Polarizing Sunglasses SCIENCE PROJECT

Post on 15-Sep-2015

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My grade 10 BROCHURE/PAMPHLET project for the Physics unit.

Transcript of Polarizing Sunglasses SCIENCE PROJECT

A special thanks to John,Paul,George,& RingoFor the awesome photographsSourcesNo part of this brochure may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Ryan McNeil, All Rights ReservedReferences & ThanksInteresting FactsPolarizing Sunglasses Ryan McNeilA form of protective eyewear designed to keep sunlight and bright light out of ones eyes.Donec consequat congue libero.Often times polarizing sunglasses are referred to as Polarized Sunglasses, but this is incorrect for its the light that is polarized, not the lenses.Rumour has it that Elton John has over 1000 pairs of sunglasses.Wearing sunglasses makes you more susceptible to becoming sunburned.1. The Beatles can follow the sun, because they have the proper protection.2. The Beatles love moonlight because its less harmful to the eye than sunlight.Light photons vibrate and shake as they propagate towards or away anything; since the speed of light is so fast (clocking in at 299 792 458 m/s) light acts as both a particle and a wave! Since there are trillions of trillions of light waves, these waves are tangled up, travelling away from the sun, (our main source of light) or any other source of light. This light is polarized, which simply means these light photons are not propagating in the exact same direction at the same angle. Once the polarized light strikes something horizontally orientated and reflective, the light waves begins to propagate in sync, they begin oscillating in the same direction, making that light polarized. Polarizing lenses filter out polarized light by preventing any light propagating horizontally from passing through the lenses. Edwin H. Land first did this by essentially making a barred window on the molecular level. (See Inside Left Panel) Polarized sunglasses can be found at almost any department store, drug store, grocery store, or variety store. The price will vary depending on which store in which they are purchased as well as the quality of the sunglasses. Since polarizing sunglasses (also known as polarized sunglasses) are more complex than regular lenses and therefore more expensive to construct, these will be more expensive than regular sunglasses. Ranging from $50.00 from a department store, to $350.00 from Ray-Ban.Polarizing sunglasses can have a negative effect on people of certain occupations. For example, polarizing sunglasses have been known to prevent pilots from seeing their LCD and LED displays and screens clearly. This could be quite dangerous. Unfortunately, not all horizontally oriented light is bad, but polarizing sunglasses prevent all of it from propagating through the lenses.For tomorrow may rain so, Ill follow the sunCos we love you, Mr. Moonlight. --Origins & InnovationSunglasses have been around since the 12th century, but were not innovated into Polarized Sunglasses, until Edwin H. Land invented the polarizing lens in 1936. Edwin H. Land is better known as the inventor and co-founder of the Polaroid and the Polaroid Corporation. Land would sneak into a laboratory at Columbia University after hours, and use their equipment. Land eventually successfully invented the polarizing lens, he then added the lens to regular sunglass frames, which was the invention of the Polarizing Sunglasses. Polarizing sunglasses are now widely available, one of the most popular distributors being Ray-Ban. Consumers wee them on their faces.