[POMP 2013] Primož Inkret - Kako zgraditi vrhunsko CM strategijo v 13 korakih

Post on 12-May-2015

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Kreativnost je vez med potrebami podjetja in ciljne skupine Specialist za razvoj sodobnih komunikacijskih orodij in spletnih rešitev. Po presoji vodilnih strokovnjakov s področja interneta in multimedijev eden najboljših spletnih urednikov na svetu. Primož Inkret je na podlagi razumevanja vloge komunikacijskih aktivnosti z zornega kota poslovne strategije zasnoval številne nove medije, med drugim tudi prvo slovensko interaktivno spletno revijo Egoist. Leta 2010 je bil za zasnovo in urejanje interaktivnih spletnih revij Pazi nase (Zavarovalnica Triglav) in Carzine (Porsche Slovenija) imenovan za najboljšega urednika na svetu. Strokovno znanje pri svojem delu črpa iz dolgoletnih izkušenj s področij marketinga in trženja, odnosov z javnostmi in urednikovanja ter znanj pridobljenih na mednarodnih strokovnih konferencah s področja vsebinskega marketinga in korporativnega založništva. Poglobljeno poznavanje klasičnih in novih medijev ter poslovnih strategij podjetji so osnove na katerih pripravlja zahtevne koncepte za korporativne medije, ki ustrezno in kreativno povezujejo potrebe podjetja in ciljne skupine. Primož Inkret je soustanovitelj in partner specializirane komunikacijske agencije PM, poslovni mediji, ki s strateško rabo orodji vsebinskega marketinga podjetjem zagotavlja dolgoročne rezultate. Je specialist za razvoj sodobnih komunikacijskih orodij, spletnih rešitev in medijev prihodnosti. Je ustanovni član svetovnega združenja izdajateljev korporativnih medijev, ustanovitelj slovenskega združenja korporativnih medijev in ustanovitelj mednarodne strokovne konference s področja vsebinskega marketinga POMP Forum. Strokovne in novinarske prispevke z njegovim podpisom lahko najdemo v medijih kot so Marketing Magazin, Finance in Podjetnik. O komunikacijskem pristopu vsebinskega marketing je predaval tudi na Univerzi v Ljubljani.

Transcript of [POMP 2013] Primož Inkret - Kako zgraditi vrhunsko CM strategijo v 13 korakih

Why is the Content

Marketing strategy



What should the strategy be like?

strategy of Content Marketing?

The Goal Isn’t to be Good at Content. The Goal is to be Good at Business, Because of Content.

CM strategy

Companies in the USA do not have CM strategy (document)

60 % +


Of all companies which evaluate their CM strategies as not successful do

not have a CM strategy.

80 %

3 Conditions for sUCCess





3 Conditions for sUCCess


paradigM, proCess

3 Conditions for sUCCess


the best marketing doesn’t feel like


pillars of CM strategy


What is the right story and how to tell it?

What do we need and

how do we execute it

Own media +

„Marketing for marketing“


„pieCe“ of Content

Article, video, interview, infographics…

FB publishing, picture, twitter, instagram, e-mail news…

Where to get the stories froM?

Where do we find them?(Maybe we don’t even know they exist)

Developing External/Internal

authors and editorials

Overview of commendations and complaints

Following forums and


Following brange media (what are they writing about?)


What is a good story?

A story you would pay for!

•For me (mine)•Interesting (amazing)

•True (honest)

#poMp2012 a good story is the one yoU

are prepared to pay for.


Who is it Meant for?

How well do we outline the personas: •Based on positioning our products•Brainstorming in the conference room•Talking the buyers, conducting a poll




editorial Calendar

1. What shall we do (type of content)2. Which tools3. When4. How much5. Who is responsible for their production


prodUCtion proCess

1. Defining process and roles of people involved2. Confirmation line (responsibilities?)3. Coordinating stories between tools4. Coordinating stories with advertising5. Coordinating activities with sale (CTA)


Changing organisation

Managing Editors

Content Producers

Chief Content Officer

Chief Listening Officers


BUilding ContaCts

•How many databases of contacts do we have?•Have we gained the approvals?•What is the quality of data?•How precisely do we know them?•Can we segment them?





top kpi‘s:

•Web page visitors•Leads•Applications to free

testings•Conversion into buyers

•Brand relation•Maintaining customers

(loyalty)•Repeating buys

ConneCted lead ManageMent

Following the activity all the way to the sale level

Interest, need

Interest, need



Research, looking for solution

Comparing solutions, defining purchase


aCtivity plan

1. Public analysis and segment2. Persona/Target group defining3. Database and contact inventory (for later promotion) •Existingclientsdatabase •Potentialclientsdatabase •Offices,possibilityofgatheringcontacts

4. Prioritising goals (Infrastructure vs. Building contacts)5. Prioritising content marketing projects6. Content preparation7. Distribution, measuring, development and upgrading

What really Matters?

do We have the potential to sUCCeed?

1. Management support (trust)2. Excellent above-average content/stories

3. Editorial focus (regarding goals)4. Little cooks

the first qUestion?

How does the Content Marketing work in the crisis?


Igor SavičManaging DirectorPM, poslovni mediji

Twitter: @savicigor


Primož Inkret, MBAExecutive DirectorPM, poslovni mediji

Twitter: @pinkret
