Prathap\'s Work

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of Prathap\'s Work

In the Spirit of Well-Being

Reiki & ShiatsuByPrathap Kumar

About me

I am Prathap Kumar, a Shiatsu and a Reiki

Practitioner practicing it for many years now.

Shiatsu & Reiki are a profound Japanese

techniques which can relieve one from the

usual stress of a typical working day

experience; resulting in complete relaxation

aiding towards one’s Well being.

I give sessions as well as teach it to individuals

& groups including children.


7 Chakras



3. MANIPURA Chakra


5. ANAHATA Chakra

6. AJNA Chakra


Located in the perineum, the point between the anus and the sex organs

Lymph system, skeleton system (teeth and bones), the prostate gland in men, the sacral plexus, the bladder and elimination system, and the lower extremities (legs - feet, ankles , etc.). Also the nose, since it is the organ of the sense of smell, and associated with survival.

Color: Red

Endocrine Gland: Adrenal glands

Sense: Smell


Security, survival, trust, the relationship with money, home, job. Ability to be grounded, to

be present in the here and now. Ability to allow one's self to be nourished, in the sense of

allowing one's Inner Being to be satisfied. This chakra also reflects a person's connection

with their mother, and with Mother Earth. How the person feels about being on the earth.

Connection with the physical body.

Symptoms or tensions in the parts of the body controlled by this chakra indicate tensions

in the parts of the person's consciousness related to this chakra. Tension here is

experienced as insecurity as a general perceptual filter. More tension is experienced as

fear. More than that is experienced as terror, or a threat to survival.

Element: Earth


Located at the Center of the Abdomen

Reproductive system, sexual organs, lumbar plexus

Color: Orange

Endocrine Gland: Gonads

Sense: Sense of taste, appetite


This chakra is associated with the parts of the consciousness concerned with food and sex.

It is about the body's communication to the Being inside, about what the body wants and

needs, and what it finds pleasurable. The person's ability to have children is also

associated with this chakra. If there is not a clear relationship with the element of water,

associated with this chakra, the person's relationship with water is a reflection of their

relationship with the parts of their consciousness associated with this chakra, i.e. food,

sex, or having children.

This chakra is also associated with the emotional body, and the person's willingness to feel

their emotions.

Element: Water


Located Solar Plexus

The parts of the body associated with this chakra include the muscular system, the skin as a system, the solar plexus, the large intestine, stomach, liver, and other organs and glands in the region of the solar plexus. Also the eyes, as the organs of sight, and the face, representing figuratively the face one shows the world.

Color: Yellow

Endocrine Gland: The pancreas

Sense: Eyesight

3. MANIPURA CHAKRA ( Solar Plexus )

Parts of the consciousness associated with this chakra include perceptions concerned with

power, control, freedom, the ease with which one is able to be themselves - ease of being.

Mental activity and the mental body is also associated with this chakra. The solar plexus

chakra is also associated with the level of being we call the personality, or ego.

The relationship a person has with fire, or the sun, can be seen to have its parallels in the

person’s relationship with the parts of their consciousness that this chakra represents.

Someone sensitive about the sun, then, can be seen to have particular sensitivities about

power, or control, or freedom.

Element: Fire, the sun.

3. MANIPURA CHAKRA ( Solar Plexus )

Located at Center of the Chest

This Chakra is associated with the heart and the blood circulatory system, and the cardiac plexus, as well as the lungs and the entire chest area.

Color: Emerald Green

Endocrine Gland: Thymus Gland, controlling the immune system.

Sense: Sense of touch, in its aspect of relating to the person inside the body, and distinct from the sensation of the Orange Chakra, which is more about the sensation one feels from their own body. Hugging, therefore, is a Heart Chakra activity.


When one hugs, one is aware of what the person inside the other body feels, and they are

aware of what you feel inside your body, and there is a sense of relating to the person

inside the body. Sensitivity about being touched indicates heart chakra sensitivity.

Perceptions of love, relationships (relating) with people close to your heart, e.g. partner,

siblings, parents, children. Difficulty with breathing, or with the lungs, the organs of air,

indicates tension in the Heart Chakra. A person's relationship with air reflects their

relationship with love. AIDS is a problem with the person's perceptions of love, since it is

the immune system which is affected. The person feels that their lifestyle separates them

from those they love, often because of societal judgment.

Element: Air


Located at Base of the throat

This Chakra controls the throat and the neck, and the arms and the hands. It is associated with the brachial or cervical plexus.

Color: Sky Blue

Endocrine Gland: Thyroid Gland

Sense: Sense of Hearing

The aspects of expressing and receiving. Expressing can be in the form of communicating what one wants and what one feels, or it can be an artistic expression, as an artist painting, a dancer dancing, a musician playing music, using a form for expressing and bringing to the outside what was within.


This chakra is associated with listening to one's intuition, which guides one in an optimal

flow, in which one sees one's goals manifest, and it seems that the Universe provides all

their needs with no effort on their part at all. It's a state of Grace. Abundance, therefore, is

associated with this chakra, as is the aspect of unconditional receiving necessary to accept

the abundance of the Universe. This is the first level of consciousness in which one

perceives directly another level of Intelligence, and experiences one's interaction with this

other Intelligence. Metaphysically, this chakra is related to creativity, creating, manifesting

in the physical world the fulfillment of one's goals.

Element: Ether, as the crossover between the physical world and the world of Spirit. On

the physical level, it corresponds to deep space as the most subtle physical element. From

the point of view of the Spiritual, it represents the matrix on which physical reality



Located Center of the Forehead

This Chakra is associated with the forehead and temples, with the carotid plexus

Color: Indigo, Midnight Blue

Endocrine Gland: Pituitary Gland

Sense: Extra Sensory Perception, all of the inner senses corresponding to the outer senses, which together are considered spirit-to-spirit communication. These include, for example, clairvoyance (inner sense of vision), clairaudience (inner sense of hearing), clairsentience (inner sense of touch), etc.

6. AJNA CHAKRA ( Brow )

This Chakra is associated with the deep inner level of Being we call the Spirit, and with

what we consider spirituality and the spiritual perspective, the point of view from that

deeper part of our being that western traditions consider the subconscious or

unconscious. It is the place where our true motivations are found, and is the level of

consciousness that directs our actions and, in fact, our lives.

It is also from this point of view that one sees events in the physical world as the

manifestation of co-creation among the Beings involved in those events.

Element: Inner Sound, the sound one hears inside that does not depend upon events

outside. Often considered a pathological condition by traditional medicine, it is also seen

by eastern traditions as a necessary prerequisite to further spiritual growth.

6. AJNA CHAKRA ( Brow )


Located on top of the head

This Chakra is associated with the Brain and the entire Nervous System

Color: Violet

Endocrine Gland: Pineal Gland

Sense: Empathy, Unity, experiencing another person’s experience as if you were inside them

This Chakra shows our relationship with Our Father in Heaven. It represents our connection with our biological father, which becomes the model for our relationship with authority and ultimately with God.

When one experiences a sense of separation from their father, they close the crown

chakra, and experience a sense of isolation and aloneness, as if they are in a shell, and

having difficulty with feeling contact with those around them. Thought processes tend to

justify and maintain the sense of aloneness.

The view from this chakra includes seeing one's Self as the single consciousness creating

all, and paradoxically, thus connected to all, like a dreamer dreaming a dream and

realizing that all that is perceived is just an extension of their own consciousness.

Element: Inner Light, which is what one experiences when they are in the deepest part of

their being, as a point of consciousness glowing with intelligence.

Also called White Light. Metaphysically, this is considered the most subtle element of

which the entire physical universe is created.



What is Shiatsu?

• The human body has fourteen "meridians"

that carry energy throughout the body.

These meridians start at the fingertips,

connect to the brain, and then connect to

the organ associated with the specific

meridian. Shiatsu deals with all the aspects

of a person as a whole: body, emotions,

mind, and spirit as one, not as separate

parts. It relaxes muscular tension and

balances the vital life forces of the body.

How does Shaitsu work?

• Like acupuncture, shiatsu is based on the holistic system of

traditional oriental medicine, where illness is thought to result

from imbalances in the natural flow of energy, or qi (pronounced

"chee") through the body.

• Shiatsu therapists use finger and palm pressure to energetic

pathways, called meridians to improve the flow of qi. A scientific

explanation is that shiatsu calms an overactive sympathetic

nervous system, which improves circulation, relieves stiff muscles,

and alleviates stress.

How can Shiatsu help?

Shiatsu can mainly help with the following:

– Relieve stress and tension

– Relax mind and body

– Increase blood circulation

– Aid in the removal of toxic wastes

– Provide relief from head, neck and shoulder aches

– Promote the healing of injuries

– Increase energy levels

– Increase overall feeling of well-being

– Decreasing labor pains and combining with other complimentary

therapies it can help many others….

Why should I use complimentary therapies?

• It cleanses the whole body of toxins, restores balance, strengthening the immune

system and improving resistance to illness.

• It enables life-giving energy to flow uninhibited through the body's energy


• It brings about inner peace, confidence and a sense of wellbeing, reversing the

effects of stress and ageing in mind and body.

• It enhances your strength, energy and vitality, as well as mental clarity and

alertness. It helps the body to heal itself, thus reducing dependency on herbs and


• Helps you to become more self aware and make positive and beneficial lifestyle


Services Offered

Complete Body Shiatsu ( Duration: 60 min. )

Full body Shiatsu using traditional Chinese acupuncture

points (without needles) and pressure techniques. This

technique helps align the body’s 14 meridians (energy

channels) releasing Chi (energy) throughout the body.

The treatment is performed on a comfortable massage

table; loose clothing (Cotton T shirt and track pant) is

expected to be worn by both male and female clients.

Shiatsu therapy is more beneficial than standard massage as it can be used to treat a variety of

common ailments but particularly injuries, by diagnosing the problem area and redirecting flow

of internal energy. It can provide pain relief and leaves you feeling totally relaxed and tranquil,

energized and focused.

Integrated Deep Tissue ( Duration: 90 min. )

Shiatsu and Rei-ki, combined with

deep hand strokes to release

tightness and restrictions in deep

muscle layers.

Reflexology ( Duration: 60 min. )

Reflexology works on the principle that there are areas

on the hands and feet that correspond to glands, organs

and structures of the entire body. During a reflexology

treatment the therapist will apply various massage and

pressure techniques on these reflex points to effectively

treat the whole body. Reflexology is deeply relaxing,

giving a pleasant and soothing sensation, releasing

tension throughout the body.

Reflexology also increases circulation, aiding the distribution of nutrients and oxygen, and

removing waste products from the system. Not only the physical body, but also the emotional

states of the patient may be influenced by manipulation of the feet. Reflexology is particularly

beneficial for pre-conception, post-natal and also during Pregnancy.

Pregnancy Shiatsu ( Duration: 60 min. )

This massage consists of a combination of

acupressure and relaxing, rhythmic

massage techniques, to enable the muscle

tension to really let go. Particular attention

is paid to the lower back area, head, neck

and shoulders and then finished with a

relaxing foot massage. The massage is

longer to enable maximum comfort to

positioning and uses

Maternity Reflexology ( Duration: 30 min. )

During this treatment relaxing massage techniques

open the feet to enable the body to let go and

systems to balance. Particular attention is paid to the

endocrine system reflexes for hormonal support as

well as promoting suppleness in the pelvic area. Deep

relaxation and a soothing touch help to relieve anxiety

and prepare emotionally for motherhood. Treatments

can help with constipation, nausea, fluid retention or

poor circulation and sometimes with inducing over

term pregnancies.


Chi Kung

Chi Kung (specialized family package)

Baby Chi Kung weekend workshops: 120 mins

interacting sessions where you can benefit from

listening and learning with other parents maximum 8

families per session minimum 5 families.

Chi Kung workshop

Chi Kung workshops for families: 120 mins interacting

sessions where you can benefit from listening and

learning with other families maximum 8 families per

session minimum 5 families.

Shiatsu Bodywork

(Group Therapy) 80 mins

Full body Shiatsu using traditional Chinese

acupuncture points (without needles) and

pressure techniques. This technique helps align

the body’s 14 meridians (energy channels)

releasing Chi (energy) throughout the body. The

treatment is performed on a comfortable

massage table; loose clothing (Cotton T shirt

and track pant) is expected to be worn by both

male and female clients.

Ailments & Injuries

If you suffer from any ailments (physical

& emotional) I can help with the

combination of various natural


Reiki Treatments/Initiations’ Workshops

• Scanning to identify the aura blockages• Aura cleansing• Healing the aura• Chakra Balancing• Treating with Reiki• Understanding the chakras and its functions• Initiations of 1st and 2nd degree Reiki• Group treatment


• You may contact Prathap to discover other healing techniques he uses in his healing practice and to experience the beauty of Shiatsu at your premise.

• Call on (0) 9010 704 904 or (0) 7837 300 771• E-mail us @ or • log on to or•

List of therapies

• List of therapies offered are as follows:• Aromatherapy• Shiatsu treatment/workshops• Reiki treatment/workshops• Reflexology• Counselling Reality therapy based on choice

theory(Marriage & Juvenile counselling)• Tarot Reading

List of therapies

• Chi kung Workshops ( For babies 7days to 7 years)• Anti and post natal reflexology (Both for individuals

and groups)• Maternity reflexology & Shiatsu( Both for individuals

and groups)• Group Meditation and relaxation sessions• Wheat grass therapy for chronic illnesses like cancer


Thank You!In the Spirit of Well-Being