Powerpoint ( annabel & james ) pdf

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Transcript of Powerpoint ( annabel & james ) pdf

Friday, 4 July 2014

Friday, 4 July 2014

Friday, 4 July 2014

Friday, 4 July 2014

Feedback App logo

Final App logo

This is the feedback that i received about my app logo.

App logo Feedback: I like the inclusion of in game characters, and the brightness of the app although i think that the typography should be in more relation to the theme of the game as its quite a simple text

On the left the photos are the old designs i had for my app logo, different designs that i came up to before creating my final one, and getting different ideas and feedback so i could make the final design better.

From the feedback that i got they said they liked the characters in the app, so i kept that but i made it better, used a template to create the final app and used the characters from the game, i also used a spaceman i created a while back, i kept all the pictures in a folder so that i could find them when i needed them, keeping the same characters through out the game and the app shows more what the game is about.

Final feedback :I like how the space man is the centre off attention with the aliens popping out behind him. The faces on the aliens are really fun too,

which is good because it’s the kind of thing that our target audience who are kids will like. Everything is positioned well and the stars

are a good extra in the background.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Web Banner feedbackFrom the first picture you can see that this is my first design of a web banner

i got feedback on this to see what i needed to improve, from the feedback i got i needed to change the colour of the background, because the spaceman’s hands blended in with the background, so i thought about this and thought about how i could change this but i didn’t want to have a different colour

background because this would then mean that it wouldn’t be very space like so i kept the background but i changed the space mans hands this way i can

still have both with it still fitting the theme.

Another thing i got back from the feedback was that the writing was pretty boring and could be changed, so i looked at different fronts and decided on this one

that you can see on the photo, it was more with the space theme, and stood out more than the last one.

i added a few white stars to the new picture i thought the picture before was very boring,

and just one colour, also the feedback said i could of put more things in the background like the animated stars but i thought that it

looked too much when i added the animated stars.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Alien Blast

Whack a mole clone

Friday, 4 July 2014

Having looked at the market competition on the App Store, I found out that kids games are a big market as Apple have dedicated a section of the App Store to app games and regularly update it with kids games.

One of the Most successful kids games angry birds have invested a lot of money into merchandise such as clothing, posters, and banners online.This earns them money and promotes their product even further to gain them a high market share within the kids games market.

Our app logo

Market Competition

Friday, 4 July 2014

My target audience will be children aged 4 - 13, it's important not to purely target the children as their parents, for example to write in the description box "child friendly game" this opens up the opportunity to target only the consumer but another potential buyer (parents).

I done some consumer research by speaking to an 8 year old to see what he though of the product.The feedback that I received from him was that he would enjoy playing the game, and thought it was funny, and liked the look of the aliens and would play this game if it was out on the App Store.

After gaining feedback from someone younger I spoke to someone aged 13 to get their feedback on the game, he said that he liked the look of the game but probably wouldn't download the game himself but the aliens and everything was made well, from this I think that we should talk about the age that we have targeted the game at, and also speak to other people of different ages to see what they think of the game, so that we have a stronger view on what people think.

Violence Bad Language Fear Sex Drugs Discrimination Gambling Online gaming

Target Audience

To decided on the app store rating we will

get someone to review it before it

went on there

Friday, 4 July 2014

Drugs Our game has no drugs

Imitable behaviour We have no imitable behaviour

Language We have no language / speaking within our game

Nudity we have no nudity in our game, although people may think that the alien is naked.

Sex there is no sex in the game

Threat there might be some threat in the game as aliens get killed

Violence there is some violence within the game as you kill the aliens.

Our game is rated 4+

Friday, 4 July 2014

The aims of an advertising campaign is so more people get to see the product ( alien blast ) from seeing different things about the games get more children interested In downloading the game so from selling t shirts and putting out posters & banners, a lot more people will see this it's making people want to go out and download it.

Other games such as angry birds sold

t shirts

Advertising Campaign

Friday, 4 July 2014

My first advert would be on Daily app show, We would put our App on the website so that people can see our game, we have created the app already that would go online, these would be promoting the game for other gamers to see. This is advertising our game to people on the daily app show website.

This is a link to the website that we would be putting our game on, http://dailyappshow.com/

As you can see from the picture there is already a banner / app on there for a game, this is where our game banner could go, and we would have the aliens animated, along with other things.

First Advert

To have our App on the daily app show it would cost us $55, witch for us in the UK is £32.30

we would be then paying for our App to be put on their website.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Our second advert would be online, where you have advertisements come up for example on YouTube.

I would have the same advert for the Online add banner but for the computer but I might make it so you can actually play the game In the advert so there is a part of a game play where you can click to try the game this way children will get a feel of what the game is like and hopefully go and download the whole game.

so to start with have the game being played and showing you how to play & them having An alien say " try it yourself " with a play button so you can have a go yourself.

Try it yourself

The link wont last long as people may just do this instead of going to download the game, this way it only lasts one game and after that

the link will be inactive and will change to a link for the app store

Second Advert

We are going to contact the Youtuber, CrazyMikesApps and ask him if he would review our game on his Youtube channel.


Friday, 4 July 2014

The idea for promoting the game is to go to a holiday place, we have picked Center Parcs, this is where a lot of family’s go with their children so its the perfect place to go and promote the game, the idea was to

set up a stall, the options we came up with would be outside the park if the day / weather is good if not then in the plazza witch is

the main part of center parcs where people walk through.This would bring children and their parents over to the stall to view the game.

The stall would be where children can come over and play the game and sign up for a competition, with doing this they play the game and write down their name

villa number & score, the child with the highest score by the end of the days wins the game for free, & two t shirts.

The idea for Center parcs is that its a family holiday & the game is being released in

the summer holidays, so this way children will be able so see the game.

We sent an email to Center Parcs to see how much it would cost to have a stall there, so we would have a rough idea of how the idea would



Friday, 4 July 2014

Promotion One ideas

Friday, 4 July 2014

Another promotion would be, by downloading the game from the App Store for the 3 days if you have downloaded it / bought the game you get 10% off the game, this can he promoted online on the App Store and where the game is, this means people will download it in the first few weeks because it's cheaper than what it will be this was people are then downloading the game.

Promotion 2

Friday, 4 July 2014

Promotion 2 ideas

Write in the description that

its 10% off

Friday, 4 July 2014

Price of our game.The price of our game is 69p, witch is what most games are on the app store

without it being a crazy price, we had to look in to this price for many reasons one being the fact that our game is for children, this means that children wont have an

account to buy the game, but looking into this more, you have to have an account to download a game anyway, so this way even if its 69p, a child isn’t going to be

looking at the price of the game only the parent will, witch is why i have said before we should not be just targeting children and should also target the children

Gaining feedbackGaining feedback about the campaign will just be like I have already done before where I have spoken to people different ages to find out their ideas on what works and what doesn't so to gain more people I would speak to more people maybe do a questionnaire for people to answer about how it's going.

Friday, 4 July 2014

The release date for Alien blast

This is the second day we will be promoting the game at Center

parcs, when the game is out.

Youtube advert to come out online

First day to go to center parcs,

before the game comes out.

The date for the t shirts to be


This is the date for the online add on a

website to come out.

10% discount 3 days

Friday, 4 July 2014

Release date

The date for the first advert which is an add App online is the 5th a few days after the game has come out,this way they can see the game and then go and download the game if they like the look, also its keeping people still talking

and seeing it.

For the Youtube add to come out we decided on this coming out the day after the game is released,this is so its new but we also have a link on the add so that you can click and trial the game, this is good to be a day after, so that the game is then out.

The dates for center parcs we decided on by looking at our target audience, witch is for children, and the date we are releasing the game is on the1st of august this is because its summer holidays and a lot of children will be out and on i pads in the evening, or have long journey’s, people might be

traveling back from Center parcs and decided on downloading the game.

The 10% discount from the game will only last 3 days and for this it will come out on the day of the game, this is so that people still pay for the game but are thinking they have a

discount on this so will get it straight away instead of waiting to download it for 69p

Friday, 4 July 2014

GoalOur goal is to sell 500 copies of our game in the first month, we are going to achieve this by using our steps from the promotion, by going

to center parcs & giving a 10% discount for the game for the first 3 daysthis should help boost our game with the amount of people buying the game, & then also t shirts and banners that will be out witch is making more people

see the game and hopefully go out and buy it.if we had no 10% sale and we reached our target we would gain £345 in the first month.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Feedback improvement

The feedback we got said that the app logo was a good design

- Need to create a storyboard for the trailer

- Need to think of an alternative to Center Parcs, something a bit cheaper

- Need to come up with and idea of where

the t shirts can be sold

Friday, 4 July 2014

Selling our T-shirts

For our T-shirt designs, we would go to the online store at www.tshirtstudio.com and then design our T-shirt on their online store then have 10 or 15 printed off at

a time.

If sales started to incase, then we would simply purchase more in the future and possible design new T-shirts if they had some good feedback.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Alternate to Center ParcsWhen explaining our marketing plan, we were told that having our promotion idea in Center Parcs would be too expensive as it is a massive chain of holiday resorts

that would charge heavily for the kind of thing we want to do.

We decided to go a little more realistic and go and have our promotional tent in a fate in a small village of Fenstanton, they have a village sports days in the 5th of july so that would be a good time to go and promote our game, this way again children

and families will be there.

Fates are child and family friendly and we would attract all kinds of ages to play our game and give us feedback.

Friday, 4 July 2014

Friday, 4 July 2014