
Post on 26-May-2015

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About Popcorn

Transcript of Popcorn


By: Mahdi Mourad

Plant the corn in holes 1 ½ inches deep and 6

inches apart. They need sun and water to grow and will

sprout in about 10 days. Once the stalk is about 2m tall you will see

husks of corn cobs developing, that means they are nearly ready to harvest.

How to Plant

The popcorn is mature when it is brown and dry. It is hard and has a “ black layer ”which is easily seen by scratching the tip of the kernel.The corn cob is cut and stored for about 8-12 months.


When the popcorn is dried and ready, the kernels are cleaned and removed from the corn cob. The kernels that are dried properly are packaged and sent to the shops for people to buy.


You need: Butter Olive oil Pot Popping corn Or pre-packaged packet

Recipe: Ingredients

Stove Top:Step 1: Add a knob of butter and a tablespoon of olive oil into a pot.

Step 2: Once the butter has melted add 125g of popping corn to it.

Step 3: Put the lid on and leave it for a few minutes.

Step 4: As the popcorn starts popping shake it about every 30 seconds or so to make sure all the kernels are popped. When the popping slows down, turn the heat off.

Step 5: Tip the popcorn into a bowl and toss together.

MicrowaveFollow the instructions on the back of the packet.

Recipe: Method

I’ve made my own!!

To My Mouth