Praktikum anatomi

Post on 21-Apr-2015

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Transcript of Praktikum anatomi

Blok 2.6 Bahan test anatomi (W-1)

Daerah inguinalis:

lig. Inguinal,

lig. Pektinali anulus,

canalis inguinal,

anulus femoralis

Ligamentum Inguinal

Pecten of pubis


Pecten of pubis

Tuberkulum pubic

Canalis Inguinalis

Ligamentum Inguinalis

Ligamentum Pektinati

Anulus femoralis

Anulus inguinalis superficial The superficial inguinal ring is an anatomical structure in the anterior wall of the human

abdomen. It is a triangular opening that forms the exit of the inguinal canal, which houses the

ilioinguinal nerve, the genital branch of the genitofemoral nerve, and the spermatic cord (in

men) or the round ligament (in women). At the other end of the canal, the deep inguinal ring

forms the entrance. It is also called the subcutaneous inguinal ring or external inguinal ring.

It is found within the aponeurosis of the external oblique, immediately above the crest of the

pubis, 1 centimeter above and lateral to the pubic tubercle. It has medial and lateral crura. It is

at the layer of the aponeurosis of the obliquus externus abdominis.

Aponeurosis: a sheetlike tendinous expansion, mainly serving to connect a muscle

with the parts it moves.

Annulus inguinalis superficialis, a.k.a. superficial inguinal ring

Annulus inguinalis profundus, a.k.a. deep inguinal ring

Annulus femoralis, a.k.a. femoral ring The femoral ring is the base of the femoral

canal. It is directed upward and is oval in form, its long diameter being directed

transversely and measuring about 1.25 cm.

Trigonum Hesselbach

Tampilan dari sisi dalam tubuh.

Regio dinding perut dan proyeksi organ dalam perut

Metode Kwadran


Lapisan Dinding Perut


Fasia camper (lemak)

Fasia scarpa (membranosa)


Fascia transversalis

Otot-otot dinding perut

M. rektus abdominis

M. piramidalis

M. Oblikus abdominis eksternus

M. Oblikus abdominis internus

M. Transversus abdominis

Arteri & vena epigastric superior

Arteri & vena epigastric inferior

M. rektus abdominis

M. rektus abdominis

M. Oblikus abdominis eksternus

M. piramidalis

Intersektiones tendeniae

M. oblikus abdominis internus

M. piramidalis

M. transversus abdominis

Otot bagian belakang dinding perut

Psoas major dan minor

M. kuadratus lumborum

M. iliakus

M. Psoas minor

M. Kuadratus Lumborum

M. Psoas major

M. Iliakus