Portfolio architecture

Post on 17-Mar-2016

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Portfolio of Architecture - Jessica Nieves Vieira

Transcript of Portfolio architecture

Sometimes I have the sudden need to do things with my hands, invent new projects outside of academics projects that help me to think beyond the proposed problems. I make personal exercises for the taste and the enjoyment of doing them.

This portfolio is an example of a meticulous work and the importance of small details in life as in architecture.

PORTFOLIOJ e s s i c a N i e v e s V i e i r a


Office tOwer On the banks of the river

Pisuerga in Valladolid

Art center

Composed of a large exhibition hall and classrooms

The building is formed by the union of two volumes with different uses and different dimensions. The largest is for the exhibition hall and the other for classrooms.


ShOpping center

Located near a rural area

Art center

Center interpretation of Roman ruins


cOuntry hOtel

Located on the hill of a small town in Castilla y Leon

SpOrt center

High performance sports center for canoeists



Apartment Building

Detached house




Social building composed of a library, exhibition hall, auditorium, recording studios, technical and artistic classrooms. The images below are real models.

Real model e: 1/100Mounting with Photoshop

Real model e: 1/300Chestnut Wood

Graduated with distinction

5Realization of the project idea

We can’t understand the architecture without the place. The acess, the solar orientation, the people movement, describes in this project the volume and the location of the allows.

I try to create a series of activities that are developed during 24H which they allow the coexistence of spaces and people of diferent ages. A continuous movement of people who in certain way activate the building during the day.

The differents uses take to me to generate diferent scales, sometimes we have doubles and triples height, but without forgrtting to us the human scale.

6Real model

7Constructive aspects

8Structural aspects


19 Pladur competition constructive solutions

Beca Arquia competition


104º Competition

“wooden building”

Hyspalit competition “ceramic building”

The most important thing is the process, the method, the way ... the actitude.