Powerpoint yogya

Post on 21-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Powerpoint yogya



By Septy

About YogyaYogyakarta is a city which is one of Special

Region in IndonesiaWhere is Yogyakarta ?

It is located in the center of the island of Java, bordered on the south by the Indian

Ocean, and to the north by a chain of volcanoes of which meeting Merapi, some

27 kms awayNew Brand of Yogyakarta is Jogja Never Ending Asia. It means Yogyakarta is a great place to visit and the visitors will have experience that never end in Asia. The goal is Yogyakarta will lead economic region in Asia for trade, tourism, and investment in five years".

Map of Java Island

Palace and Sultan It is the only province in Indonesia that is

still formally governed by a Sultanate: the Sultanate of Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat

Traditional Ceremonies and Festivals

Grebeg as a peak of sekaten ceremony. Grebeg comes from the word garebeg a cultural rite of Sultan to thank God for the blessing. In this rite Sultan gives alms for abdi dalem (sultan`s staff and servents) and kawula dalem (Sultan's people). Gunungan putri and gunungan kakung are the focus of grebegan. In grebegan people will compete to get everything from gunungan as they beieve they will get prosperity. This is the end of sekaten and the fair at Alun-Alun Utara

Keraton wedding CeremonyGrebeg

Labuhan is from the word Labuh, means to throw away into.The Labuhan ceremony of Karaton Yogyakarta is a ritual offering meant to preserve a long sacred relation between the Sultan of Yogya as the direct descendant of Panembahan Senopati the first Ruler of the second Mataram Kingdom and the Goddess of the South Sea, Kanjeng Ratu Kidul.

This ceremony is to celebrate the everlasting love of two servants in the royal palace, the couple were buried in the surrounding limestone hills. The climax of the ceremony is when replica dolls (bekakak) of the couple made from glutinous rice, are paraded through out the village then finally decapitated. Held on Friday nearing the month of Sapar (Javanese calendar)

Labuhan Ceremony

Bekakak Saparan

Traditional Clothes

The pictures shows various kind of traditional clothes. Some of them are daily clothes, and others are clothes for special ceremony or festival

Abdi dalem wear kemben to have caos dhaharan in Kraton

They wear kebaya and kain batik as a daily clothes

A man wears blangkon,

beskap, kain batik. Keris is used in formal



Some people in Yogyakarta often ride bicycle , have becak and andong as their transportation even there are many motorcycle or car


Sepeda or bicycle



Gudeg that made from nangka muda ( young jackfruit), santan, gula

merah ( palm sugar), and bumbu rempah

Endog abang

Kipo made from sticky rice flour



Jadah tempe

Traditional Toys



Mercon bumbung


Something Special

Batik was first made during Majapahit era. A long time ago, batik was only used by family of Kraton

Traditional Music

Java especially Yogyakarta and Surakarta has completed music instrument that used like an orchestra called Gamelan

Traditional Performance

Wayang Kulit or Shadow Puppet

Wayang Orang

Tari Bedoyo

Traditional Equipment


Food wrapped by banana leaves Bird cage

There are some equipment that most of them made from bamboo. Bamboo is a flexible material, easy to find. Some people still use that equipment

Various kinds of Keris. They are used as an accessories in formal traditional clothes for male.

Special javanese alphabeth

Symbol of Kraton

Famous Places

Prambanan Temple


Waterfall in Kaliurang

Merapi Mountain

Parangtritis Beach

Taman Sari

Gedung Agung Istana Kepresidenan

Cublak Cublak Suweng in Gamelan

cublak cublak suweng.mp4

Let’s Sing Together

cublak cublak suwengsuwenge ting geleteknganggo kepudung solektak ijo royo-royosopo gelem delekakesir – sir pong ‘dele bodhongsir – sir pong ‘dele bodhongsir – sir pong ‘dele bodhong-dhong-dhong–dhong ….

Cublak Cublak Suweng