PR der virker - med Jonathan Løw

Post on 25-Jan-2017

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Transcript of PR der virker - med Jonathan Løw

A need to be heardA need to feel understoodA need to find meaningA need to be ourselves


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Find and benchmark a well-known reference (iTunes)Key message

Target audienceObjective

Think like a journalist

News-centeredCapitalize on current events

Don’t advertiseHeadline with primary keywordsPyramid-writing (important first)

• From product to people

• Short e-mail pitchesrather than pressreleases or long stories

• Moved pictures from e-mail to attachments

• Stopped attaching the key story

• Put the story in a public context / debate

• Looking for localstories and heroes

• Stopped using the word”omtale” (mention)

• Helped journalists identify ‘the good story’



