Political Debate in the New Iraq

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Political Debate in the New Iraq. Dr. Ibrahim Al-Marashi Sabanci University February 2, 2006 almarashi@sabanciuniv.edu. Examining Media in Iraq. “bubble of identity”- coterminous with the boundaries of the state State seeks to regulate images within the bubble - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Political Debate in the New Iraq

Political Debate in the New Iraq

Dr. Ibrahim Al-Marashi

Sabanci University

February 2, 2006 almarashi@sabanciuniv.edu

Examining Media in Iraq “bubble of identity”- coterminous with the

boundaries of the state State seeks to regulate images within the bubble New Iraq – “bubbles within a bubble” Restrict what images come into the bubble from

the outside (Iran, the US, insurgency) Media intervention vs. media assistance

US did both in Iraq

Identity of the state What is the identity of the Iraqi state Does it exist at this point Critics argue it is Shia-Kurdish alliance of

convenience The leaders want to hide this fact What role does the state media play in

forming this identity?

Media in Iraq as of Today Media Spheres in Iraq Iraqi political factions use Al-Iraqiyya to

send their message At the same time they have their own

partisan sat channel and newspaper Those who don’t have access to al-Iraqiyya

use al-Sharqiyya or al-Jazira Eventually formed their own channel


Sunni Shia Miscellaneous*

Front For Iraqi Conciliation

Front for Iraqi DialogueIn Kirkuk

Unified Iraqi Front

National LiberationFront

United Iraqi Coalition

Independent Karbala Alliance

Nationalists Human Rights

National Iraq(Liberal Secular)

Peace and Brotherhood

Justice and Future

National Mesopotamia ListChristian

Allegiance Grouping of Basra

Alusi List for the PeopleOf Iraq

National Unity List

The Arab List

Kurdistan Alliance(Kurdish)

Hizb Dawa and Popular Base

Sun of Iraq

The Iraqi National Conference

The Nationalists

Iraqi Political Factions

1) Shia Political Parties/UIA dominated by two Islamist parties1. the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in

Iraq (SCIRI), led by ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Hakim 2. the Da’wa Party led by Ibrahim al-Ja’fari. Ja’fari served as Iraq’s interim Prime Minister

after the January 2005 vote. The two parties have sought a role for Islam in

the state, and aim to ensure Iraq’s Islamic identity and character.

The young cleric Muqtada Sadr joined the Alliance prior to the December 2005 elections.

2) Kurdish Political Parties/KCL KDP (Kurdish Democratic Party) led by Masud

Barazani and the PUK (Patriotic Unions of Kurdistan) led by Jalal Talabani are the two most dominant factions within the Kurdish Coalition List (KCL).

Talabani became Iraq’s President, while the KDP’s Zebari served as Iraq’s Foreign Minister.

Expands the de-facto autonomy they have enjoyed since 1991, and aim to formally enshrine this autonomy within a new Iraqi state

3) Sunni Political Parties/ Tawafuq Front A number of parties, competing to serve as the united

voice of the Sunnis. Iraqi Islamic Party (IIP, led by Muhsin ‘Abd al-Hamid) the Association of Muslim Scholars (AMS, led by

Muthanna and Harith al-Dari) the National Dialogue Council (NDC, led by Salih al-

Mutlaq) General Dialogue Conference (GDC, by ‘Adnan al-

Dulaymi). prevent the disintegration of Iraq fear a federal entity in the north and south could lead to

the dismembering of the nation, leaving the Sunnis in a landlocked rump state, with no access to the oil facilities.

4) Non-Aligned Factions Non sectarian, non ethnic Secular groups, such as the Iraqi National

Accord led by Iyad ‘Allawi the Iraqi Communist Party,

Why Study Satellite Channels? Opposed to terrestrial channels can reach

a wider audience

1. Iraqis

2. Iraqi diaspora (UK, US, Jordan, Iran)

3. Arab world

4. “Kurdish world”

Al-Iraqiyya – “Iraqiness,” “of Iraq” Al-Iraqiyya television, formerly known as Iraqi

Media Network [IMN] television began transmission on 13 May 2003

Official discourse of the state tries to display the bright side of Iraq rather than

the destruction, blood shed, or killings highlights issues of "national unity" Both Arabic and Kurdish programs Friday sermons feature both Shiite and Sunni

preacher disregard sectarian differences.

Al-Iraqiyya – Security Operations crackdowns, arrests, and "heroics" of Iraqi security

forces in their showdown with the "terrorists" in Iraq. Neglects the losses of the Iraqi security services,

“martyrs” average Iraqis commend the traits and operations of

Iraqi security forces against terrorists and suppresses footage of Iraqi civilian and military casualties.

extensive reporting on "Operation Lightning" on 1 through 7 June, the station's correspondents are observed to air interviews with Iraqi citizens, updates on toll of captured "terrorists"  

Al-Iraqiyya Terrorism in the Hand of Justice: A daily program,

1705, "confession" to their "crimes and acts of terror."

To prove the insurgency is not some kind of "noble struggle for freedom", rather the work of criminals working for personal gain.

questioning the voracity of the confessions it airs. similar program "The Real Terrorism", which airs

on the Kurdistan Democratic Party-run channel Kurdistan TV.

Al-Iraqiyya - Religion Shari'ah: Questions and Answers: A live

phone-in program at 1215 on Fridays. Imam Abdallah Abu-al-Harith, discuss "tolerance of Islam" in Iraq.

The station carries the "Shiite" call to prayer

Al-Iraqiyya - PSAs Special ads to denounce killing of doctors Promos to encourage voting and joining the

police forces

Al-Furat – “The Euphrates” 4 Nov 2004 started broadcasting SCIRI channel Supplements the paper al-Adalah

Furat – SCIRI influences songs celebrate the trial of the "tyrant

ruler and his regime" footage of mass graves national songs celebrate the constitution

Furat – Security Issues Channel Defends Government Actions “achievements of the Iraqi Government” implementation of development projects and the

improvement of the state of security. video reports highlights operations conducted

by Iraqi/multinational forces. restore security and "wipe out" Al-Qa'ida in Iraq Iraqi Interior Ministry's underground prison was

not a lead news item

Furat - Terrorism song condemns the "silence" of some Arab

states regarding the crimes committed by "terrorists" in Iraq.

Amman bombings in Nov 2005, Al-Furat: "Why is terrorism in Iraq not duly condemned?"

"Terrorism is promoted by most preachers in Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Egypt, and what happened in Amman is one of the results of such irresponsible support for terrorism."

Furat – SCIRI Agenda highlights the statements of SCIRI head

Abdul Aziz al-Hakim songs promote unity among the various

Iraqi sects Glorify the late M. Baqir al-Hakim and al-

Sistani. ads promote UIC in the December

elections, not other coalitions

Furat - Shows "With the National Assembly“ "Al-Furat and the People," phone-in

program "Fiqh Imam Al-Mustafa“ Friday Sermons – Shi’a Imams Islamic cartoon show, "The Most Virtuous

People on Earth."

Baghdad began in August 2005 Arab Sunni Islamist “The truth. . .In detail.” Supplements the papers Al-Itisam and Basair Affiliated with the Iraqi al -Tawafuq Front

carries live Al-Tawafuq press conferences

Baghdad - Islamist Leanings music videos are religious in nature some

secular nationalist songs, but no entertainment songs like Al-Sharqiyya

begins ands end with Quranic recitations news anchorwomen wear the hijab

Baghdad – linked to Sunni Arab Muslims

phone-in programs callers are virtually all Sunni Arabs who voice their opinions on political, religious, or social issues

Sunni call for prayer Friday sermons from Sunni mosques

Baghdad – links to AMS Praised by the AMS’ Basa’ir news: "the launching of

the Baghdad Satellite Channel is an important step in the right direction, particularly in view of the influential role that media can play, and which we have missed over the past two years, in uncovering the facts that have been obliterated and wiped out by the US-politicized forces“

Baghdad – Security Issues refers to "the occupation forces"  (quwwat

al-ihtilal) highlights US troop losses and the attacks

that caused them refers to insurgents as "armed men“

(musalihin) but avoids the term "terrorists“ (irhabiin)

Baghdad – Socio-Political Programs

"Your Place is Empty" -- on Iraqi prisoners, features interviews with families about who arrested them, how they were treated.

"Baghdad Daily" -- A Daily program at 1815 BST, asking the common man on the street about issues of political concern.

Baghdad - Religious Programs "Explaining the Holy Koran“ "In the Shadows of the Shari'ah“ "Fatwas on Air" "Friday Pulpit"

Kurdish Media Kurdistan Satellite Channel operated by the

Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) Supplements Taakhi KurdSat, operated by the Patriotic Union of

Kurdistan (PUK). Supplements Ittihad and Kurdistan Nuwe

Kurdistan Satellite TV began in 1999 Karawan Aqrawi-Station manager :

“acquainting the world with a true picture of the civil society we are trying to implant in Kurdistan, which can become the model for an independent Iraq, and to assert our desire to coexist with other Iraqi tribal groupings and ethnicities."

Kurdistan Satellite TV - headlines KDP, leader Barzani meets Iran's Supreme Security

Council Secretary Hasan Rohani; stability in Iraq, bilateral ties discussed

The head of the KDP-led Kurdistan regional government Nechirvan Barzani meets Yezidi delegation residing in Germany

KDP Political Bureau Secretary Fadhil Mirani briefs party officials in Branch-2 in Arbil

US forces reportedly bombards few sites in Al-Fallujah where Abu-Mus'ab al-Zarqawi supporters said hiding

People in Zakho held a peaceful demonstration to condemn recent beheading of three men from the town and killing of 12 Kurdish police officers in Khanaqin

KurdSat Launched in 2000 Arabic broadcasts 5 to 6 hours Awat Najm El Din, director, "we enjoy complete

independence regarding the message we adopt in our live open-mike talk shows. Our listeners say everything and often cross the boundaries to express views opposing the policies of the Patriotic Union. This affirms the breadth of freedom granted to our political programs."

KurdSat – headlines news items PUK-led forces held a military parade in Saray

Subhanagha area in the presence of leader Jalal Talabani and other party officials.

The head of PUK-led Kurdistan regional government Umar Fattah meets group of Egyptian journalists; Fattah said Kurds appreciate being part of federal and democratic Iraq.

One killed and several others injured as a rocket hit Karradah District in Baghdad.

South Korean forces delegation visits Kurdistan parliament, bilateral relations discussed.

Goals addressing the Arab

street introducing the

Kurdish cause to the world

reach the Kurdish diaspora

Turkomeneli Television “The duration of the Kurdish programs prevails

over the Turkomani programs.” “The employees in the organization are not

independent and do not work to the procedure and objectives sought by the coalition forces in the city, but follow the approach of the Kurdish parties.”

broadcasts terrestrially in Arabic and Turkoman from Kirkuk

Recently started broadcasting via satellite

Shariqiyya – Of The East Al-Sharqiyya: new TV station of Sa'd al-Bazzaz Began in March 2004 addresses "the plight of Iraq's majority," “women's

issues” and "differences of opinion."  "Al-Sharqiyya - the truth television," and "Al-

Sharqiyya - We are not afraid of telling the truth though we might be blamed."

No religious programs All shows are in Iraqi dialect Depends of advertising revenues 

Election Coverage Dec 15 2005, 300 - 500 PM Iraqiyya 300 BST a 15-min newscast reviewing the course of the

electoral process since the early morning hours and broadcasting excerpts of Iraqi high-ranking officials including Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Ja'fari, SCIRI leader Al-Hakim, Former Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi and others.

At 415 BST, Al-Ta'i interviews Interior Minister Baqir al-Zubaydi who says the security measures taken in these elections are better than those taken in the referendum because the performance of the security forces has significantly improved as well as their large-scale deployment all over Iraq.

Election Coverage Dec 15 2005 Furat 355 BST screen caption: "His eminence Al-Hakim visits

the IECI offices to follow up on the complications that have prevented Iraqis from casting their votes in many polling stations.“

420 BST interview National Security Advisor, Dr Muwaffaq al-Rubay'i, who describes grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani as a "godsend" to the Iraqi people in a very critical time in their history. Al-Rubay'i praises Al-Sistani and his efforts, which, according to him, prevent a break out of a "civil war" in Iraq.

Election Coverage Dec 15 2005 Baghdad At 300 BST, elections summary then songs that

glorify Arab unity and the Islamic spirit of Arabs. At 315 BST, clip on the "US occupation of Iraq."

The announcer-read report over video provides a briefing on the main political events that Iraq has seen since April 2003. The report criticizes the US practices in Iraq while it hails "resistance.“

At 322 BST, songs urge the Iraqis to participate in the elections. The songs are aired over clips of Iraqis heading for ballot centers.

Election Coverage Dec 15 2005 KurdSat TV Iraqi President Talabani's media address

after casting his vote in Sulaymaniyah. He called for a parliament representing all Iraqis and urged the Iraq people to vote. Recently-turned 18 year olds youths could not vote for some technical failures in the city of Sulaymaniyah. The station appealed to the relevant authorities to resolve the problem during the day.

Kurdistan Satellite TV President of Iraqi Kurdistan Region Mas'ud Barzani's media address after casting his vote in Irbil. Nechirvan Barzani's address after casting his vote. The two leaders were optimistic about the turnout and described the day as historic.

Concluding Remarks The media in Iraq serve as a reflection of

the development of the state Is there an Iraqi state? States within a weak state

Credits and further information Open Source Center “Iraq” www.fbis.gov