Polish Chrismas Eve

Post on 11-May-2015

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Transcript of Polish Chrismas Eve

Day the only, unique, full of

expectations for the fulfillment of

the Great Promise. Although

repeat every year, we wake up in

the morning with the heart

beating : today's Eve. Soon the

Lord Jesus is born - come to each

of us as a tiny Child, ask a place

among the people that have

already been forever.

When the first star is due to appear

in the sky,lets we share with opłatek (wafer),

make each other's wishes, sat for Wigilia Supper (Christmas Eve


Opłatek - (with Lac. Oblatum -

"generous gift") - a very thin

white bread flake, unleavened,

baked with white flour and

water without the addition of


Last hour standby-waiting for

Christmas is just Wigilia

(Christmas Eve), from the Latin

word vigilare - watch.

Opłatek (z łac. oblatum – “dar ofiarny”) - bardzo cienki biały płatek chlebowy, przaśny (czyli niekwaszony i niesolony), wypiekany z białej mąki i wody bez dodatku drożdży, którym dzielą się wszyscy zgromadzeni przy stole wigilijnym składając sobie życzenia.

Christmas Eve celebration of Polish heritage is

very family, widely regarded as the most

important day in the year. The house smells

paste and Christmas tree.

Mom in the kitchen prepares traditional dishes

for Christmas supper : red borscht with „eyes”

(a little ravioli), cabbage with mushrooms, fish

in various forms, kutia - grains of wheat with

honey, dried fruit compote, in accordance with

tradition, dishes must be twelve and each must

be tried.

Polish Christmas supper characterized dishes without grease and without alcohol of course , their nature and

sequence of serve at the table contain a symbolism. Christmas supper is not pompous reception but a meal

consumed in the family circle and with the nature of religious events. The entire family and everyone gathered around the table refuse to prayer before supper. Father or

grandfather or the oldest person present should lead in prayer. After the reading of the gospel

of Jesus' birth is the most important moment, it is a violation of the wafer, of making himself wishes and transmission

sign of peace. Everyone should also apologize to each other for the evil done. Wishes should not be spoken casualy

formulations, but the words from the heart-offs and are in fact directed us to the most expensive neighbors.

Free to leave the cover at the table, it is a

beautiful customary, signaling the

memory of our loved ones, who can not

spend the holidays with us. It is also a

sign of ties with the dead from our

families and our preparedness to accept

„Julaftonen” (Wigilia) - akwarela Carla Larssona

Jacek Malczewski - „Christmas Eve in Siberia”