Portfolio – Contenta Inc. - CONTENTA Web Services

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Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada(RAIC Online Order Centre)

e-Business Application:

Development of an Online Order Entry System allowing Architects and RAIC stakeholders to order the Canadian Handbook of Practice Order. Integration of Moneris Online Payment system. Content distribution via secured PDFs, CDs.

Fédération canadienne pourl’alphabétisation en français (http://www.fcaf.net )

Site Designs (2006, 2009/10):Site Development:Development of section templates used for contentupdates. Online event registration forms. RSS set-up Enhanced navigation. Development of flash animatednews scrolling box, CSS creation, etc...

Coalition ontarienne de formationdes adultes (site to be launched in April 2010)

Site Design:Site Development:Site design and development of web templates.Training for on-going content updates by the client.Domain management. Password protected sectionset-up.

© Contenta Inc, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

GEM Health Care Services (site to be launched in April 2010)

Site Design:Site Development:Site design and development of web templates.Database development for events, careers & franchisee information, integration of Google maps, client training for on-going content updates.

Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

Multimedia Game Development:(in conjunction with http://www.convergence.coop )

Game creation and development, Interface designFlash animation with sound clips.

La Fédération des aînés et des retraitésfrancophones de l’Ontario (FAFO)(http://www.fafo.on.ca/jeux/1/index.htmlhttp://www.fafo.on.ca/jeux/2/index.html )

IOGEN Corporation (http://www.iogen.ca )

Site Development:Site Design (in conjunction with Vertexmedia)

Website programming including search engine,development of templates to be used by client for content creation and content updates. Content migration from previous website. Ongoing websitemaintenance.

The Council of the Federation (Intranet – 2006 to 2010)

e-Business Application:

Online Event Registration application for theannual conferences of the Provincial Premiers and PrimeMinister of Canada. Customized registration modulesfor delegates, volunteers, media, spouses and children.Automated data export to Excel. Customized reportsdevelopment.

Dynamically updatable Calendar of Events.

RE/MAX – Geoff & Bobbie McGowan(http://www.ottawa-homes.ca)

Enhancements to database functionality includingaddition of virtual tours, enlarged property listings, send listing to a friend, feature sheet upload option.Integration of site design within Admin (CMS) portion of the site.

e-Business Applications:

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© Contenta Inc, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

Logo design, creation of brochure and promotional flyer, development of web section templates, clienttraining for on-going site maintenance. Flash animationfor homepage. PDF documents protection in Passwordprotected environment, photo albums, etc…

Parkdale Montessori Preschool (http://www.parkdalemontessori.ca )

Site Designs (2007, 2009/10) :Site Development:

Dynamically updatable Calendar of Events.

Guy R. Gauthier & Diane ChartrandMortgage Consultants(http://www.guyrgauthier.com )

Site Development:Site Designs (2000, 2008):

Site design and development of web templates.Training for on-going content updates by client.On-going technical support.

AsiaNetwork Canada (http://www.asianetwork.ca )

Site Design & Development: e-Business Tools:Site design, online magazine subscriptions via Paypal, e-commerce set-up for product/ticket sales, onlineawards nomination form, advertising submissionform, online auction, flash animation, facebook, twitter social media integration, restaurant database, …

Nortel Networks

EATON / NRC(http://eatoncanadianreman.com & Intranet)

e-Business Application:

Development of an Online Order Entry system allowingTruck Dealers to order re-manufactured transmissions& parts online 24/7 across Canada.

© Contenta Inc, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

Content migration to the Department’s common look andfeel based on the Government of Canada’s publishedGuidelines for Websites.

Nortel Networks

Canadian Medical Protective Association (http://www.cmpa-acpm.ca )

Content migration. Document format conversions –PDF for print to HTML for web, QUARK to HTML.

Interface Design for Corporate Intranet (2009).Content Management system configuration.

Site Development :

Natural Convergence Inc. (http://www.naturalconvergence.com )Site Designs (2000, 2002, 2006, 2008/09)Site Developments : e-Business Tools:Dynamically updatable applications for PressRelease posting, Industry News, Careers, Contacts, Press kit requests, Meeting requests, Flash animation.

Natural Convergence Inc.(http://www.naturalconvergence.com )

Réseau SocioAction des Femmes Francophones (RéSAFF)(www.resaff.ca)Site Design & Development:e-Business ToolsProgramming of various features - automatedpostings of latest members, membership managementtool, upcoming events, online payment for events,creation of password protected section for Members, Tool for members to update their profiles, newsletterlayout, advanced member search, etc…

BellesPlus(http://www.bellesplus.com )

Development of an online Database allowing the easyaddition of stores offering Plus sized products.Integration of advanced Search feature. Development ofmembership and feedback forms. Site design anddevelopment for on-going content updates by the client.

© Contenta Inc, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

G.R.G. Financial Services Inc.(http://www.grgmortgage.com )

Site Design (2003, 2009)Site Development:e-Business Tool:

Secured online Mortgage Application Form, Website design and development.Training foron-going maintenance by the client.Website translation.

The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (http://www.raic.org )

Site Development:Website programming including search engine,development of templates to be used by client for content creation and content updates. Content migration from previous website. Enhanced navigation integration, client training.

JJ Communications(http://www.jjcommunications.com )

Site Designs (2003, 2010)Site Development:

Logo design, website design and programming, development of section templates, client trainingfor on-going content updates. Flash anmation, events calendar, YouTube, EventBrite integration,WordPress configuration for selected WP design.

Site Design:Site Development:

Yang Sheng Restaurant(http://www.yangshengrestaurant.ca )

Website images photography, content creation,site design, site development & maintenance

© Contenta Inc, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

Digital Landing(http://www.digitallanding.com )

Site Design :

Website Design, Creation of CSS for numerous sitesections. Creation of Templates including Configurationfor Server-side Includes.

Convergence Cooperative (intranet )

e-Business Tool

Development of a 7 page online survey, automatedresults compilation, creation of automatedsummary reports.

NUVO Network Management (http://www.nuvo.com )

Site Design (with Answermen Ltd.):e-Business App (with Edigenous Tech. Inc.):

Site design, set-up for Joomla template integration,enhancements to Flash product demo, developmentof online tool for subscriptions to e-mail filtering app.

Site Design (with Planet Pulse Media) Site Development:e-Business Tools

Site design, website development, templates, CSS, Database of Customers, Partners, Development ofOnline Forum, Customer Community

Beltek Mobility Solutions ( )Beltek was acquired by HighJump Software in Nov 08

© Contenta Inc, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

Preston Catalogue (http://www.prestoncatalogue.com/ )

e-Business Tool:

Development of e-commerce module allowing sitevisitors to order subscriptions and past issues onlinewith automated payment via Paypal.

Logo design, website design and programming, development of section templates, client trainingfor on-going site maintenance. Domain management.

Spotlight on Decor (http://www.spotlightondecor.com )

Site Design:Site Development:

Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS)

Le regroupement des intervenants etintervenantes francophones en santé et en services sociaux de l’Ontario (RIFSSS0)

e-Business Tools:Online Event Registration applications with automated data exports to Excel format for customized reports production by client.

Nortel Networks

Conseils d’écoles CECLFCE(Intranet)

e-Business Application:

Development of a database-driven business applicationallowing real-time tracking of coordinates for all membersof school councils (by school, by school year). Automated data exports to Excel format.

© Contenta Inc, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

Nortel Networks

Handicaps.ca - Le Phénix (http://www.handicaps.ca, previous website)

e-Business ToolsDevelopment of a search engine integrated with the client’s CMS, modifications to navigation for improvedaccessibility by minorities, design & development of Children with Special Needs section, incorporation of usability features for people with disabilities, development of online survey to identify special needs in community.

Dynamically updatable Calendar of Events.

Canadian Autism Society of Canada(http://autismsocietycanada.ca )

Site Design : Site Development:Website design, site programming, development ofbilingual templates to be used by client for content creation and updates, set-up of online community forAdvisory Committee Members, Client training.

Dynamically updatable Calendar of Events.

The Federation of National Specialty Societies(http://www.fnssc.ca )

Site Design & Developmente-Business ToolsSite design, programming to allow for postings of password protected material by Management, Boardof Directors & Members, Search function integration,insertion of Google Analytics

Centre Nouvel-Horizon(http://www.centrenouvelhorizon.com )

Site Design : Site Development:Website design and development, creation of section templates, CSS development, integration of Google Mapfeature to trace shortest route to destination, training for ongoing site maintenance by client.

© Contenta Inc, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

Dynamically updatable Calendar of Events.

Le Phénix(Intranet)

Transport Canada Technology and Information Management Services(Intranet)

Site Design:Interface design using Transport Canada’s CommonLook and Feel standards.

The Canadian Center for Ethics in Sport (http://www.bodysense.ca )

Site Development:Site Design:Website programming including search engine,automated quiz, database, developmentof templates. Content migration from previous website.

e-Business Tool:Development of online surveys to define social economic profiles of disabled people & to identifyinitiatives taken by the commercial sector to facilitate access to services by disabled people. Resultscaptured in database for analysis. Production ofautomated reports.

Site Development :

Transport Canada(Internet & Intranet)

Site Development : Content migration to approved Government standards. Document format conversions, Translation validation.

© Contenta Inc, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

Nortel Networks

GRG Holdings and Investments Ltd. (Intranet)

e-Business Application:

Development of Online Business Application to manage mortgages portfolio. Includes loan amortizations, payment tracking, customized reports.

Salamander Theatre(http://www.salamandertheatre.ca )Site Design : Site Development:

Website development for non-profit organization. Web templates development, content migration.

BeII IP Solutions(intranet)

Site Development:Site Design (in conjunction with Vertexmedia):

Site programming, development of bilingualtemplates to be used by client for contentcreation and updates

JJ Communications(E-Store, Flash Banner Animation, Website)

e-Business Tools:

Development of online products catalogue with shopping cart. Creation of flash animation, logo, business cards.Program brochure. Flash website re-development. Event registration forms, calendar of events, logos.

Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

Nortel Networks

Delta Print(http://www.deltaprint.com )

Site Design:Site Development :

Web site design and development. Development of aFlash animated home page.

© Contenta Inc, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Entente Canada Communauté-Ontario(site now off-line, organization merged.)

Site Development : e-Business Tools:A database-driven online survey developed to validate the program’s strategic orientation with results presented graphically; a flash animation for the site’s intro. page.

Minto Developments Ltd.

Site Design (The Prince Arthur section):

Site Development : Video Streaming:e-Business Tools:Development of online mortgage calculator, rent-to-own discount calculator; video encoding, streaming forthe Prince Arthur section of the website.

2000 to 2003

Nortel Networks

Milkyway Networks/SLMSite Design:Site Development : Site Maintenance:A very large number of documents were migrated tothis new site; password protected area allowing controlledaccess to a content repository.Winner of NetGuide Gold Award

1996 to 2000

Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

Nortel Networks – Supply Management(2000 - 2001)

e-Business Tools:A database-driven content management system allowingusers to post their content after validation by a sectionprime. Re-structured databases allowing improvedcontent query and advanced search options.

Nortel Networks

Nortel Networks – Global Operations(2000 to 2002)

Site Design:Site Development : Site Maintenance:A large number of documents migrated to new informationstructure and design; password protected area allowing controlled access to a content repository.

Nortel Networks

Nortel Networks - Corporate Communications (1999 to 2000)

Site Development :

Nortel’s R&D Facilities at a Glance - A creative business solution, this site allowed users to visit Nortel’s R & Dfacilities in a fun and interactive way.

© Contenta Inc, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Nortel Networks (1999 to 2002)

Site Development :

Creation of online newsletters and publications;The Nortel Edge, Telesis, 2M00 Wireless Online,Insight.

Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

The Ottawa Heart Institute(1999 to 2004)


For five consecutive year, Contenta broadcasted theInstitute’s telethon live over the Internet. Webcastfeatures; online chat, challenger database, Q&A’s,online donations.

Nortel Networks

Technology in Government Week – GTEC(2001 to 2003)

Site Design:Site Development : Webcasts:Webcast features; slide switching synchronized with the presenter's speech, PowerPoint presentations migration.

Nortel Networks

The Leadership Network (2001)

Webcast GUI: Sessions from the Technology in Government Weekwere broadcasted live over the internet through our programmed interface. Our onlinedatabase allowed participants to pre-register andreceive advanced notification of the event.

© Contenta Inc, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Canadian Center for Management Development (2000 to 2001)

Site Development : Contenta created the Armchair Discussion pilot moduleof CCMD’s website. Previously recorded videos weremade accessible through our intuitive informationstructure.

Portfolio – Contenta Inc.

National Capital Institute ofTelecommunications (1999 to 2001)

Nortel Networks

The Ottawa Centre for Research and Innovation (OCRI) (1999 to 2001)

Site Development : Site Maintenance:

Existing content migrated to new site; file formatconversions; graphics creation.

© Contenta Inc, 2010. All Rights Reserved.

Site Design:Site Development : Site Maintenance:e-Business Tools:Automated posting of press releases; online courseregistration; account requests.

Nortel Networks

TheBusinessEdge.comhttp://www.thebusinessedge.com (1999 to 2001)

Site Design :Site Development :Webcasts : Webcasting pilot developed in association with OCRI.Contenta participated in the delivery of over 15 webcasts. Options included database-driven webcast registration,online Q&A, polling in real-time, etc…

Solidum Networks (1999 to 2002)

Database-driven posting of press releases;job postings; Flash animated Christmas card.

Site Maintenance : e-Business Tools: