Post questionnaire results females

Post on 21-Dec-2014

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Transcript of Post questionnaire results females

Hiba Butt

Post Questionnaire ResultsFemales

For the post questionnaire we decided to ask five males and five females, as the results would be fair and the scores would be even.

The graphs shows the majority of females were in between 16-20 therefore same with the male category it was a mixture from different ages.

This was a positive result showing that all five females were able to recognise the genre straight away.

Again similar to males, all five females rated our short film 5 and upwards which was still a positive result as it would hopefully be passed on through word of mouth.

This result was completely different to males as two females thought that the editing was the strongest alongside the other three females who thought the other options were the strongest

This was another positive feedback allowing us as a production team to feel positive about the sound.

Majority of females agreed that the fonts used were appropriate allowing this graph to still be positive.

This showed that our production was professional however with the one negative this would allow us to know what we did wrong if we was to make another short film.

All five females would recommend our short film to friends and family enabling them to watch it and hopefully find it funny.

This last graph showed that three out of five females found our short production funny however the two females who did not find it funny may have wanted more jokes to be added in. However if we was to make another short film we would take this into consideration.