Pp Session10

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Transcript of Pp Session10

Art and Culture of the Spanish Golden Age

Session 10: Mythology, Singularity, and the Nude

ARTH 299SPAN 301

Velázquez, The Waterseller of Seville, ca. 1618

Velázquez, Philip IV, ca. 1623

Velázquez, Adoration of the Magi. Detail

Vicente Carducho, Saint Bruno Renounces the Archbishopric of Reggio

Eugenio Cajés, Adoration of the Magi

Annibale Carracci, Saint Peter’s Meeting with Christ, 1602

Velázquez, Old Woman Cooking Eggs, ca. 1618

Velázquez, Adoration of the Magi, 1619

Velázquez, Vision of Saint John at Patmos

Caravaggio, Love Conquers All, 1601-1602

Annibale Carracci, Saint Peter’s Meeting with Christ, 1602

Caravaggio, Love Conquers All, 1601-1602

Juan Bautista Maino, Adoration of the Magi

Velázquez, The Feast of Bacchus or Los Borrachos, 1629

Velázquez, The Feast of Bacchus or Los Borrachos, 1629. Detail

Velázquez, The Feast of Bacchus or Los Borrachos, 1629. Detail

Velázquez, Joseph’s Bloodied Coat Presented to Jacob, ca. 1629-30

Velázquez, Joseph’s Bloodied Coat Presented to Jacob, ca. 1629-30

Velázquez, The Forge of Vulcan, ca. 1629-30

Velázquez, The Forge of Vulcan, ca. 1629-30

Velázquez, Villa Medici Landscapes, ca. 1629-30

Velázquez, The Surrender of Breda or Las Lanzas, 1635

Titian, Danaë, 1553-1562 (painted for Philip II)

Titian, Venus and Adonis

Titian, The Rape of Europa, 1560-62

Titian, Perseus and Andromeda, 1554-56

Titian, Diana and Actaeon, 1556-1559

Titian, Diana and Callisto, 1556-59

Titian, Bacchanal of the Adrians, 1523-1526

Titian, Worship of Venus, 1518-19

Rubens, copy after, Philip IV, 1628

Rubens, after Titian, The Rape of Europa, 1628

Titian, The Rape of Europa, 1560-62

Titian, Adam and Eve,

Rubens, after Titian, Adam and Eve, c. 1628-1629

Rubens, The Judgment of Paris, 1639

Rubens, Perseus and Andromeda

Rubens, Adam and Eve, c. 1628-1629

Rubens, after Titian, The Rape of Europa, 1628

Rubens, The Three Graces,

Rubens, Nymphs and Satyrs, c. 1635

Poster of El Rey Pasmado/The Dumbfounded King, 1992

Velázquez, Venus at her Mirror, 1648?

Titian, Venus with a Mirror, 16th century

Rubens, Venus at her Mirror, 1614-15

Velázquez, Venus at her Mirror, 1648?

Photographic reconstruction of Velázquez’s Venus at her Mirror

Velázquez, Venus at her Mirror, 1648?

Velázquez, Venus at her Mirror, 1648?

Velázquez’s Venus after attack by suffragist Mary Richardson, 1914

Velázquez, The Spinners or Las Hilanderas, 1656

Velázquez, Christ in the House of Marta and Mary, 1619

Velázquez, The Spinners or Las Hilanderas, 1656. Detail

Rubens, Oil sketch for The Fable of Arachne, ca. 1636

Velázquez, The Spinners or Las Hilanderas, 1656. Detail

Rubens, Oil sketch for The Fable of Arachne, ca. 1636

Titian, The Rape of Europa

Velázquez, The Spinners or Las Hilanderas, 1656. Detail

Velázquez, The Spinners or Las Hilanderas, 1656. Detail

Velázquez, The Spinners or Las Hilanderas, 1656. Detail

Velázquez, The Spinners or Las Hilanderas, 1656. Detail

Velázquez, The Feast of Bacchus or Los Borrachos, 1629

Velázquez, Venus at her Mirror, 1648?

Velázquez, The Spinners or Las Hilanderas, 1656