Powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Sabbath School Lessons Jul Aug Sept...

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Transcript of Powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Sabbath School Lessons Jul Aug Sept...

powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicentewww.puca79.com/vicente

Adult Sabbath School LessonsJul • Aug • Sept 2008

Adult Sabbath School LessonsJul • Aug • Sept 2008

Gary Krause Principal Contributor

Gary Krause Principal Contributor

God’s Great MissionariesContents

1. For Such a Time As This: The Apostle Paul 2. “All Things to All Men”: Paul Preaches to the World3. John the Baptist: Preparing the Way for Jesus 4. The Son of God Among Us 5. Matthew 10: Jesus and His Disciples6. The Compassionate Savior7. The Apostle John8. From Folly to Faith: The Apostle Peter9. A Pillar of Mission: The Apostle Peter

10. Woman of Mission11. Mission in a Pagan Land: Daniel and Company12. Gifted for Service: Philip13. “Here Am I! Send Me”: The Prophet Isaiah

1. For Such a Time As This: The Apostle Paul 2. “All Things to All Men”: Paul Preaches to the World3. John the Baptist: Preparing the Way for Jesus 4. The Son of God Among Us 5. Matthew 10: Jesus and His Disciples6. The Compassionate Savior7. The Apostle John8. From Folly to Faith: The Apostle Peter9. A Pillar of Mission: The Apostle Peter

10. Woman of Mission11. Mission in a Pagan Land: Daniel and Company12. Gifted for Service: Philip13. “Here Am I! Send Me”: The Prophet Isaiah

God’s Great MissionariesOur Goal {5}

It would be a mistake this quarter to study these biblical agents as interesting historical

figures and leave it at that.Rather, we need to catch the inspiration of their lives and focus on our mission to this

dying world.

God’s Great MissionariesLesson 6, August 9God’s Great MissionariesLesson 6, August 9

The Compassionate SaviorKey Text

MATTHEW 9:36 NIV“When He saw the crowds, he had

compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without

a shepherd.”

The Compassionate SaviorInitial Words {72}

Compassion motivated every aspect of Christ’s ministry. He ministered to all types of people, regardless of their social

class, gender, or race.

He demonstrated unconditional love and forgiveness in His life and, most powerfully, in His death on the cross, paying in Himself

the penalty for our sins.

The Compassionate SaviorQuick Look

1. Compassionate: God With Us (John 1:14)

2. Compassionate: Reaching All (Luke 6:19; John 3, 4, 9:1-7)

3. Compassionate: Forgiveness (Ephesians 4:32)

The Compassionate Savior1. Compassion: God With Us

JOHN 1:14 NKJV“And the Word

became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His

glory, the glory of the only begotten of the

Father, full of grace and truth.”

1. Compassion: God With Us Immanuel {79}

The Greek word translated “dwelt,” skenoo, in John 1:14 means to “pitch

one’s tent”.When Jesus came to this world, He did not live in a distance from the people

to whom He ministered.He “pitched His tent” among them, living and

working among them—relating to them at their level.

1. Compassion: God With Us Immanuel {76}

One of the fundamental truths of Christianity is that Jesus, Himself fully God, came down to the level of

fallen humanity.The earthly sanctuary system was set up with

the express purpose of allowing God to be close to His people. “Have them make me a

sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them” (Exodus 25:8 NIV).

The Compassionate Savior2. Compassion: Reaching All


“And the whole multitude sought to

touch Him, for power went out from Him and

healed them all.”

2. Compassion: Reaching AllThe Masses {73}

Travel back then was, in contrast to our day, painfully slow

and exceedingly treacherous. That did not stop “a great multitude” from coming to hear

Jesus.One time the crowd was so large and pressing against Him that He had to get into a boat and teach them from a distance.

2. Compassion: Reaching AllThe Personal Touch {75}

1. John 3:1, 2. Nicodemus came to Jesus by night.2. John 4:7. “A woman of Samaria came to draw water, Jesus said to her…”3. John 9:1. “Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth.”

The foundation of Jesus’ ministry was personal contact.

2. Compassion: Reaching AllThe Personal Touch {81}

Jesus knew how to communicate with people. His speech was

aimed at their level.He did not use deep philosophical and

theological language, although He spoke the most profound truth.

He spoke in simple, practical terms that everyone could understand. He spoke of

things that people could apply to their lives.

The Compassionate Savior3. Compassion: Forgiveness


“And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one

another, just as God in Christ also forgave you.”

3. Compassion: ForgivenessAn Expression {77}

Compassion drove everything that Jesus did. And central to

that expression of compassion was forgiveness.

Considering the essence of Christian theology, that we are sinners in need of

God’s forgiveness, no wonder it is such a powerful theme in Jesus’ life and teaching.

3. Compassion: ForgivenessAn Expression {77}

Jesus often likens His grace to being forgiven a great debt. And the reason that debt has

been cancelled is that Jesus, Himself, paid it for us.

Also, again and again, Jesus taught that those who have been forgiven

must forgive others. An unforgiving

Christian is a contradiction in terms.

The Compassionate SaviorFinal Words {82}

The word compassion literally means “to feel with” or “to sympathize with.”

It’s not enough to say about a painful situation, “Isn’t that a shame; somebody really should do

something about that.”