Policy Memorandum 2012

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Transcript of Policy Memorandum 2012


MARlEnA, GA 30060

NGGA-TAG 18 July 2012


SUBJECT: GA DOD Discrimination Policy

I. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended prohibits sexual harassment and discrimination inemployment based on race, color, religion, national origin, and gender. This act will be strictly enforcedthroughout the Georgia Department of Defense.

2. My policy on discrimination is clear and unequivocal. Every member of the GA DOD will beprovided equal treatment in all facets of their employment. Conduct which violates this policy is outlinedin NGR (AR) 690-600, (AF) 40-1614 and DOD Affirmative Action Program.

3. All GA DOD members are responsible for creating and maintaining a nondiscriminatory environment.Any form of alleged discrimination will receive immediate appropriate action by this agency. Complaintswill be addressed and resolved at the lowest possible level and appropriate action will be taken withrespect to any violations ofthis policy.

4. If you have questions regarding the complaint process or you wish to file a complaint, please contactthe State Equal Employment Manager at (678) 569-5728 or DSN 338-5728 or the State Personnel Officeat (678) 569-6022.

1 MES B. BUTTERWORTHhe Adjutant General




NGGA-TAG 18 July 2012


SUBJECT: GA DaD Equal Employment Opportunity/Equal Opportunity Policy

I. Our Nation was founded on the principle that every individual has infinite dignity and value. TheDepartment of Defense (DaD) must always be guided by this principle. We must show respect in all thatwe do for our servicewomen, servicemen, and civilian employees and recognize their individual needs,aspirations, and capabilities.

2. We must strive to make military and civilian service in the DaD a model of equal opportunity for allin accordance with the letter and the spirit of Title VlI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 as amended. Wemust also hold those who do business with the DaD to full compliance with the policies governing equalopportunity.

3. All GA DaD members and applicants will be treated equally and considered without regard to race,color, religion, national origin, or gender. This includes, but is not limited, to equal treatment inrecruitment, hiring, promotions, awards, and disciplinary actions. All members, supervisory and non-supervisory alike, must share in this responsibility.

4. I am fully committed to the advancement of all personnel serving in the State of Georgia. I will nottolerate discrimination in any form.

5. Members who feel they have been victims of discriminatory actions are encouraged to immediatelybring the matter to their supervisor and if so desired, to file a complaint with the supervisor, an EEOCounselor, the Human Resources/Equal Opportunity Office, or the State Personnel Office.

6. I expect all EO/EEO complaints to be expeditiously, fairly, and thoroughly addressed. Any military orcivilian member of the GA DaD found to have discriminated against another member will be subject todisciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

7. Questions regarding this policy may be addressed through the State Equal Employment Manager'sOffice at DSN 338-5728 or (678) 569-5728, or the State Personnel Office at (678) 569-6022.

AMES B. BU RWORTHThe Adjutant General



MARlETT A, GA 30060

NGGA-TAG 18July2012


SUBJECT: GA DOD Physical Fitness Policy

I. With the increased emphasis across all services on physical fitness, all full-time support personnel(excepted and competitive civil service technicians, Active Guard/Reserve personnel, and stateemployees) are authorized official time for physical fitness activities while in a work (paid) status.

2. The primary goal of the physical fitness program is for employees to exercise resulting in a high levelof physical readiness and a healthier workforce. It will assist employees in maintaining a high level offitness, reduce stress levels, minimize use of sick leave and increase productivity. In cases whereemployees violate the spirit of intent of this program, privileges may be revoked. In all cases, the missionof the Georgia Department of Defense will take precedence, and employees will schedule their exerciseperiods accordingly.

3. Fitness training will consist only of the following exercises: running, walking, push-ups, sit-ups,weight training, and aerobics.

4. A maximum of one hour per work day of official time may be used for physical fitness training. Thisallowance is a privilege granted as an incentive to maintain a high level of personal fitness.

a. The physical training period includes total time away from the work location, to include timefor changing clothes, showers, warm-up and cool down, etc.

b. Times for physical fitness training must be approved by the employee's supervisor and willbe dictated by work and mission requirements.

c. Supervisors are responsible for their employees during the work day and periods of physicalfitness training should also be monitored to ensure employee health and safety.

4. This policy is effective immediately and replaces all previous policies on this subject. Questionsand/or suggestions concerning this program should be addressed to the Human Resources Office, Col EricJones at (678) 569-5710 or DSN 338-5710.

AMES B. BUTTERWORTHhe Adjutant General




NGGA-TAG 18 July 2012


SUBJECT: GA DOD Sexual Harassment Policy

I. The Georgia Department of Defense policy on sexual harassment is clear and unequivocal: All GADOD personnel are entitled to work in an environment that is free from sexual harassment. Assuring aGA DOD working environment that is free of any form of sexual harassment is both an individual and acorporate responsibility at every level of supervision and command. Simply stated, my policy is "ZEROTOLERANCE."

2. The official definition of sexual harassment below is applicable to all personnel, military and civilian.

3. Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination. It involves actions that include unwelcome sexualadvances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:

a. Submission to or rejection of such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term orcondition of a person's job, pay, or career, or

b. Submission or rejection of such conduct by a person is used as a basis for career or employmentdecisions affecting that person, or

c. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's workperformance or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work environment.

4. Members who feel they have been sexually harassed are encouraged to file a complaint with theirsupervisor, an EEO Counselor, or the Human Resources/Equal Opportunity Offices.

6. I expect all complaints to be expeditiously, fairly, and thoroughly addressed, and that immediateappropriate corrective action will be taken against any employee engaging in sexual harassment. Suchaction may include suspension, demotion, and/or termination.

7. Questions regarding this policy may be addressed through the State Equal Employment Manager'sOffice at (678) 569-5728 or DSN 338-5728, or the State Personnel Office at (678) 569-6022.

MES B. BUTTERWORTHe Adjutant General




NGGA-TAG 18 July 2012


SUBJECT: Smoking Policy for GA DOD Personnel

I. The Surgeon General has declared smoking a serious hazard to health and the EnvironmentalProtection Agency has confirmed "second hand smoke" to be a significant health risk. Smoking isdefined as a lit cigar, cigarette, pipe, or any other lit tobacco product. Smoking impairs physical fitness,raises health costs, and adversely impacts the work environment ofthe smoker and those exposed tosecond hand smoke.

2. The following policy applies to all personnel of the Georgia Department of Defense - traditional guardmembers, technicians, AGR members, state employees, and all personnel working in or visiting facilitiesof the Georgia Department of Defense.

• Smoking is prohibited in ALL occupied buildings or work areas. This includes, but is not limitedto, private offices, hallways, restrooms, classrooms, break rooms, conference rooms, andentrances to buildings or facilities.

• Smoking is prohibited in ALL non-occupied buildings or work areas that share a ventilationsystem with an occupied building or work area.

• Smoking is prohibited in ALL government vehicles and aircrafts.

• Smoking is permitted only in designated areas during lunch periods and during official breaktimes. Designated smoke areas must follow the above guidance. Official break times will be thesame for smokers and non-smokers.

3. This policy has been coordinated with the Georgia Association of Civilian Technicians. This policy iseffective immediately and replaces all previous policies on this subject. Questions may be referred to theHuman Resources Office, Col Eric Jones at (678) 569-5710 or DSN 338-5710.

J MES B. BUTTERWORTHhe Adjutant General




NGGA-TAG 18 July 2012


SUBJECT: GA DOD Workplace Violence Zero Tolerance Policy

I. I am committed to our employees' well-being, health and safety. We must all work together as a teamto achieve the goal of providing a more "respectful workplace." "ZERO TOLERANCE" is the GeorgiaNational Guard's position on threats and violence in the workplace. We shall refuse to tolerate violencein the workplace and will make every effort to prevent it. All incidents of workplace violence will bedealt with swiftly and decisively.

2. Violence includes physical assault or the threat of physical assault against persons or property, andalso behavior that intimidates or frightens others, such as threats, harassment and uncontrolledexpressions of rage. Threats will be taken seriously as a statement of an employee's intent to do harm.Violent behavior is subject to severe disciplinary action.

3. Each employee is responsible for notifying his or her supervisor or a management representative ofany threats witnessed, received, or heard about from another person. Even without an actual threat,employees should inform their supervisor of any behavior witnessed as threatening or violent. Thisinformation is sensitive and anything reported will be held in strict confidence.

4. Violence in the workplace is a growing phenomenon. Command emphasis and leadership's attentionto causative factors of violence and intervention are essential to minimize the effects on the work force.Every employee, soldier, and airman must be aware of behavior patterns that could lead to violence, andunderstand that threats or acts of violence may be reported to the chain of command without fear ofreprisal.

5. I am asking all employees to assist me in implementing this policy and maintaining a safe, respectful,healthy, and productive workplace. Supervisors and employees may use the attached quick reference tohelp recognize and report any incidents of workplace violence. Questions may be referred to the HumanResources Office, Col Eric Jones, at (678) 569-5710 or DSN 338-5710.

EnclGA DOD Workplace Violence PreventionQuick Reference

f\MES B. BUTTERWORTHThe Adjutant General


GA DOD Workplace Violence - AWARENESS, RESPONSE & PREVENTION - Quick Reference

COPING WITH THREATS AND VIOLENCEDetach the card provided and use it as a quick reference guide for documenting and reporting incidentsinvolving workplace violence. Everyone in your office or worksite, including supervisors and managers,should follow these same procedures.

Familiarize yourself with the information below so you'll be prepared to handle the situation if you areconfronted by an angry, hostile or threatening customer or co-worker in the workplace.

For an angry or hostile customer or coworker:Stay calm. Listen attentively.Maintain eye contact.Be courteous and patient.Keep the situation in your control.

For a person shouting, swearing, and threatening:Signal a coworker, or supervisor, that you need help. (Use a duress alarm system or prearrangedcode words.)Do not make any calls yourself.Have someone call the supervisor and, base security, or local police.

For someone threatening you with a gun, knife, or other weapon:Stay calm. Quietly signal for help. (Use a duress alarm or code words.)Maintain eye contact.Stall for time.Keep talking, but follow instructions from the person who has the weapon.Don't risk harm to yourself or others.Never try to grab a weapon.Watch for a possible chance to escape to a safe area.

OBSCENE, HARASSING, OR THREATENING TELEPHONE CALLSObscene and harassing callers are primarily interested in generating fear and discomfort. The longerthey keep you listening, the more satisfaction they derive from the call. Some experts say that the personwho uses the phone to verbally harass or embarrass is not likely to follow up with a direct confrontation.If obscene or harassing calls continue, keep a written record of the day, date, and time; the type of voice(male/female, pitch, and accent, if any); background noise; what was said; and whether the person gave aname.Threatening phone calls should be taken seriously. Report threatening phone calls to your supervisorand/or agency security, or to the local police department.

COPING WITH STRESSJob-related stress will never be eliminated, but it can be managed. If you're feeling stress constantly, orfrequently "blowing up" for no reason, then you should discuss the problem with your supervisor or acounselor. Many times, problems from home are brought to the workplace. The workplace can also causestress i.e. a personality conflict with a co-worker, a heavy workload with no time off, or a noisy/disorganized environment.

If the problems cannot be resolved, consider transferring to another office or a different career field.Supervisors can also consider creating a peaceful area within the workplace where employees go to takeshort breaks. If that's not feasible, allow extra time in the morning by getting up earlier to preventrushing to get to work on time. Physical exercise is one of the best ways to reduce stress. Try walking orjogging before or after work, or during lunch time.


MILIT ARY ONE SOURCEVoluntary and confidential short-term counseling is available for military members and their familiesthrough Military One Source. Counseling is offered on a variety of issues: military life and deployment;family and recreation; health and relationships; career and education; financial and legal; crisis anddisasters; and community. Military Once Source can be reached at 1-800-342-9647. Visitwww.militaryonesource.mil for more information on the services they offer.

If a member requires long-term counseling, he/she can also seek help in their community throughcity/county, or state offices or through church or private organizations. Look in the local telephonedirectory for keywords like "health," "social services," or "counseling," or look for specific churches orprivate organizations by name.

WORKPLACE VIOLENCE INCIDENT DESK REFERENCE CARDEveryone at your worksite, including supervisors and managers, should follow these same procedures.Make copies, if necessary, so that everyone will have his or her own card.

Information to GatherI. Date/Time of incident -------

2. Type of Incident-Physical Violence _-Threatening Behavior _-Bizarre Behavior ----

3. Complete in detail (attach sheets if needed):

a. WHO (list all individuals involved)

b. WHAT (detailed description of the incident)

c. WHEN (Date/Time - Start & End)

d. WHERE (Location of where the incident took place)

EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERSWrite in all ofthe emergency numbers for your area. Keep this card nearby, preferably near your phonefor easy access and quick reference.BaseSecuriry _Local Police/Sheriff _Fire Department _StatelFederal Health Services Unit -----------Supervisor or Higher Headquarters