Portfolio City Lights

Post on 08-Nov-2015

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Portfolio 5: City Lights

Transcript of Portfolio City Lights

Assignment/Activity Title City Lights

Year FreshmanSkill Performance and Research

Portfolio Category Social Awareness

The City Lights Project and presentation gave me an opportunity to practice and use my presenting skills, and conduct research on a interesting beatnik. I worked on this project with a classmate who I gave had difficulties working with before, but we were able to divide the work, communicate, and deliver an entertaining presentation receiving an outstanding grade of 32/32.

The assignment was to present your character and the work he or she did and provide historical context and relate it to the time period of cultural change. Jake and I decided that we would do a presentation where I would present stanzas of the very well written and inspiring poem, Howl, while Jake read off information about our character and his importance.

I prepared for this by researching my character and near memorizing my lines. This took some practice, mainly going over my lines and studying my character and how he presented and acted in public. My character consumed large amounts of pot and had a very large stage presence. I practiced embodying this loose and compelling persona and when I took the stage I went pretty wild. I feel really comfortable on stage so presenting his character was fun. I spoke with a loud and jarring manner emphasizing the more provocative lines to get a reaction. I slid on the floor, stood less than a foot to the audience and ultimately delivered a convincing performance.

Through the research of this project I began to understand the essence of the beatnik era: the rebellion and free looses spirited thinking. Allen Ginsburg, in the poem Howl, explicates the shortcomings of American society through obscene and descriptive language. The poem is moving and consistent with its theme of chaos in American society. It is also written so that it can be entertaining for those who do not understand its significance.

Howl was one of the most read poems during the second half of the twentieth century. Ginsburg was a champion of causes such as freedom from sexual repression, tradition, and freedom to use recreational drugs. Ginsburg rejected authority and this is reflected in his work as a poet. By reading this poem I was able to understand the mindset and thoughts of the time period.

This project gave me an opportunity like all of the other CAP assignments. It is an opportunity to apply myself or to skate by on minimal work. I am including this in my portfolio because I applied myself and was pound of the final product.

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