead and prophesy for yourself, family, Ecclesia: • Spiritual growth in areas where you have been immature, Isa 61:3 • Fanning to flame deeper love for the LORD and all of His creation especially the brethren 1 Cor 13 • Fanning to flame the Holy Spirit inspired gifts you desire to see manifest in your life, marriage/family, the

Ecclesia Isa 11:2, 1 Cor 12 • Divine health and financial stability, 3 John 2 • Divine specificity for which area of the Great Commission to fulfil in this season • Divine marriage and family life that will be a model for your society • Productivity and creativity in the work of your hands Prov 31:13-27 • The fulfilment of redemptive purpose for every divinely connected relationship you are to make in this

coming season • Seeing eyes, comprehending mind, obeying heart for every YHVH given project and assignment

Prophesy into every one of the 8 gates1 in your territory what kingdom patterns fo this coming season:

Proclaim Psa 127, 128 and declare moral constitutional definition and values within Families,

1 The 8 gates of Society: They are (1) Family (2) Belief systems (3) Government governance and leadership (4) Economy

(5)Education (6)Science and Technology (7) Media (8) Arts Sport and Culture. These are the areas through which the society is

influenced, shaped and molded to reflect the kingdom of YHVH or the kingdom of darkness. It is a choice that begins in the place

of communion with the deity you serve.


Prophesy Deut 7.6, Psa 28.9, 65.4 over families and declare restoration of the proper GODly patterns for family and for the Holy Spirit to reveal the futility of any other pattern that was not originally set out by YHVH

Proclaim Psa 144:15, Prov 14:34 Exo 19.5, Deut 7.6 declare that your territory will have Biblical belief systems that will align to YHVH as stipulated in Scripture

Prophesy Isa 9.6-7, Dan 7.27; Righteous and just Government, governance and political practices which will boost the development of the nation and raise the moral and living standards of the people

Prophesy Prov 11.11, 28:2, Isa 16.5 declare leaders in government who will pattern these scriptures and fulfil the LORD’s agenda in the territory and allow for a GODly principality over the territory by their righteous and just ways.

Read Prov 24.5, Eccl 7.19, 9:14-18 and prophetically declare wise defence and security leaders who will work strategies that bring peace for the entire territory; they do not just favour few portions of it

Proclaim Eccl 10:16-17, Prov 24.3-4, Prophesy Jubilee presidencies who will build the household that is their nation by divine wisdom, establish their nations by divine understanding and enrich their territories by divine revelation knowledge. Pray this also for the advisors that they keep around them.

Prophesy Psalm 144.7-15, 18.45, Isa 2.5-9 (KJV/NKJV) that there will be a shaking off of strange children who hinder the unction of YHVH from around the presidency in your territory

Prophesy Isa 60-61 over your territory and over Israel. This year 5776 is a unique Jubilee year season.

Usher in and establish the reality of the jubilee season we have entered in, into the presidency and governance of your territory; They will bring virtues of restoration, repentance, rejoicing, returning to inheritance, rebuilding of old waste and broken places and people groups, restitution of that which has been stolen, realignment to destiny and purpose, reaffirmation that YHVH alone is LORD over the nation and the government is merely a steward.

Proclaim Isaiah 33:22, Psa 89:14, Psa 97.2; Declare a redefinition of the foundation of thrones in each area of leadership and in the three arms of government – judiciary, legislature and executive to reflect righteousness, justice and equity.

Read Gen 41:33-43 prophesy economic apostles and prophets who will steer the nation into its YHVH-given direction, lay foundations for and develop socio economic policies which will last for generations

Prophesy Isa 54.13, 29.24 and declare educational prophets who will prepare curricula that will stir up the redemptive gifts of the people in their various groupings and raise effective leaders in every sector of society.

Read Exod 31:1-11, and prophesy gifted people for science and technology who will bring development in key areas like health, construction, infrastructure development, communication, new GODly ideas in agriculture and food production etc.

Read Psalm 45:1, 68:11 prophesy responsible media that will cover the nation and act as a tool to shape a moral society, dissemination of information that builds up and encourages unity in diversity, that monitors and informs the public with balanced and well researched news, that disregards the sensationalism that is rampant in today’s reporting, and does not become a catalyst for violence, sectarian division and tribal/racial/religious hatred.

Proclaim Psa 87.7; Fanning to flame various arts and sports which are unique to the territory, even traditional games which are entertaining, educational, uniting, and which celebrate unity in diversity of the territory and are inspired from YHVH.

Read Rev 5.9-10 and prophesy that there shall be a sanitizing of cultural practices which will reflect and enhance a GODly belief system and a breakdown of unhelpful, divisive and unGODly cultural practices in every tribe, tongue, race and religion.

Is it the month of your birth? You may also make these proclamations over the weekday of your birth on a weekly basis.

Praise YHVH for making you manifest into the human society in this month. Ask Him to push you into your destiny in Him in this season and in your generation.

Read Psa 127; Pray that you will be built up by YHVH. Every endeavour you will undertake shall be only that which YHVH has His hand upon. Pray that you will not waste time building in vain, or working in vain. Pray that you will land on target, you will not miss the purpose for which He has allowed you to live to see another birthday in this season.

Read Neh 8.10 Pray that the joy of YHVH will be your strength on this month of your birth.


Proclaim Psa 13.3, 18.28, 132.17, Remember not to blow out your birthday candles as they signify your life. Your life will not be wasted or harmed needlessly. Rather prophesy that your light will shine, and your path will grow brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.

Prophesy Psa 84.7, Prov 4.18, Isa 26.7, Dan 12.3, Joh 1.16, 2 Cor 3.18 that you will operate after the kingdom pattern of multiplication and replenishment rather than depletion. You will rise and rise; not rise and fall, you will go from grace to grace; not from grace to grass, from glory to glory and you will live and leave a legacy of righteousness and justice. You will fulfil all that YHVH has purposed for you in your family, Ecclesia and territories you are called to impact.

Pray that the day of your birth is a blessed day, your star will rise and shine and chart only YHVH’s course of righteousness for you.

Proclaim Gal 3.13-14 and declare that any ill spoken words or curses that have been spoken into your life whether at conception or birth or through life, which have been a hindrance, you shall judge in this month of your birth for they were blotted out 2000 years ago when Yeshua took every ill spoken word and curse throughout eternity and nailed it to the Cross.

Read Jer 21:12, Job 38:12-13Ask the dayspring to take the earth by its edges and shake out every wickedness planned against every kingdom citizen who is celebrating their birthday this month. Each shall fulfil purpose unhindered. Every challenge they face will only make them stronger this month.

Declare Isa 45.2-3 that in this season YHVH will go ahead of you make a way where there seem to be no way, deliver you from every bondage, even the legal right bondages that the enemy may lay claim to through ancestral wickedness, curses and self-inflicted bondage (Isa 49.24-26). YHVH will release for you treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places, He will make streams flow in the desert for you.

YEAR 5776 JUBILEE YEAR This year 5776 is a special jubilee year for it is the 70th Jubilee since Joshua led Israel into the Promised Land. It is a special season for Israel and the Ecclesia. Jubilee 5776 is an important date in YHVH’s calendar. Several historic events in Israel have occurred during Shmita years and in the years of Jubilee that have followed, and we are expecting great things in this coming season! For example, most recently both the years 1916 and 1965 were the 7th Shmitas, preceding a year of Jubilee. In the 1916/17 Shmita year, followed by the 1917/18 Jubilee year, Jerusalem was liberated from the Ottoman Empire (December 11, 1917). Similarly, during the 1965/66 Shmita year, followed by the 1966/67 Jubilee year, Jerusalem was liberated from Arab control (June 11, 1967). According to historian Josephus, Alexander the Great, the Greek Conqueror came to Jerusalem with intent to destroy the city during a Jubilee year. He was met by the high priest who had been shown in a dream that he was coming. The High priest was instructed by YHVH to put on the full regalia of priesthood together with the Levites. They went outside city gates to meet the delegation of Alexander the Great who had come with great wrath. When they approached Alexander and his armies, they were transfigured, their robes began to glow, the high priest’s ephod began to glow and turban on his forehead written ‘Holiness to the LORD’ began to glow. Alexander and his army fell on his face to worship them. They invited him into the city. He was showed the vision that Daniel had concerning his coming to conquer the Babylonian kingdom and what would happen to his empire as follows:“Now then, I tell you the truth: Three more kings will arise in Persia, and then a fourth, who will be far richer than all the others. When he has gained power by his wealth, he will stir up everyone against the kingdom of Greece. Then a mighty king will arise, who will rule with great power and do as he pleases. After he has arisen, his empire will be broken up and parceled out toward the four winds of heaven. It will not go to his descendants, nor will it have the power he exercised, because his empire will be uprooted and given to others. Dan 11.2-4 Alexander was deeply moved by the prophecy by Daniel that was given about him about 250 years before he was born (Dan 8,11). As a sign of his honor, Alexander favoured Israel that they would not pay tribute to Greece, they would be independent and would be free to worship YHVH from that jubilee year. Israel was never under Greek subjugation because 250 years before, Daniel’s intercession for Israel provoked angelic action that contended


with the Prince of Greece in the Spirit realm (Dan 10.20), and allowed for the installation of a GODly principality over Israel (Dan 12.1a). (ref: Works of Flavius Josephus: Antiquities of the Jews)

Read Lev 25:8-13 This is a season of release. Pray that in this jubilee year Israel will experience a release from any subjugation especially from various demands made by UN with regard to their boundaries and Jerusalem. May Arch Angel Michael continue to brood over the territory in this jubilee year and give protection.

In this season of release pray that in this season the nation will experience liberty from spiritual bondage amongst those who are seeking for spiritual solutions in counterfeit spirituality rather than from YHVH in Yeshua.

This is a season of returning to inheritance. Joshua entered the Promised Land 70 jubilees ago. The number 70 signifies perfect spiritual order carried out with all power. It is a season of returning to inheritance by divine power and authority as was manifest amongst the children of Israel when they returned to the Promised Land. Just as the children of Israel weak and untrained as they were as a stone-age people, were vested with the level of power and authority to annihilate the unGODly iron-age kingdoms of the Promised Land in successful conquest pray for this level of power and authority to manifest over Israel and amongst kingdom citizens as we wade into the turbulent waters of the coming season.

Proclaim Isa 49.8-26 over Israel and the Ecclesia. Prophesy that it is a season of restoration of what was stolen, plundered, in terms of authority, territory, wealth, human and natural resources, even of legal captives;

It is a season of favor; so prophesy Isa 61.1-2; pray that the jubilee favor of YHVH will be manifest upon Israel and upon the Ecclesia as it was in the season of Alexander the Great; where there is danger of being overcome, may unmerited Favor brood over Israel and the Ecclesia.

It is a season of the vengeance of our LORD. Prophesy Isa 60.18 and declare that vengeance will be upon every man of violence against Israel with regard to Iran’s push for nuclear weaponry to annihilate Israel, the Palestinian push to divide the land and Jerusalem, and against the Ecclesia with regard to unscriptural policies being pushed in the nations.

This is a season of restitution in the finance/economic sector for Israel and the Ecclesia. In the past Shmitah year, Israel as a nation observed the sabbatical year as stipulated in Scripture. The land rested and they did not practice agriculture and reduced their work activities. Pray that YHVH will honor this observance and release the nation into a season of abundance as He promised in Scripture.

This is a season of rebuilding. Proclaim Psa 122. Ancient Israel spent a total number of 70 years in captivity in

Babylon (Jeremiah 29:10) Seventy is also specially connected with Jerusalem. The city kept 70 years of

Sabbaths while Judah was in Babylonian captivity (Jeremiah 25:11). Seventy sevens (490 years) were

determined upon Jerusalem for it to complete its transgressions, to make an end for sins and for everlasting

righteousness to enter into it (Daniel 9:24). Pray that the territory will enter a season of blessedness and

conquest over every attempt to divide it; rather it will be rebuilt according to patterns of YHVH.

Read Eccl 2.26. It was in a 7th month like this that YHVH prophesied through Haggai (Hag 2.1) about the great

shaking that was coming upon nations. There is a great shaking in the financial systems of the world. This is

the 70th Jubilee year since Joshua entered the Promised land. Prophesy that in this jubilee season while the

world and temporal things are shaken, kingdom citizens will rather enter a Promised land experience of

eating from farms you did not dig, provision from vineyards you did not plant, live in houses you did not

build, and drink from wells you did not dig. Eating from vineyards you did not plant



Feast of Trumpets [Rosh H’shanah] will occur on 13 September 2015. It is suggestive of a futuristic event; the second coming of the Messiah.

This was a time of rejoicing. Pray that YHVH will fill kingdom citizens with His joy. YHVH will clothe you with garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. Is 61:3, Neh 8:10

Read 2 Chron 5:12-13;1 Pet 1:8; Ps 95:1-3; Zep 3:17 Pray that YHVH should also be mighty in your midst and rejoice over all His people all over the world with joy and singing

The 10 days of awe that follow the Feast Of Trumpets are days of ever increasing praise and worship to YHVH. They are days when you acknowledge more and

more the LORDship and awesomeness of the Holy YHVH. It prepares people to see their sin for what it is before a Holy and Awesome YHVH when they come to the day of Atonement. From 14-23 September, take time to have days of worship and praise to YHVH. Let it be a time to seek Him and ask Him to reveal to you His Almightiness, His awesomeness, Who He is as opposed to whom you have made Him to be in comparison with the circumstances around you.

Read Joel 2 Pray that during these days YHVH will reveal to you the reality of the Day of the LORD you will give account for your life before YHVH either when He returns or when you die and depart from earth. Pray that the reality of that season will help you, and the Body of Yeshua at large, to change the way you pray, the way you are working and your focus, the seriousness to accomplish the Great Commission, and the way you relate to other people.

Day of Atonement [Yom Kippur] will occur on 23 September 2015. It is a day which Yeshua fulfilled by His final sacrifice on Calvary. Pray that in this season, the Ecclesia will recognize the need to reach the nations with the Great Commission to fulfil the purpose for which Yeshua fulfilled this feast.

Pray that many Jewish people who observe religiously this season oblivious to the fact that Yeshua has already fulfilled this feast on the Cross, will receive a visitation of the risen Yeshua as they seek Him in their observances and ignorance.

The other part of the prophetic fulfilment of this day is an eschatological event when Yeshua will be at-one with His bride. Pray that you and kingdom citizens in your territory will develop a desire and longing for the coming of Yeshua and thus be prepared for our Bridegroom and we will not be like the 5 foolish virgins who were unprepared. Rev 22.17. Matt 25.1-13

The 7 day Feast of Tabernacles [Sukk’ot] will begin on 28th September 2015. Declare Psalm 90. Pray that the LORD will bring you to a fresh understanding of the role of the Holy Spirit as the One who constantly tabernacles with you.

Pray that you will be sensitive to the Holy Spirit and commune with Him more and more, you will build yourself up as you pray in the Holy Spirit. Pray this for the Ecclesia

The Feast of Tabernacles also depicts a futuristic event when Yeshua will tabernacle with His Ecclesia forever. Pray that kingdom citizens will operate with view of this future event and to live lives that will find us worthy to tabernacle with YHVH.

In this season of key Feasts of the YHVH, pray that many Jews worldwide, who are earnestly seeking for the Messiah, will find that Yeshua is the fulfilment of every feast. Ask the LORD to cause them to have encounters with Him, during the feast days, and that many will have the veil lifted off their face, to behold the Messiah Yeshua for who He truly is - the awaited Messiah


Counterfeit festivals The Hajj2 Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca officially set between 20-25 September 2015. The Eid al Adha3 (Feast of Sacrifice) falls on 23-25 September 2015

Pray that YHVH will put His words in your mouth wherever you may encounter one of these and witness the truth of salvation in Yeshua.

This month there are many traditional and cultural activities which are not YHVH-glorifying. Some of them strengthen and establish ungGODly altars in the land. Pray especially for nations in Africa and Asia where many ceremonies take place in this particular month. Pray that a deep sense of dissatisfaction in these activities will move corporate groups of participants in seeking the LORD.

Read Acts 9:1-22. Pray that during these days when many are diligently seeking the truth through mass travel to places like Mecca and other ancient cultural shrines in order to participate in rituals to find peace, that they shall encounter Yeshua even as Saul did on the road to Damascus. Pray that there shall be an instant conversion and the infilling of the Holy Spirit in each life.

Pray that each of these people will find their own Ananias who will mentor them to a place of strength to stand and follow Yeshua on their own.

Pray into that season and command the heavens to obey only the bidding of Yeshua concerning the destiny of the righteous which these seek to manipulate in their devotions during the season of pilgrimage and celebration of that feast of sacrifice.

Eid ul Fitr is a renewal of covenant by sacrifice of fasting but Eid ul Adha is renewal of covenant by blood sacrifice. The highest sacrifice being human sacrifice. At that time so many die during the pilgrimage from various causes including sickness, dehydration, exhaustion, stampedes in the biggest gathering of human beings in one place. They are considered martyrs. This is all a counterfeit. Declare into the womb of these days that Yeshua was the only sacrifice that was satisfactory to the LORD. His sacrifice is enough and no other blood sacrifice is required to satisfy YHVH. Heb 9.

Declare into the womb of those days that YHVH has made the days. Command the days to do the bidding of YHVH and all parts of creation during this month to reject and vomit out every instruction from any false god. Psa 118.24

In Exodus 7:8-12 after Moses threw down his staff and it turned into a snake, Pharaoh’s magicians by magic arts also tried to imitate the miracle. However their snakes were all swallowed up by Moses snake. In the same way, pray that every counterfeit manifestation that the kingdom of darkness tries to release during this key Feast season shall be swallowed up by YHVH’s true manifestation of redemption and life.

Let the word of YHVH that goes forth during the true Feast days neutralize every other instruction of death by these occult groups to bring forth death of body, soul or spirit.

Pray that indeed many who have been drawn to the occult in any way will be drawn back to YHVH as multitudes across the nations repent, pray and appropriate the final Atonement Sacrifice of Yeshua upon the unredeemed, through that feast of YHVH on the Day of Atonement.

Proclaim Isaiah 25 over all adherents of Islam and Judaism In this season

Declare that every covenant with death and the grave has been swallowed up by the sacrifice that was made on the greatest altar ever raised on Calvary by Jesus. Isa 44

Declare that in the season of these feasts YHVH will cause every monthly prognosticator and diviner to go mad and every one of their manipulations into the heavens will turn into great confusion Isa 44:24-25

Every arrow that has been aligned against the righteous will be returned back to sender.

2 One of the five pillars of Islam; The Hajj (meaning to intend a journey) is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca , and a

mandatory religious duty for Muslims which must be carried out at least once in a lifetime by every adult Muslim who is

physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey, and can support his family during his absence– after which they

will add to their name “Al-Haj” for men and “Hajjat” for women as a sign that they have fulfilled this “righteous” act. 3 Eid ul Adha meaning"Festival of the sacrifice", also called the Feast of the Sacrifice Eid ul-Adha is the second of two religious

holidays celebrated by Muslims worldwide each year. It honors the willingness of Abraham (Ibrahim) to sacrifice his young first-

born son Ishmael (Ismail) as an act of submission to allah’s command, before allah then intervened to provide Abraham with a

lamb to sacrifice instead. This is a counterfeit message that tries to justify Islam as the only true religion and Ismail’s descendant

Mohammed as the only true prophet.


Pray that those who try to exchange their evil destinies with those of the kingdom citizens will have their divinations turned back to them. Their covenants with the grave will swallow them up and they will be exposed in this season. Isa 28:16-19

Pray that the angel of YHVH will encamp round the ignorant and over the Ecclesia in this season when sacrifices are made to exchange lives of those who do not adhere to Islam with the death and destruction that attends many who go for pilgrimage.

Proclaim Psa 79.11 The spirit of death which attends the hajj where people die in mass stampedes will no longer be exchanged in the nations. Declare that the escalated bloodshed by ISIS, and other terrorist groups will be nullified and foiled. Declare that Yeshua has already paid the price for every death and therefore all other sacrifices are null and void and all creation shall reject bloodshed from any other source for Yeshua has already paid the price by shedding His perfectly acceptable blood which remains as a witness before the golden altar of YHVH in heaven.

Command that spirit of death and the grave to remain in that territory in this season. Those who go to exchange destinies and make covenants with death shall be swallowed up by those very powers they try to distribute in the nations when they disperse from Mecca/Medina

Pray that as many as are diligently seeking YHVH in doing this ritual pilgrimage will encounter the risen LORD and have a Damascus experience right there in Mecca/Medina.

Proclaim Psalm 29 and utter the voice of YHVH to silence every other voice that is speaking anything contrary to His purposes throughout the universe.

Pray that in this season of intense activity, the heavens will speak to the earth to release its best for the saints and will also be called upon to fight on behalf of the saints. Hos 2:18-20

Utter the voice of the blood of Yeshua into the heavens. Heb 12:24. Pray that the voice of His blood will silence the voice of any other blood that is shed in sacrifice. Col 2.14-15.

The Umhlanga/Reed Dance Festival in Swaziland began on 27 August to 3 September 2015. It is the festival where virgins parade themselves half-naked before the king and he may choose a bride. There is a high level of licentiousness during this season.

Many destinies are defiled and derailed as people practice in cultural events that steal, kill and destroy destinies. As a result, Swaziland has a high rate of premature and underage pregnancies and HIV and AIDS pandemic prevalence which stands at 43% which is the highest in the world. Bring repentance for these practices which even kingdom citizens participate in and refuse to renounce in the land.

Pray that the remnant who recognize the destructive cultures which are wiping out generations will arise and seek to stand in the gap and pray for the nation and receive divine solutions for the healing of the land.

PRAYING FOR NATIONS Israel A number of prayers have been made for Israel in previous directions:

Proclaim this over Israel in this season when so many nations have gathered against her “O give not the soul of your dove to the hawk; let not the life of the poor go out of your memory for ever. Keep in mind your undertaking; for the dark places of the earth are full of pride and cruel acts. O let not the crushed be turned back in shame; let the low man and the poor give praise to your name. Up! O God, be the judge of your cause; keep in mind the bitter things which the man of evil behavior says against you every day. Keep in mind the voice of your haters; the outcry of those who come against you goes up every day.” (Ps 74:19-23 BBE)

THE PLAN In the May 2015 prayer guide we began to pray through the 10 point plan that makes up the foundational guiding principles of the United Nations as it is today. We have been praying through 2 segments of this plan every month up until September. The purpose for these prayers is to begin to understand that what we see happening in the nations today is a well thought-out plan that began in the beginning of the last century. A lot of the 10 points are well implemented in the nations and it is important for kingdom citizens to pray with understanding rather than blame presidents and world leaders for the changes that are happening and affecting the Biblical foundations that have guided many constitutions. Last month we prayed through the fourth set of 2 plans and this month we shall pray thru the final two plans.


You may refer to Prayer guides from May to August 2015 to pray thru these from time to time as you see their effect in our day. This September is the 70th UN General Assembly and the idea was to ensure that each of these 10 points have been legalized in at least one key nation by this anniversary. We watch as the world system buckles under the agenda while the Ecclesia has little understanding that these were well laid diabolic plans from decades of strategic planning and leaders across the world are mere pawns within the system unless the Ecclesia rises with a worthy intercession. This month we examine plan 9 and 10. .

PLAN 9: We Must Debase Art. All art is a physical expression of worship. Sculpting, singing, dancing, adornments, fashion, paintings etc all express worship. Artistic beauty points to a GOD of beauty. If we corrupt it, since art is a language of the heart, an expression of worship to GOD, then we make people corrupt and defiled by the debasing of art – calling ugly things beautiful; What does advertising toothpaste have to do with a naked thigh? Make it obscene, immoral, occultic.

Pray for as many kingdom citizens in the creative fields who desire to follow after the patterns of YHVH will be inspired to develop arts that will glorify YHVH from the audiovisual arts to fashion and every aspect of design.

The purpose of defiling what is the “language of the heart as an expression of worship to YHVH,” is to make people feel so unworthy to approach this Holy YHVH so that they look for alternative ways to assuage their guilty conscience by deadening it Him through atheism, New Age and the New Thought and secular humanism where the “goodness” of humanity is enshrined as the thing to be pursued to fill the void that only YHVH’s Spirit can fill in our lives. Pray that in this season, nothing will satisfy people, whether self- worship, paganism, relativism, licentiousness, and every other

Today many things which are truly ugly are now considered beautiful. Untidy, messy fashions, dirty looking hair and make-up, near-nakedness, torn, ill-fitting clothing whether too loose, too big, too small, too tight is seen as beautiful even by kingdom citizens. Decency is thrown out of the window as people come even to the worship places “naked” and unashamed in their revealing clothing; and spiritual leaders from their pulpits endorse all these trends. All these are carefully planted thought patterns which this system has used the media to push. Ask YHVH for a discerning spirit to know what powers inspire the various forms of arts, culture so that you do not get drawn into the deception of this age.

PLAN 10: Make The Church Endorse Every One Of These Changes. Since the Ecclesia is under the law of the land, they must enact these changes that are made by law.

Do we see the Ecclesia being forced to comply with abominable practices e.g. marrying same sex marriage? Do we see Ecclesia being forced to “privatize” their worship so that no articles or tokens that reflect Biblical patterns e.g. 10 commandments or having a copy of the Bible in a public place are legal any more. Present this matter before YHVH in areas where you have observed these changes and proclaim Psalm 68.1-5 which is a call to YHVH to make a way where there seems to be no way.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to give wisdom to as many in the Ecclesia who seek to stand for righteousness to know how to contend with the world system and as it were “touch the unclean thing with holy hands” as Daniel did in Babylon and was still able to impact the kingdom through 8 kings whom he served.

UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY 2015 The 70th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA) will begin on September 15, 2015.

Pray for safety and peace as dignitaries from nearly 200 nations including heads of state and their delegations, monarchs, diplomats and professionals converge at this single venue in New York UN Headquarter for the duration of the assembly.

Pray that Ecclesia starting with yourself, will uphold leaders especially from developing nations, as they make various resolutions and agree or disagree to resolutions that are against the purposes of YHVH especially in this season when they want to ensure that the 10 point plan is legalized in various territories.

Pray that wise and righteous counselors will be vocal as nations gather to chart the way forward for the earth as a whole during the numerous meetings that take place in New York.

President of the UNGA this year will be Denmark’s Mogens Lykketoft. Pray for him for wisdom to allow only that which will progress the nations and indeed bring peace. May he uphold the UN motto in dealing with civil conflict and wars in the nations rather than foment war.


Pray that the President of UNGA shall not be swayed or intimidated by nations that want their own agenda pushed including Palestine and the Arab nations which want to table the issue of Palestine becoming a nation and the division of Jerusalem and the Iran arms deal..

Declare Psalm 68.1-5 over every refugee and internally displaced people’s camp in Africa and the developing world. This is the psalm Moses quoted when it was time to break camp and the exodus to move on. Declare it prophetically as the trumpet call for every camp to be disbanded, dismantled and for the UN and such bodies to let YHVH’s people go and develop their YHVH given territories. Prophesy into the season that no longer shall there be camps that will hold people at ransom and at the mercy of wicked men as refugees in any part of your continent. The LORD has a territory for them and they must return esp the South Sudanese and other nations that are in needless turmoil.

The UN will never encourage people to return to their land unless there is no longer profit in their staying in camps. Pray that the Body of Yeshua in nations which have large numbers of refugees outside the nation, will deal with foundational issues which have resulted in the land vomiting people and rejecting them so there is brain drain, political asylum seekers and refugees. Pray that the land of Africa will receive her people back in this season of Jubilee and they shall prosper in the land the LORD has given them.

Pray that in this jubilee season the LORD will cause something to happen in the UN and in the nations where large refugee camps continue to be a cash cow for UN and other groups that benefit from such camps existing so that these camps can be disbanded and people returned to their inheritances..

South Sudan - Ceasefire Declare Psalm 46 over Southern Sudan; and join us in thanking YHVH for the peace agreement which was

signed in August for South Sudan Ceasefire and subsequent power-sharing in government. Pray that the government shall indeed be convened and the nation brought back on track.

Pray for wise advisors within the Ecclesia who will help steer the nation back on course; and that they will realize that they have the opportunity and authority to steer the heart of the kings in the way of redemptive purpose and destiny; for the hand of YHVH is on the Body of Yeshua and not the head! Prov 21.1.

Proclaim Isa 2.4 and Micah 4.3 over the nation and that there will be a heavy spirit of war-fatigue amongst all so that they will cast off weapons of war, for instruments that will develop the nation.

National Days 1. Libya 1 September (Coup d'état of 1969) 2. Uzbekistan 1 September (Declaration of independence from the USSR in 1991) 3. Slovakia 1 September ( independence from Czechoslovakia in 1993) 4. Vietnam 2 September (Declaration of independence from France and Japan in 1945) 5. Transnistria 2 September (Declaration of independence from the Moldova in 1990) 6. San Marino 3 September (Independence from the Roman Empire in 301 (traditional date)) 7. Swaziland 6 September (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1968) 8. Andorra 8 September (Our Lady of Meritxell Day, patron saint of Andorra) 9. North Korea 8 September (declaration of a democratic people's republic in 1948) 10. Macedonia 8 September declaration of independence from Yugoslavia in 1991) 11. Tajikistan 9 September (Declaration of independence from the Soviet Union in 1991) 12. Belize 10 September, 21 September (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1981) 13. Bonaire (Netherlands) 6 September 14. Brazil 7 September (Declaration of independence from Portugal in 1822 15. Gibraltar 10 September (Gibraltar National Day, people of Gibraltar vote to reject 16. Spanish sovereignty or association in 1967) 17. Catalonia (Spain) 11 September (The Crown of Aragon loses its nominal independence after the fall of

Barcelona in 1714) 18. Cape Verde September 12 19. Costa Rica 15 September (Independence from Spain in 1821) 20. El Salvador 15 September (Proclamation of independence from Spain in 1821) 21. Honduras 15 September (Independence from Kingdom of Spain in 1821) 22. Guatemala 15 September (Declaration of independence from Spain in 1821) 23. Nicaragua 15 September (Independence from Spain in 1821)


24. Mexico 16 September ((Grito de Dolores) declaration of independence from Spain in 1810) 25. Papua New Guinea 16 September (Independence from Australia in 1975) 26. Chile 18 September (date of the first Government Junta in 1810) 27. St Kitts and Nevis 19 September (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1983) 28. Malta 21 September (Independence Day, independence from the United Kingdom in 1964 29. Mali 22 September (Independence from the Mali Federation in 1960) 30. Saudi Arabia 23 September (unification of the kingdoms Nejd and Hejaz in 1932) 31. Guinea-Bissau 24 September (Declaration of independence from Portugal in 1973 32. Botswana 30 September (Independence from the United Kingdom in 1966) Read Acts 17.26-28; nations are formulated by the ordinance of YHVH Himself. Thank YHVH for each national

day being celebrated in this season. Pray for peace over all gatherings. Pray that YHVH will strengthen weak hands and knees of the Ecclesia in each of the above nation. One

common feature in each of the above nations is that Ecclesia is not very strong. There is a strong occult presence in each of these nations. Pray that YHVH will raise a prophetic remnant to deal with all forms of occult in this season.

Pray for the persecuted Ecclesia in the heavily Islamic nations of Libya and Saudi Arabia. As they celebrate national days and the Hajj and Idd al Adha, pray that as many as are truly seeking YHVH in these nations, will be found of Him. Pray that YHVH will choose them for salvation in this season. Pray for extraordinary and miraculous encounters for many who are praying and seeking sincerely, yet are sincerely wrong. Pray for a Damascus experience for many who are pursuing YHVH’s purposes through wrong and destructive methods like Suicide attacking and other terrorist activities.

For nations that had for a long time rejected YHVH and turned to Atheism and communism like Uzbekistan, Slovakia, Tajikistan, pray for the work of missions in each of these nations. Pray salvation of masses of people. Some of these nations are now heavily Islamized and have turned from one counterfeit to another. Prophesy that indeed the Light of the Son of YHVH will arise upon them in this season of many festivals and a jubilee year.

Pray for the nations that have faced years of civil unrest, dictatorial leadership and deep trauma, that YHVH Rapha the Healer, will move over them in this season as they commemorate various national days. Pray this for Somalia, Libya, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Guinea Bissau, Vietnam, North Korea.

Pray for nations which have turned heavily to Secular humanism because of the relative successes they have enjoyed in areas of economic development. Many of these nations have become centres of immorality and defiance of YHVH and a strong occult presence. Pray that YHVH will in this season do something that will cause the people in these nations to turn their hearts back to Him. Pray for Botswana, Spain, Brazil,. Mexico, Honduras, Swaziland, Papua New Guinea,

Pray for Mexico. There has been escalating violence stemming from drug-wars. There have been many ritual killings in the past season. The enemy is seeking for more and more blood sacrifice through war and violence of various natures. In this season prophesy Isaiah 60:18-20 over this nation.

NATIONAL ELECTIONS 1. 6 September 2015 Guatemala General Elections 2. 6 September 2015 Poland Referrendum 3. 7 September 2015 Trinidad and Tobago House of Representatives Elections 4. 27 September 2015 Catalonia (Autonomous Comm of Spain) Referendum 5. 30 September 2015 Afghanistan House of People Elections 6. 4 October 2015 Portugal Assembly of the Republic Elections 7. 11 October 2015 Burkina Faso Legislative and Presidential Elections 8. 11 October 2015 Belarus Presidential Elections 9. 15 October 2015 Guinea Presidential Elections 10. 18 October 2015 Switzerland National Council & Council of States Elections 11. 18 October 2015 Central African Republic Presidential and Parliamentary Elections 12. 19 October 2015 Canada House of Commons Elections 13. 25 October 2015 Guatemala General Runn off 14. 25October 2015 Cote D’Ivoire Presidential elections 15. 25 October 2015 Haiti Presidential Elections


16. 25 Octoober 2015 Argentina General Elections 17. 25 October 2015 Colombia Municipal Elections 18. 25 October 2015 Tanzania General Elections 19. 25 October 2015 Ukraine Local Elections 20. 25 October 2015 Poland Sejm Elections

Thank YHVH for as many leaders who have stepped forward for political office in each of the above territories; it is a noble thing to seek for leadership as this is a redemptive character we were given as mankind – to rule and reign with YHVH.

Pray that in this season the right leaders will come into position as kingdom citizens join YHVH in the process of selecting a leader for the season in every sector of government

Pray that after elections the Ecclesia will not be divided in party spirit; but will return to their role as the nation’s guide and pray for those who are seated in those seats of authority 1 Tim 2.1-4.

Pray for YHVH shalom to brood over each territory as they campaign and then go into elections; that they will be free and fair while they are peaceful; and that the true winners will emerge to rule for the season.

PRAYING THRU THE HEAVENS A separate publication will be made available on order; Praying Through the Finance and Economy Gates due to the intensive activities that are spiritually manipulated in the Finance and economic sector as witnessed in this season in the international stocks and trade. Kingdom citizens ought to k now how to position themselves for the great wealth transfer that is about to occur in the nations; from a Biblical perspective. Not many people have heard about the Bible story in the stars. This is definitely NOT astrology. Astrology can't even put three signs together to make a story, whereas, the 48 constellations that make up the true Zodiac all go together to tell the story of Yeshua, the Redeemer and King. The story includes His birth and life prophesy (the first four major Signs; 16 constellations), His dealings with His elect people (the second four major Signs), and His coming in triumph over Satan ( the last four major Signs). The heavens on a daily basis declare the glory of the LORD seen in the face of Yeshua. These declarations ought to be understood and appropriated by kingdom citizens; not only in times of major heavenly activities e.g. the eclipses and other alignments of the heavenly bodies, but on a daily basis.

Psa 19.1-2; Thank the LORD that the heavens on a daily basis declare His glory and each day has a speech that is released over creation

Pray that you will be among those who can answer in the affirmative the question posed in Job 38.33 – that you will know the ordinances of the heavens and set their dominion on the earth in every gate of society you are called to impact.

Pray that in this season of high spiritual activity when the heavens are declaring seasons of triumph of good over evil; of liberty and new beginnings you will not miss it.

LUNAR EVENTS Last Quarter moon 5 September 2015 @09.56UTC and First Quarter moon occurs on 21 September 2015 @09.00UTC

Command the quarter moons to praise the LORD alone and proclaim Psa 148 over the quarter moons and all creation.

The quarter moon or its mirror image resembles a D shape or bow. The kingdom of darkness uses the bow to shoot arrows of wickedness at the ignorant during the season of the quarter moons. This month provides opportunities for such wickedness to occur. Pray into the womb of time and command the quarter moons to praise YHVH during this season; and do only His bidding i.e. Psa 19.1-2 to declare only the glory of the LORD and to mark the times and seasons of this month.

Proclaim Psa 64 over every wicked power that seeks to shoot arrows of ill spoken words and curses at the ignorant and the righteous in these seasons of the quarter moons.

Speak into the heavens that because of the fixed laws of the heavens and the earth no one - sorcerer, enchanter, diviner, etc. will be able to change the schedule of YHVH for your life this month and that your life will be on course. Pray this for the Ecclesia in your territory Jer.33: 25-26, Ps.139: 7-3, Isaiah 1:13-14, Hosea 2:11


Proclaim Psalm 91 over the Ecclesia in this season. The New Moon commencing the Rosh H’Shanah, will be on September 13, 2015 @ 06.42UTC

During the new moon, prophetically pray into the womb of the new month declaring kingdom patterns in every gate of society as per the directions in this guide for the family, Ecclesia and your territory (Pg 2-3).

Pray and blow the shofar where possible, at the New moon season and present an offering of praise and adoration to YHVH Who ushers us into a new time and season by the activities in the firmamental heavens.

The new moon is the time the witches do the highest enchantment. The first crescent is a C shape which they refer to as Hecate’s sickle for harvesting the gains of many who are ignorant, to harvest virtues from the ignorant righteous for demonic strength and fortification with intense enchantments. Deuteronomy 23:25 forbids this. Proclaim Joel 3.13 and Rev 14.14-16 calling for Yeshua to draw His sickle and deal with the soul harvesters with counterfeit sickles who harvest and trade on the virtues of the souls of men. Rev 18.11-13

The new moon will be an intense time of birthing. The enemy seeks to destroy all prophetic birthing of purpose at earliest stage possible. Pray for the release of strong angelic guardians to watch over that gate and avert any miscarriage of purpose in your life, family, workplace and redemptive calling. Prophesy that anyone who tries to manipulate the heavens during that season, declare that the stars in their courses will fight against them, the sun SHALL smite them by day and the moon SHALL smite them by night. YHVH will rain hailstones down on them and they shall surely be destroyed. Judg 5.20, Psa 121.5-6, Joshua 10.11

The Full moon which ushers in the Feast of Tabernacles occurs on September 28, 2015 @ 02.52UTC. It will also be a supermoon. Supermoon is the unofficial term for when the full moon cycle coincides with the moon's closest approach to Earth during its oval-shaped orbit. The moon appears slightly larger than normal in the sky and can make for a spectacular view. The technical term is full moon perigee.

Thank YHVH for this special full moon which ushers in the beginning of a key Feast.

Pray that the full moon will give glory to its Creator and do its bidding according to His command. Psalm 104:19-20, Gen 1:14-17

Pray that this particular season Yeshua will indeed tabernacle with His people, especially those who seek Him but are walking in ignorance or in error.

Pray that indeed during this full moon YHVH will begin to release understanding of how to work with the moon in its various phases to help with human health and wellbeing; because humanity is usually affected by the gravitational pull of the moon in one way or another especially during the full moon seasons.

Proclaim Psalm 121; Pray for those kingdom citizens who are adversely affected by the gravitational pull of the supermoon, causing some mental health complications. Pray that YHVH will help many to understand the purpose for the heavens.

Read Gen 33.13-14; Pray that kingdom citizens will receive the best that the full supermoon will release in this season.

Total Lunar Eclipse (4th and Final Blood moon 2015) A total lunar eclipse will occur on the full moon of 28 September 2015 @ 00.11UTC. It will be the fourth and final bloodmoon in the rarely occurring tetrad. It also be a supermoon.

The Moon does not have its own light, but shines because its surface reflects the Sun's rays. A total lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth's shadow blocks all the Sun's light from directly reaching the Moon's surface. The Earth's atmosphere, removes or blocks parts of the sunlight's spectrum leaving only the longer wavelengths. Because of this, a totally eclipsed Moon usually looks red. There are 7 stages to a total lunar eclipse – the (1) Penumbral eclipse which is not easily visible to naked eye, then the (2) partial eclipse begins, and its more visible, then the (3) total eclipse when the moon is completely covered and turns red; then the (4) maximum eclipse; the middle of the total eclipse; as


the (5) total eclipse ends the earths shadow begins to move away from moon surface, then the (6) partial eclipse ends, followed by the final (7) penumbral eclipse which ends when earth shadow completely moves away from the moon.

During the Feast of Tabernacles on 28th September the fourth and final in a series of 4 eclipses referred to as a tetrad, will occur from 00.11UTC. It will be a total Lunar Eclipse. This total Lunar Eclipse or Bloodmoon will be fully visible in half of North America, all of South America, Eastern part of Canada and Greenland, West and North Africa as illustrated above. This tetrad had generated great interest in the heavens to many observers in both the Kingdom of YHVH and the kingdom of darkness. There is high activity in the heavens and they do declare the glory of the LORD over the season for those who will tap into the significance of this season and join the heavens in giving praise to YHVH Who created them to mark the times and seasons on earth. A total lunar eclipse is a declaration of a “Day of the LORD” event; which is preceded by seasons of repentance before restoration and outpouring of the Holy Spirit in revival of the Ecclesia. The bloodmoon of Feast of Tabernacles 2015 will occur during a total lunar eclipse. It indeed is a season of great grace for this is the 70th Jubilee i.e. since Joshua brought Israel into the Promised Land; a time when grace and mercy tempers judgment for kingdom citizens. When the consequences of wickedness begin to manifest on the nations, kingdom citizens who tap into this season and appropriate its virtue will enter a Promised Land experience. As you pray through these points, pray especially for kingdom citizens in the territories over which the blood moon will have greatest visibility as mentioned above.

This tetrad spanning 2014-2015, which commenced on the Sacred year 5774 Pesach (Passover) and will end on the Sukk’ot (Feast of Tabernacles) 5776 is rich with significance, as it is the 8th such known occurrence in recorded history. Eight (8) signifies new beginnings. The heavens continue to declare that this season is one of new beginnings in every aspect of existence. When Israel entered the Promised Land it was the season of New beginnings. From individuals to nations, there are new beginnings both spiritually and physically. YHVH is about demolishing ancient unGODly patterns and raising a generation of foundation builders who will lay strong foundations in every gate of society for families, organizations, nations and continents; even globally. As He started with embryonic Israel so shall He start with embryonic situations, companies, people and raise them into greatness. 1 Cor 3.11

Read Eph 3.10: It is a season for the LORD to display Himself as YHVH through as many as are willing to allow Him to work in and through them, change known patterns of thought, work, personal and corporate relationships, spirituality, management, politics, entertainment, culture and every other aspect of existence. There has been a steady build-up of the ungodly over the past 70 years since the last world war as seen in the 10 point Plan under the UN’s policies. There has been a shaking in these foundations and new ones are about to begin to show up. Pray that the Ecclesia will arise in this season and a remnant who seek YHVH’s patterns will be instruments in His hand to institute these changes in foundations for His glory.

Africa and people of African extraction are on the forefront with regard to the pattern of change that is coming. Africa has always been YHVH’s incubator, His preservation chamber, His granary. There are new

100% visible (start to end)

More than 75% of event visible

Less than 75% of event visible

Less than 50% of event visible

Eclipse not visible at all


patterns that had started to be released from the continent in all gates of society; because those who had gone before have corrupted some of these patterns. YHVH is going to scale this up in this particular season. All prophetic words we have received so far from this platform have pointed out to the work YHVH wants to do during the next 5-7 years in Africa and among people of African extraction in the diasporas. Pray that you will fall in line with what He is doing, and become a vessel that will be worthy to carry His glory in this season

Read Heb 10.38-39 Since the Passover, the Ecclesia has wandered in a wilderness season for the past 2000 years. This is a 70th year season as we enter the 70th Jubilee since Israel entered the Promised Land. It is the completion of prophecy and institution of a spiritual eldership who will fulfill Rom 8.19-21. It is a season of entering the Promised Land. Pray that you and the Ecclesia shall not be as those that shrink back with a negative report. You will enter into this season like a Joshua and a Caleb. You will identify your mountain/gate of society, crash the giants that have hitherto dwelt it in and occupy and establish the covenants of the Kingdom on that mountain/gate of society.

Declare Isa 44.24-25 over all monthly prognosticators, astrologers, and those who draw unGODly power from the heavens to manipulate earthly events thru ancestral, Islamic and masonic witchcraft. Their wisdom will turn to foolishness and all their projections will fall to naught.

Read Eccl 2.26 Pray that those who control the International stocks and manipulate outcomes from the heavens for their own unfair advantage will be disappointed in this season as all their projections result in an amassing of wealth which will be transferred to the righteous. Their predictions of futures will be overturned for the benefit of the righteous.

A number of commentators on the bloodmoons claim that “now YHVH is speaking thru the heavens.” According to Psalm 19.1-2 the heavens ALWAYS declare the glory of YHVH and on a DAILY BASIS they utter speech and every night shows forth knowledge. YHVH is ALWAYS speaking through the heavens. The heavens always speak to the nations. On key seasons like eclipses and rare occasions like these tetrad season of 2014-2015, the heavens continue to declare specific seasons over the nations. Pray that Kingdom citizens will become more interested in the heavenly activity over the nations from a Biblical point of view and not through astrology, horoscopes and other unGODly manipulation and interpretations of the heavens.

Command the heavens to praise YHVH alone and respond to the voice of kingdom citizens who are aligned to His purpose during this season of great grace.

The heavens declare a season of unmerited favor. It will be the Feast of Tabernacles; Pray that there will be experiences amongst Kingdom citizens, of intimate communion with YHVH as we worship Him during the Feast days.

This is a season where the wealth the wicked have amassed is being transferred to the righteous; those who understand that their righteousness in Yeshua is imputed and not merited at all. It is a season to actively renew your mind with regard to the grace of YHVH and His faithfulness to release all that He has in store for you as an heir to His kingdom. It is a season to decide that He is your Source, and do not limit Him in the channels He may choose to use to bring resources to help fulfill your purpose in this season.

In Revelation 6:12 John said "I watched as He opened the sixth seal........The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red...." to signify that the Day of the LORD is at hand. it is a season of Judgment. This is not like the solar eclipse which is a statement of judgment over wickedness. The judgment on a lunar eclipse however is for the LORD to do away with anything that hinders His purpose from occurring. Present yourself and every kingdom citizen for the LORD’s judgment. Ask Him to examine you and point out areas that must be done away with in order for His purposes to be fulfilled in and through your life.

Read Joel 2.17-32. The restoration of the LORD begins with repentance. The children of Israel had raised a lamentation to the LORD for a long time. He answered them by sending a deliverer in Exodus. This season of Passover signifies a time of repentance and the LORD’s deliverance. As you bring repentance for yourself, family, community, the Ecclesia and your territory, the LORD will send destiny deliverers in every area of need in this season.

Joel 2.17 Let the priests, the LORD'S ministers, Weep between the porch and the altar, And let them say, "Spare Your people, O LORD, And do not make Your inheritance a reproach, A byword among the nations. Why should they among the peoples say, 'Where is their GOD?'" For a long time kingdom citizens have struggled and this is the question they have to contend with amongst the wicked. The heavens declare that the LORD is about to send an answer and display Himself as YHVH on behalf of His children. As you take time to repent and stand in the gap for various aspects of your life and territory, the LORD has declared from the heavens that indeed He shall bring deliverance, restoration of years the cankerworm has stolen, restoration of youth and verve and


vigor, restoration of land and other stolen resources, restoration of dignity from bondage, acceptance and recognition, and an outpouring of His Holy Spirit – revival.

The bloodmoon on a Lunar eclipse will mark a season of the Day of the LORD. There are three categories of “The Day of the LORD” which occur over individuals and territories. When you fulfill your redemptive purpose you are able to withstand the Day of the LORD in whichever way it comes to you. 1. The “Day of the LORD” may be a particular day where consequences of disobedience befall an individual

(e.g. Job 20.24) or a people group (Isa 13.6, Zeph 1.14, Amos 5.18-20) e.g. the day Jerusalem fell to Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian army. It was a day long prophesied and people continued in disobedience. The consequences of their actions befell them. Many Christian refugees will testify how the LORD warned them about impending doom in their nations e.g. Burundi and Rwanda, and they continued in rebellion. When the genocide occurred, it was a “Day of the LORD” coming upon the people. YHVH was not punishing them, but the consequences of disobedience among kingdom citizens befell the nation.

Do you hear warning over and over again about a situation you have been failing to change and repent of? Could it be that this is a season of the day of the LORD for you? Bring repentance over such a situation.

Consider the Body of Yeshua and your territory too. Consider the areas which the LORD has highlighted for a long time, that they should change and bring repentance on those areas.

This is a season when the consequences of wickedness in the financial sector are beginning to manifest. Pray that YHVH Nissi will be a banner of protection over Kingdom citizens in the finance and Economy gates . Pray also that the finances of kingdom citizens who put their trust in Him by their giving of tithe, seed, offerings, alms etc will be protected from the devourer as the heavens do declare in the season of this bloodmoon.

2. The Day of the LORD could be a particular day when a person or people die. It is their personal day of the LORD. it is the day they will meet their Maker especially for kingdom citizens (Heb 9.27).

Consider your life, do you live like one who has a destination in heaven? How are you preparing for your personal Great Day of the LORD?

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you and kingdom citizens in general to live such lives that will have a successful ending when you depart this earth; should the LORD tarry.

We live in a world where everything is “relative” and the boundary lines between moral absolutes and permissiveness are very blurred. Today the USA has legalized homosexual unions. Even kingdom citizens want to continue to defiantly life in sin e.g. cohabitation of unmarried couples, deliberate single parenting and pregnancy out of wed-lock, sexual sins, compartmentalizing sins so that we now have “big” and “small” sins and are comfortable to commit what we consider “small sin”. When confronted, people are quick to say “don’t judge me only the LORD can judge me.” Take time to read through the book of Revelations during this month. Let this book speak to you as it elaborates the Day of the LORD most clearly. Take time to judge yourself and as you do so, then no one else will have to judge you.

3. The Day of the LORD is that great day when all creation will stand before the judgment seat of the Ancient of Day and all their works will be judged (Matt 25.40-41, 1 Cor 6.9-10, 2 Pet 3.12, Rev.20). Your acceptance of Yeshua’s sacrifice on Calvary, and your attendant lifestyle of righteousness in this life, will determine whether your name will remain in the book of life or be blotted out. All your words and actions will be judged on that day (Matt 5.18). That is the day when all of the present existing earth and heaven as we know them will be done away with, a new heaven and new earth will be created and those who remain in the Lamb’s book of life will rule and reign with Him eternally.

Pray that the Ecclesia at large will be have a greater awareness of the purpose for which Yeshua came and died during this Passover season. It was for the redemption of all mankind. Pray that this blood moon season will rekindle the fire for the Great Commission, because that is the LORD’s greatest desire – to see every nation tribe and tongue worship Him as Jehovah. That is the greatest purpose for which the heavens declare His glory.

Only those who accepted Yeshua as their Redeemer, Savior and LORD will tabernacle with Him on that Great Day of the LORD. Think of as many as you are connected with; in the family, workplace, Ecclesia in the community; how many of them are ready for that day? Take time during this season to make a list of people whom you will pray for their salvation; and ask the Holy Spirit for a divine encounter with them, so you can


share with them the gospel of Yeshua and give them the opportunity to receive Him unto salvation or reject Him unto their damnation.

SOLAR EVENTS Autumnal Equinox The autumnal equinox will occur September 23, 2015 @08:21UTC in the Northern Hemisphere including USA, Central America, Canada, Europe, Asia and Northern Africa. It commences the colder and wetter autumn/fall season. In the southern Hemisphere they will be experiencing the opposite. It shall be the vernal equinox taking place on the same day at the same time including in Australia, New Zealand, South America and Southern Africa. They commence the Spring season.

Command the sun at the equinox to praise the LORD and to do only His bidding as prescribed in Genesis 1:14-17, Psalm 19: 5-6, Psalm 136:7-9

Pray that as the Sun crosses directly over the equator during the equinox season, YHVH will bring to equality issues that have hitherto be unbalanced in this past season. Things will begin to realign themselves in every part of society for kingdom citizens, the Ecclesia and your territory at large.

Partial Solar Eclipse A solar eclipse portends escalation of wickedness and its consequent judgment especially in the region the eclipse is visible. Unlike during a total solar eclipse, the Moon covers the Sun only partly during a partial solar eclipse, as seen from Earth. This phenomenon is visible when only the lunar penumbra (the partially shaded outer region of the Moon's shadow) touches the Earth. The extent of the eclipse varies depending on the observer’s location but regardless of a viewer’s

position, the Sun is only partially eclipsed. The partial solar eclipse will occur on 13 September @04.40UTC at the gates of the Feast of Trumpets. The partial solar eclipse will only be visible from South Africa, Antarctica and locations in Indian and Atlantic Oceans.

Command the eye of this eclipse to praise YHVH and do only His bidding and not that of any prognosticators and sorcerers.

Proclaim Psa 29, Utter the voice of YHVH in the heavens over the eye of the eclipse, May He arise and every coven, gathering of occultists be scattered and confused. May deep sleep overcome them so they will miss the moments of the eclipse which they consider crucial to their sorceries.

Solar eclipses whether total or partial are a sign of judgment especially over the regions where they are visible. In scripture, darkness in daylight and darkening of light in the night are a sign of judgment. For example, there is plague of darkness in Egypt, Isaiah speaks of lack of justice as groping in darkness in the day, Joel describes the day of darkness on the Day of the LORD (Ex 10:21, Isa 59.9, Joel 2:1-10). Another example is the darkening of the sun in the 3rd watch of the day when Yeshua was crucified. His intercession and sacrifice took upon Himself all of creation’s sin thus the judgment and chastisement of our sin fell on Him and kingdom citizens who accept His sacrifices are passed over for eternity.

Pray that during this month, there shall be a heightened sense of repentance in the Ecclesia as we celebrate the Feasts, as the eclipses in the heavens declare, and as those who seek Yeshua are exposed to His holiness as Isaiah did in Isaiah 6.1-5.

Pray for the areas where the partial eclipse will be visible. Pray that the Ecclesia there will be sensitive to a season of repentance i.e. South Africa and the Antarctica

Do you have cases which have been troublesome in bringing to a conclusion? Whether they are legal cases or indictments against the kingdom of darkness in certain areas, remember that The LORD is Judge of all the Universe. Ask YHVH as Righteous Judge of the Universe to judge once and for all, those situations in this season of partial eclipse.


Furthermore an eclipse is a flying scroll (book). It is a scroll because it is a merger of the Sun and the Moon. These heavenly elements as we read in Ps. 19 “speak” and “show knowledge.” The merger of the Sun and the Moon thus “speak and reveal heavenly knowledge.” This scroll “flies” because once the Moon covers the Sun, the shadow of the moon rolls like a scroll in a swift sweeping fashion over the face of the earth.

Please read about The LORD'S Flying Scroll in Zechariah 5:1-5. There are many incidences of stealing and falsehood in the nations especially with regard to the international stocks and finance markets. Prophetically release the flying scroll of YHVH over the finance and economic gates of your territory to bring judgement where it is due and the favor of YHVH to whom it is due; as it will also be the ushering in of the Civil year of Jubilee.

Examine yourself, is there any area of falsehood in your life? Is there any area you have used lies to have your way – forged certificates, forged documents, illegal immigration, false information to get a job or faked your age? Have you lied in order to get married, to gain favor or unfair advantage in elections, a business deal or any other area? You cannot stand before The LORD or withstand His righteous consuming fire or even intercede concerning this season for you will be praying against yourself. Bring repentance for your own sin and ask YHVH to release you from the legal captivity of deception (Isa 49.24-26).

To show full repentance, sometimes confession to the offended party and restitution may be required. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you any areas that this action ought to be done to you, and where you also ought to repent and confess to the other offended party to bring full reconciliation. Psa 15, 24:1-5.

Bring repentance on behalf of your family, kingdom citizens in the territory in areas where they have participated in unGODly actions which brought defilement to the land.

Repent of the plethora of occult activities to usher in the demonic “new season’ that are already planned during the days of the eclipses especially at the gates of seasons (Equator, tropics of Cancer and Capricorn) and gates of time (Prime meridian 0).

The flying scroll is released to judge the thief and those who practice falsehood. Declare to the heavens that this is a season of the judgment of every thief of destiny. This is the season in which we will see YHVH’s redemptive calling and gifts, the blessings that The LORD has released to Kingdom citizens in your territory; but it starts with judgment of every thieving power that has robbed you at individual and family level and as kingdom citizens in the territory

Command every lay-line of the earth including the equator, the prime meridian Zero, the international dateline, the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn to praise The YHVH and obey only His instruction. Command them to release only blessings for kingdom citizens.

Command the sun and moon to release their best for kingdom citizens during the eclipse, Deut 33:13-14, Psa 121:5-6.

Prophesy that by reason of our repentances this eclipse path over the nations will become a path of new life in Yeshua. Ask Yeshua, who is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE to reign over this eclipse PATH.

Pray against shadow sorcery: the shadow of the moon will be swept over the earth during the solar eclipse. Witches and occultists will bring out their “book of shadows” to program into this event. Release the fire of The LORD on these evil books. Pray against all manner of shadows and darkness and declare that the heavens will declare only the glory of the LORD.

Ishmaelite/witchcraft: Invoke the power in the blood of Jesus to cancel the satanic agreement between witchcraft/Ishmaelite spirit and the crescent moon (Is 28:14-18). Utter the voice of the blood of Yeshua to silence the enchantments, invocation, volume of words spoken 5 times a day into the heavens etc. by the army of Satan in Mecca and Medina and across the nations during this eclipse (Heb 12:24).

Ask YHVH to visit all satanic altars in the heavens with fury, anger and fire. Let Him uproot and destroy them before they even begin their demonic action of moon and sun-worship (Is 19:1, 64:1-4, Ps 144:5-6)

Prophesy Psa 91 over kingdom citizens everywhere during this month, Sun movements From August 15 to September 22nd the sun passed through a cluster of 95 stars in the constellation called Leo symbolized by the Lion and represents YESHUA AS THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH. Its lodging in the cluster of Leo brought the story of Yeshua in the heavens to full circle – completion; how aptly this falls within the last month of the Biblical Civil Calendar. It was depicted by a mighty charging lion which lay across the ecliptic. Its


feet are over the head of Hydra, the great serpent and are about to descend upon and crush it. You may continue to pray through the heavens for the first 3 weeks of September using August 2015 Prayer guide.

From 23rd September 2014 to 7th November 30th 2015, as the sun makes one of its longest circuits through the heavens, it passes through a group of 110 stars in the constellation called Virgo. Virgo marks the sun’s first entrance into a constellation in its circuit through the heavens for the next 12 months. The one thing that is visible to every human being is the heavens; thus, they are a very important part of creation for Kingdom citizens to understand. They continue to preach the entire Bible Story and in them is locked the covenantal record between YHVH, Abraham and by extension; Israel and the Ecclesia. Virgo reveals the particulars of the Abrahamic Covenant – its Guarantor YHVH, its legal executors Abraham and Sarah, and its first beneficiary Isaac. Its fulfillment in Yeshua. It is a legal contract, written in the heavens, so that all creation can see and know that the Creator of the heavens and the earth is in a legally binding contractual relationship with a particular people who descend from the loins of Abraham and Sarah and the other nations were grafted in through Yeshua.

Virgo is symbolized by a virgin who lay across the ecliptic bearing a branch in her right hand and a sheaf of wheat in her left hand. Her head is positioned very close to the tail of Leo. She stands upon the sign of Libra. The wheat sheaf is a fertility symbol; the branch refers to the Messiah. (Isaiah 11:1). Here begins the tale of the Yeshua's life as foretold by the heavens. It starts with a two-fold testimony of the Coming One. Stars: The branch; the gloriously beautiful; who shall come down; who shall have dominion; the son; who carries; a spike of corn; the seed. • Command the constellation Virgo to praise YHVH as it dominates the skies in the coming season. • Thank the LORD for Yeshua who humbled Himself and became just like vulnerable baby, allowed Himself to

be raised by a regular poor couple, grew into a man and made choices that enabled Him to BECOME the Savior. He allowed Himself to come through the channel of fallen man in order to redeem us (Phil 2:5-11, Joh 3:16, Rom 5:6-8)

• Pray that during this season many in unreached places will receive a heavenly revelation of the redemptive role of Yeshua who was born to save mankind from eternal destruction 1 Joh 3.8

• Isaiah prophesied about Yeshua the Branch that would spring forth from Jesse. Jesus proceeded to display the 7 spirits of YHVH. Pray that during this season, as many as are willing in the Ecclesia , will begin to manifest in greater measure, each of the 7 Spirits of YHVH in this new season Isa 11:1-2.

Four other smaller groups of stars called decans that form part of the constellation called Virgo give further details of who the “Branch” is. COMA Above the ecliptic an enthroned young woman holds her infant son. Named: The desired or longed for. • It represents “The Desired” which portrays the coming “Branch” to be a child who will be the “Desired of all

nations” referring to Yeshua. Thank YHVH that Yeshua fulfilled that which the heavens declare. Hag 2.7 • During this season of the Feast of Trumpets many orthodox Jews look forward to the first coming of the

Messiah. Pray that the LORD will appear to many as the Messiah who already came more than 2000 years ago to redeem all creation and set off these last days.

CENTAURUS represents “the centaur” a being having two natures A man with the body of a charging horse (centaur) lies below the ecliptic. He holds a shield and spear and is piercing a victim. Between his hind legs is the ancient sign of the Hebrew letter Tav. Named: The despised; sin offering; the pierced or who pierces. Stars: Heretofore and hereafter. • Meditate on Isaiah 53 during this season • These stars depict Yeshua in His two-fold natures, Son of YHVH and Son of Man, the Lion and the Lamb, the

root and offspring of David, the peasant Shepherd and royal King. Praise the LORD that the heavens declare this truth.

• Pray that kingdom citizens will during this season gain a better understanding of the two-fold nature of Yeshua and how it manifests in their lives as He dwells in us.


CRUX – THE COVENANT: Rather than a cross this constellation is the ancient version of the last letter of the Hebrew alphabet, the Tav. This sign is positioned directly between the centaur’s legs. Named: Cutting off; boundary; mark; finish. • Pray that as the heavens declare, you will during this season go back to the message of the Cross and ask the

Holy Spirit to give you a revelation on this greatest altar that was ever raised. • Luke 14.27; Pray that you will revisit the importance of “carrying your cross” daily as commanded by Yeshua • The Cross was the scene of the new covenant that was cut between the LORD and man restoring us back

into fellowship with Him and therefore back into our redemptive purpose as mankind to rule and reign with Him forever. Basically the Cross reached all the way to the scene of crime in Eden, and all its tokens wiped away every single sin of Adam all the way through all eternity; and we are today imputed righteous because of that powerful action. It was finished. All judgment was finished on that Cross until the Day of YHVH. Read and meditate on Gen 1:26-28, Rev 22:4-5 and ask the Holy Spirit to bring you to a new and greater revelation of the significance of the Cross as the instrument He used to obliterate ALL the effects of the Fall.

BOOTES represents the “Coming One”, referring to Jesus the coming Messiah and Judge of the earth. • Read Rev 22.17. Is it not amazing that the heavens declare this reality in line with the Fall Feast of Trumpets?

Praise Yeshua that His promise to return for His bride remains true even as the heavens so declare. • As the heavens are declaring His soon return and the day of the LORD event, ponder on this question, are

you ready?

PROPHECIES FOR 2015 For Prophecies for this year and the past years, please visit our website. Continue to pray through these prophecies and also read through those from previous years as many are undergoing fulfillment now.


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