
Post on 21-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Postcards


Dear Mike Chang,

Today I explored England. The first stop that I made was Buckingham Palace. Did you know that the palace has been in use since 1837? That’s like 176 years! I also learned that the palace has 775 rooms, 1,514 doors and 760 windows. It’s amazing! Next I went to Big Ben. Big Ben is located in the heart of London and it was an amazing landmark to see. Finally, I went to the city of Bath. Bath was one of the most beautiful cities I have ever visited and it was so historic. Bath is full of actual baths that were made by the Romans. I had a great time in this city and it was so beautiful. Wish you were here!


Dear Adrienne,

My trip around the world continues! I’m in Mexico right now and I have had an amazing day! So far, I have gone to El Castillo in Chichen Itza which was one of the most interesting architectural sites I have ever seen. Chichen Itza is an ancient Mayan city and El Castillo is the main pyramid in the city. Next, I went to Cancun which is an amazing beach area. I had a great time relaxing in the sun. Today was a great day but I am looking forward to tomorrow even more. I am going diving in Cozumel which is a really famous place to see all kinds of fish and plants. See you soon!


Dear Kennedy,

Today I went skydiving in Taupo in New Zealand. It was a really fun experience. After going on this amazing ride, I decided to walk around Wellington Harbor, one of Wellington’s most beautiful attractions. To end the day, I visited the Auckland museum which was a grand finale to this fun-filled day. I enjoyed my time in New Zealand. Ta-ta for now!


Dear Mom,

Today I stayed in Indonesia. Indonesia is a beautiful and fascinating place. One sight that blew my mind was seeing Mount Gamalama erupt on Ternate Island. It was amazing! After that, I had a relaxing afternoon at Seminyak Beach in Bali. Tomorrow I plan to visit the Narmada water garden. It is supposed to contain many species of Indonesia’s vast wildlife.
