POPUK Lesson Plan Rights KS1-1

Post on 15-Dec-2015

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KS1 Lesson Plan for songs from "Singing Out" songbook. Subject - RightsSongs - "Big crazy world""Never give up"

Transcript of POPUK Lesson Plan Rights KS1-1

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www.popuk.org PopUK is part of Music Plus Trust - a registered charity with Ltd company guarantee. Charity No.1148601

Social, moral, spiritual

and cultural learning

through music

Rights and Responsibilities


Singing Out: Big Crazy World Never Give Up

End of Key Stage 1 objectives:• Begin to share their views and

opinions.• Set themselves simple goals.• Recognise the effect their

behaviour has on other people.

Essential skills promoted in the session:• Self-reflection• Empathy• Active listening• Communication

Begin by singing Big Crazy World or Never Give Up Settling in: Play a short teamwork game to promote the importance of helping each other: passing a hoop around the circle without breaking hands/all stand up, hold hands and lean back.Stimulus: Display a range of images of children being helped in a small way: a parent zipping up a child’s coat, a friend passing a pencil, a teacher helping a child who has fallen over.Encourage the children to look at the images and think about their day so far.Key Question: Who has helped you today/shown you kindness/proved they care? How?Give everyone the opportunity to share his or her own thoughts using an agreed sign that they are willing to share e.g. placing a hand in a giving gesture/showing a green card.Time for reflection: Encourage the children to think about how small acts of kindness make us feel.Key Question: Do we all have a responsibility to show kindness?Key Question: What happens when we don’t? Positive conclusion: Web of kindness: Holding the end of a ball of string, model setting a goal for showing kindness today: ‘I will help my sister to bake the birthday cake she has to make for tomorrow.’ Throw the ball of string to someone else in the circle for him or her to set his or her goal. Holding onto a part of the string they throw the ball to somebody else and so on until everybody has set their small act of kindness goal and a web of kindness remains. Photograph and display the web of kindness, adding quotes/speech bubbles to reinforce our responsibility to be kind and helpful.

Continue the learning:Encourage children to draw/photograph/quote the reactions their small acts of kindness bring and display them as a reminder of the positive impact kindness has.

Purchase the book here - http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/singing-out-9781472920553/

Discover more about PopUK here - http://www.popuk.org

KS1 Circle Time Session