Pop quiz90s cartoons

Post on 21-Jan-2018

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Transcript of Pop quiz90s cartoons

Pop Quiz – 90’s


Subrata Dass

Id this character

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He was one of the greatest

Hawaiian kings . But its his

name that got him to this 90s

Cartoons quiz . Just name him

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3. Id the logo

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• Indrajal Comics

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What happens if he gets


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• What is the name of

Mandrakes home.

Located at a mountain

top outside New York


• Named after the

summer Kapital of

Kublai Khan

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• Xanadu

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• Captain Planet had a character called Gaia (Mother

Earth ) . Who voiced the character of Gaia between


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• Whoopi Goldberg

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• They are nieces of Daisy duck . Id them

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• April , May and June

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A X is an animal living in a three dimensional world—in this case our world—but really belonging to a fourth dimensional world. Here's what happened. A number of X life cells were somehow forced through the dimensional barrier into our world. They combined at a favorable time with free life cells of the African Hooey Hound. The electrical vibrations of the Hooey Hound cell and the foreign cell were the same. They were kindred cells. In fact, all things are, to some extent, relative, whether they be of this or some other world, now you see. The extremely favorable conditions of germination in Africa caused a fusion of these life cells. So the uniting of kindred cells caused a transmutation. The result, a mysterious strange animal.

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9.Id both the player and the club

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Roy Race / Melchester Rovers

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10 Who on What

• I wrote X around the concept that in many cases the

least competent, least smart people are promoted,

simply because they’re the ones you don't want doing

actual work. You want them ordering the doughnuts and

yelling at people for not doing their assignments—you

know, the easy work. Your heart surgeons and your

computer programmers—your smart people—aren’t in

management. That principle was literally happening


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Scott Adams

Dilbert Principle

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