
Post on 18-Mar-2016

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Small portfolio and a CV

Transcript of Portfolio

KTH, architecture

stockholm, sweden2004-2009

albert abut architecture, architect

tokyo, japan2009-2011

lim.hyekyung@gmail.com Doktor Sydowsgatan 18, lgh 1102431 24 Gothenburg, Sweden

+46 73 9972 915

portfolio of lim hye kyung



competitions-at work

e. solar south parkf. kaohsiung passenger terminal


a. waterworks parkitektureb. ny våler kirke


h. linked towers


c. sasaki house


d. ishigaki resort villas


g. teshie marine development




Connecting city, people and nature.

The park, by nature and by activity is categorized and zoned

The rivers that flow through the park and city, started as transportation routes. A great connector which as the city evolved became a divider.

The main connection skywalks are then linked more closely to secure convenient crossings and change of paths, also obtaining a function as a challenging jogging tracks




obervation spots

urban situation


to the nature

activities/open fields

wild nature

sportsa unit building


a zone module

THE MESH ZONE Connecting city, people and nature.The jogging adventure


connect city and nature

define functionality and assign zone division

create connections within the park and along the river

create a mesh of paths in each zone for walking and jogging

welcome towaterworks park

zone divisions

activities on the south of the river


nature and observation

nature and observation

sports activities


river access

family activitiesgatherings

public events

family activitiesgatherings

urban connection

dog park






model boats







model planes

killdeer marsh

rafting, canoes

disc golf

north access


memorial garden




difficulty levels

level 3> 0-9meters

level 2> 0-6meters

level 1> 0-3meters

main w

ater side skyw

alk connections

secondary mesh tracks

the west


and shelte

r unit the skywalk path that connects the

city to the main park access, leads

to the welcome building with cafes

and information libraries.

skywalk jogging path in the rustic nature

path leading to the main

observation tower

north access and

riverside cafe view

track zone V : Mesh connected to the west access

total length - 4.5km average track jogging difficulty level - 1 nodes to the main tracks - 16 inner tracks mesh nodes - 16

This zone offers a shelter unit with restrooms at the west access point.

track zone Vl: Here the mesh paths explore an area of wild and dense vegetation

total length - 5.2km. average track jogging difficulty level - 3 nodes to the main tracks - 16 inner tracks mesh nodes - 16

This zone offers two shelter units with restrooms on the junctions of the west and east nodes.

track zone lll: Here the mesh connects you to the observation tower.

total length - 3.3km. average track jogging difficulty level - 5 nodes to the main tracks - 10 inner tracks mesh nodes - 10

The observation tower has multiple observation decks, restrooms, information points and a cafe/gift shop. This zone will also have a riverside picnic area.

track zone ll: The mesh paths weave through rustic nature and open fields and connect with the north access

total length - 2.9km. average track jogging difficulty level - 3 nodes to the main tracks - 12 inner tracks mesh nodes - 12

This zone offers a shelter and activities room as well as restrooms and picnic tables: riverside cafes, small activity rooms, restrooms

track zone l: In this zone the mesh paths cross the river and connect park and city. This is the main access point to the water works parks. This is also where you will find the parks welcome centre.

total length - 2.8km average track jogging difficulty level - 1 nodes to the main tracks - 10 inner tracks mesh nodes - 9

The welcome centre has restrooms, information points and a cafe/gift shop. This zone will also have a river-side cafe and a well designated gathering point.

sculpture park

Zone VZone five provides access from the north-western border of the park, and connects with two major Des Moines trails.

This area consists mostly of rustic ambient nature with shelters, a small picnic areas and a riverside cafe.

Zone IVThis zone contains two regions consisting of a passive nature area to the north and an activated region to the south.

The activated area offers space for family activities, gatherings, sports and an extended picnic area that includes fire pits.

Zone lllThe zone has the main observation tower that is equipped with a resting shelter, cafes, information booths and decks. in the tower, one can get access to booklets, digital information as well as observation tools and equipments.

river access

family activitiesgatherings

family activitiesgatheringsvisiting sitesmonuments

Zone llThis is the zone of northern access. this zone has possiblities for family activities and gatherings, such as picnics.

This zone is also a point for the river access and contains both open fields and more dense forest areas. Small resting cafes or restaurants by the river can provide atmosphere at this end of the park, both for the neighbors and for the trails.

Zone lThis is the welcome zone for the waterworks park that connects the park with the cityscape on the north-east.

This is the zone with waterplant facilities on the north, various monumental spots, botanical garden and arboretum. The importance lies with the fact that this is the main entrance to the park from the city and also this part is filled with tourist spots.









1 1






3 334



1. connect the city and nature trhrought the park

3. connect the zones along the river side

4. assign track mesh to each zone for jogging, walking and running!

2. define the zones according to characteristics of nature and activities

The water works park, situated in the vicinity of the city center of Des Moines, is not in direct dialogue with the urban situation. This is due partly to the surrounding low density residential areas, and partly to the lack of visual and physical connectivity from the city.

The Fleur Drive access is mostly open to vehicles and is not really suitable for the pedestrians who would like to drop a casual visit rather than a have planned day trip to the park.

We have utilised the existing skywalk system of the city to connect the park both for bicycle traffics and the pedestrians, accentuating also the connection to the Grey’s Lake that is situ-ated South-East side of the property.

The connections are accessible from various points along the way for cyclists, pedestrians and the physically disabled.

The park is analysed with the distribution of activities and the type of the nature and is divided into 5 distinct zones along the Raccoon river that flows through.

The creation of zones make it clearer in order to create a systematic model that include an access, a parking space, a unit building for restrooms and gatherings, etc for each zone, thus creating self sustainability as a whole and as a part.

If you think of how rivers weave between cities and nature, a connecting thread begins to emerge. And it is this thread we want to accentuate with our mesh.

In the Racoon Rivers flowing curves the mesh stitches together the zones and re-establishes the bond between city, man and nature.

The raised mesh paths hug the rivers banks and cross its undulating course to create a new and varied landscape. And now, even during periods of mild flooding; pedestrians, joggers and cyclists will be able to enjoy and explore the park, river and tree tops.

The light mesh structure is overlayed in each zone according to the nature of the space providing vital links across the river and between the main connection skywalks. The mesh structure creats a tertiary visual references and landscape.

The mesh patterns follow the geometrical logic of the river curves that are recreated as main links, the undulating passages repeat the wave that is already created. As the main connection passages never exceed 5 degrees inclination for the accesses, the mesh paths, depending on difficulty levels may go up to 20º in some segments

And taking further the concept of created landscape, we can give each path a difficulty level of ascending, making it perfect for the urban joggers to chose a path that they can challenge themselves in.


Categories and zone modules

Raccoon river as connection channel

The links are linked, joggers’ paradise

Urban nature dialogue

ice skate

lime basin

skywalk city



ErverdigeKommunelokaleneMunicipality Premises

SjursenparkenSjursen park

To private eiendommerEneboligerPrivate propertyDetached houses

KirkelundenChurch cemetary

Parkering for kirkenChurch parking

VålersenteretVåler shopping mall

KapelletChapel Kirkens driftsbygning

Church outbuilding

towards Våler Centrum






5 pilgrimage







1 kyrkbyggnaden2 extra parkering för äldre och handikappade3 avlastning av kista4 inlastning och avlastning av varor samt sopor5 be�ntlig parkering6 minne av gamla kyrkan7 sjursenparken

Den nya Våler KyrkanDen nya Våler kyrkan vill vara det nya centrum för det andliga livet i Våler staden, samt bli ett landmärke som skulle kunna symbolisera sambandet mellan det för�utna och framtiden och för att hylla den ännu så stark minne av den tidigare bränt kyrkan .

Placeringen av KyrkanValet av implantat plats i det tillgängliga området verkar ganska naturligt och snyggt: den nya kyrkan kommer att träda i samma väst / öst axel som den föregående, så att en anslutning från tillgång till den gamla Kyrksajten kan hjälpa en att hålla minnet vid liv, samtidigt som den �nner lämpligt rymd för att möjliggöra utformningen av alla funktioner utan onödiga gräns begränsningar i en sådan generös terräng.

Den symboliska värdenAtt vilja symbolisera detta samband mellan det för�utna och framtiden och tidlöshet av andligt liv, och hela vägen i övergången mellan jord och himmel, stiger den nya kyrkan från marken, visas som en rörelse som börjar i jorden, livet och sin kuperade igenom, alltid syftar till att uppnå andlig uppfyllelse - himlen - som kulminerar i de höjder av klocktornet.

Virke som material och konstruktions metodVirket konstruktionen drar nytta av all den kunskap och resurser som �nns i området, utnyttjande dess mångsidighet med möjlighet att spela med olika timmer arrangemeng. Detta bidrar till för att utföra genomskinlighetbåde mellan funktioner och utrymmen i byggnaden samt mellan byggnaden och den yttre miljön. Och ger möjlighet att kunna vara lekfull med speciellt låg solvinkeln som präglar området, och sedan dra nytta av den för att framhäva närvaron av slitsar och nyanserna i form.

Det är också denna träkonstruktions grund som slutar överensstämmelsen mellan Ortogonalitet av planen - som anges efter ett rutnät av 1,6m x 1,6m och möjliggör en huvudsaklig kyrkorummet i en perfekt gyllene rektangeln - och organicitet på taket med sin krökt form. Där takfönster visas som avslöjandet delar av detta förhållande.

Den nya Våler kyrkan spelar inom övergångar, presenterar sig som en grundläggande del i förlikning processen av olika ytterligheter, det yttersta målet för andliga livet självt, förnuft och känsla, det för�utna och framtiden, himmel och jord.


a. extra parkeringsplats för familjer med små barn, äldre

a. begravning

1. ankomst2. lagring och visning3. ceremoni4. begravning

d. fotgängare

b. lastning och avlastningav kistor och nödvändig utrustning för begravningarb.lager

5. lastning/avlastning6. till lagerrum c. lastning och lossning

för lagret och lagring, och sopor

tillvägagångssättcirkulation 1









ny våler kirkegod within and god without

site plan 1:500

ny våler kirke

cirkulation 2

dop och kid’s corner

1.dopceremoni2.kid’s corner brevid dopkammaren3.kid’s corner ansluten till uteplats barn får leka ute!4.kid’s corner kan användas som väntplats, eller små rum för olika mindre aktiviteter

gardiner som dividerar

Rummet är tillfälligt delbart, närolika aktiviterter pågår .

rum A : separat entre från nord-est hörnetrum B : nära huvudfunktioner



god within andgod without

Gränserna mellan inre och yttre är samman�ätade med den vävtblandning av naturstenläggningen och den naturlig gräsmarken. Hårda kanter av väggar suddas ut.










7 8 9

10 ae










e. huvud entree1. information/serveringspunkt 25 sqm2. dåpssakristi 26 sqm3. kid’s corner 20 sqm4. av-rom 12 sqm5. garderobe 13 sqm6. wc 27 sqm7. teknikrom 35 sqm8. storlager 35 sqm9. avfallsrom/vaskerom 26 sqm10. kirkerommet 397 sqm - 350 plasser a. altar 31sqm11. sakristi 14 sqm12. arbeidsrom för prest 14 sqm13. wc 13 sqm14. kiste håndtering, kjölerom og visningsrom 40 sqm15. lager för kirketjener 13 sqm16. ekstra lager 13 sqm

17. orgel og organist plass 74 sqm

18. promenade forbi den utbrente området

våning 1 1:200

våning 2 1:200


ny våler kirkegod within and god without

sektion d-d’ 1:200

sektion c-c’ 1:200

sektion b-b’ 1:200

sektion a-a’ 1:200

perspektive kyrkorummet mot altaretvisar ljusinsläpp genom ljus slitsar

ny våler kirkegod within and god without


b’ d

b d’


a a’

elevation-nord 1:200

elevation-öst 1:200

elevation-syd 1:200

elevation-väst 1:200

perspektiv bildvisar huvud entree till kyrkan

perspektiv bildvisar bakgården sammankopplad till kid’s corner

ny våler kirkegod within and god without


a. sasaki house

A 600m2 residence project in Meguro, Tokyo is an ongoing project with construction that started on Feb, 2011.

The residence is for a family of two and adapts passive heating and cooling systems. It is also designed with Menshin system.

The plot was very narrow and long due to the time lapse and condition of acquisition of the land by the owner. The client demanded heavy privacy, separate residences for the couple, tatami tea room, maids apartment and a large party hall that can house a team of baseball players. The owners were very successful corporate CEO and a famous actress. This project in eccentric demands and dimensions of storage units reaching 30meters of wardrobe space for each and that is without the kimono storage, made the project very exciting to work on.

Resposibilities for initial architectural planning, interior design, facade designs, 2D and 3D drafting, image productions and presentations and also included procurement for imported materials for interior and exterior.

f. sasaki houseviews, plans and cross section

bedroom of Mrs.Sasaki


b. ishigaki resort villas

The project is a resort village in Okinawan island of Ishigaki. The local government demanded that the villas take the traditional shape of the island and that it uses certain materials on the facade to not stand out as an architectural object.

My responsibilities were to design the prototype villas, in this case we had 3, and work on the interior designs and materials and to render images for the presentation to the local authorities for aesthetical permission.

perspectives, plan, section and elevation


c. solar south parkd. kaohsiung passenger terminal

Competition project with honorable mention

This is a development project for an abandonned highway in Calabria, Italy. The mission was to envision the bridge as a massive scale wind farm that could alsofunction as a park and a science laboratory.

Responsibilities include the concept for the project, image manipulations, preparation of submission documents, and preparation of documents for the second phase.


c. solar south parkd. kaohsiung passenger terminal

Competition project with honorable mention

This was a design competition for Kaohsiungs port passenger terminal and service center.

The concept was to separate the waiting hall that is directly connected to the ferries to the departure and arrival hall to give the sense of not being here, but not yet there.The floating waiting hall was to have light and more aetherial connotations and the departure and arrival hall with more grounded one.

The complex lie on a deck with menshin system for earthquake safety. The deck is basically resting on spring bumpers and the communications from the ground floor, ie elevators and escalators are structurally hanging to the upper deck.

Responsibilities for project management, concept development, architectural planning, image manipulations, 3D and also final presentation layout.


e. nanhai r&df. teshie marine development

This was an exciting project involving beachterraces, african traditional town planning.

The project was to develope 27ha beach side plot in Ghana. The existing rock hill and itselevation was applied in a creative way to accomodate shopping facilities and swimmingpools for each hotel buildings.

The area was owned by military base and thecity decided to move the base and use it for developers to build hotels and lease villas andappartments for the business related foreignresidents. Also the demand was to incorporatea market place where the locals could also use.This market place was designed to emulated the local urbanscape of Southern Ghana.

Responsibilities were to develope the terrace and hotel concept as well as traditional market structure, and to work on the masterplanning. Also resposible for production of conceptual images for the masterplans, circulation plans and elevations and sections.

conceptual masterplan and elevation


j. linked towersk. third skin


f. linked towers

This was a private assignment by the chief architect to investigate the concept of linked towers and applying *third skin* on the facade of the linked towers.

The research was on green technology and bio mimicry. Initially the linked towers were to be developed for Versace Headquarters in Seoul where the HQ office tower is connected to the residential tower for the employed.

I was responsible for the research, developing the concept, image presentations, invention of new facade types and panels, and conference presentations for the ideas.

Third skin was a concept developed by the chief architect and it was initially very vague what was wanted and while I had to invent the whole system, I have also realised it could be interesting to delve into the field, but soon realised my limitations.

However, as a concept and conference presentatio materials wise, it was generally regarded as successful.

main fluid chanel:heat conducting fluid is chaneled through the grid, controlled at the node junctions.

main electrocity grid: power generated by dyesol system is distributed to where it needs, and collected.

information chanel:various environmental data is gathered.

Panels detail l

noce to main system: information, electricity and heat redistribution conductive fluid is connected to the main system through this nodeal axis.

connection junctions: conductive fluid changes the behavious at the main junctions, with the information fed by chanels on the lower hierarchy.

control nodes:the flow of both fluid electricity is controlled at each nodes with information guided throug the information chanels.

surface of panel can be varied between various materials from opaque to transparent, from carbon fiber, ceramic to transparent glass. The dysol technology can be used providing electricity and also transparency.

information sensor locations;sesors are located at the endings of information chanels, functioning much like the nerve endings in human skin, providing information loop to higher hierarchy.



applying for position as Architect, Urban planner full/part time, freelance

My name is Lim Hye Kyung, and I am a Korean-Swedish (since 2009) girl living in Gothenburg and seeking a job as an architect.

I graduated from KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), Stockholm, in 2009, majoring in architecture, and I have worked in Tokyo as an architect and graphic designer for the past two years. After the earthquake in March, things got a bit instable at the office and at the end of July, I stopped working for the firm completely. Now I am looking for new challenges!

I believe my experience in Japan during the ‘Lehman Brother’s Catastrophy (when many were fired and one person had to function as the multitude of persons), has given me a great chance to gain practical experience in many phases of operations, including general basic planning to detailed drawings, from concept phase to final presentations, and from material procurement to marketing.

Also because of my participation in both international team and the Japanese team, I have learned the different thought processes that can be applied to architecture, (more european way and Japa-nese way of working and thinking), which was actually very interesting and useful.

My strength lies in developing a concept, strengthen it and apply it in practice without losing its es-sence.

I am both analytical, creative and highly effective in problem-solving phases. Also I value team-work and efficiency at work. As I completed the competition projects, different stages of the design processes and also the final development and presentation of products and research, I learned the importance of inter-personal communication that helped me understand and use various proposals in a more effectivt way.

I am very much interested in working for competition projects, concepts and also master plannings and landscaping.

Right now I have completed an architectural competition for a church, and is working on a chil-dren’s book. Now I am ready to work for an office with a dynamic environment with creative souls.

I enclose my CV and a small portfolio.Thank you very much for your time and I want to hear from you soon.

Best regards,Lim Hyekyung

2011 11 21, Gothenburg, Sweden

Hye Kyung LIMdoktor sydows gatan 18, lgh 1102, gothenburglim.hyekyung@gmail.com073 9972 915pers.nr: 771208-9049

seeking position as architect, urban planner,

landscapes architect, graphics designerfull/part time, contract/freelance

2011 11 21

Hye Kyung LIMdoktor sydows gatan 18, lgh 1102, gothenburglim.hyekyung@gmail.com073 9972 915pers.nr: 771208-9049

Employment (relevant)

2009 10-2011 08 Architect, graphic designer, conference coordinator and researcher Albert Abut Architecture, Tokyo, Japan 2009 08-09 Intern: Albert Abut Architecture, Tokyo, Japan

Projects 2011 06-present Bora Bora resort village development Basic planning, facade concept 2011 03-present Teshie Marine Development : in progress, under negotiation Urban planning, Master planning 2010 11-present R & D Center in Nanghai : in progress Site planning, Master planning 2010 08 Port of Kaohsiung Passenger Transport District : competition Concept development, planning, final design of facade and details, booklet 2010 07 Solar South Park : competition(honorable mention) Concept, planning, drawings, graphics design, research 2010 04 Tokyo Residence : under construction participated in all phases of basic planning, concept development, de tail drawings, facade panels design, procurement of materials for inteior and facade. 2010 01 Linked Towers : in progress Development of a green skyscraper prototype Development of facade panel prototype with fluid dynamics 2009 08 Okinawa resort village Designing 3 villa prototypes, I villa, V villa och traditional villa, siteplanning

Conferenses The 5th International Conference of the International Forum on Urbanism(IFoU)

Hye Kyung LIMdoktor sydows gatan 18, lgh 1102, gothenburglim.hyekyung@gmail.com073 9972 915pers.nr: 771208-9049

CV2011 11 21

24-26 februari 2011, National University of Singapore, Singapore tema : Global Visions: Risks and Opportunities for the urban Planning Ville du future Collogues et Rendez-vous d’affaires Architecture 23-27 november 2010, Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi, Vietnam tema : Future cities, ecological architecture and urban planning France Greentech Thailand 2010 11-15 oktober 2010, Bangkok, Thailand tema : Green technology and architecture Architecture Contemporaine et Technologie des materiaux 01 oktober 2010, Tokyo, Japan tema : Innovative materials and conemporary green architecture

Architecture competitions(private) 2011 08 Waterworks Parkitekture, Iowa, USA 2011 11 Ny våker kirke, Våler, Norway

Educations 2004-2009 Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Master’s degree, architecture 2003 Brighton film school, Brighton, England Film directing 2000-2002 Accademia di Belle Arti di Bologna, Bologna, Italy Scenography(theater)

Datorkunskap AutoCAD, Vectorworks Rhinoceros 3D modelling Adobe suite; Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Premiere Microsoft Office; Word, Powerpoint, etc

Languages English : Spoken and Written - Excellent Swedish : Spoken and Written - Good Korean : Spoken and Written - Mother tongue

Interests Films(recent favorit is Walkabout, 1971 by Nicolas Roeg, Architecture(future visions), Parametricism(concept in urban planning), Food(Izakayas, Marco Pierre White), Writing and illustrating children’s books(Bobbie Bibbette)