POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com

Post on 07-Jul-2018

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Transcript of POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com

  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 AID teaching effectively / p





  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 Entire Cor!e "#O $

    • POL 215 Multiple Governments and Intergovernmental Relationships

    • POL 215 Constitution and Systems of the State

    • POL 215 State Researh ! "lements that Influene State Government

    • POL 215 Government Comparisons Matri#

    • POL 215 Loal Government Issues Presentation

    •POL 215 $oundations of the %&S& $ederal Government 'or(sheet

    • POL 215 Roles 'ithin the State Matri#

    • POL 215 'ee( 1 )*s

    • POL 215 'ee( 2 )*s

    • POL 215 'ee( + )*s

  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 5 %overnment Compari!on

    ! &atri' "#O $

    • %overnment Compari!on! &atri' Complete the #niver!ity of Phoeni' &aterial( %overnment Compari!on! &atri' located on the !tdent )e*!ite. +ormat yor re!pon!e

    ! con!i!tent )ith APA gideline!.

  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 Con!tittion and ,y!tem!

    of the ,tate "#O $

    • Con!tittion and ,y!tem! of the ,tate Locate yor !tate-! con!tittion and e'amine the maor element! and article! of the con!tittion. /evie) it! content! and fnctio

    n!. ,earch for information a*ot the dicial0 edcational0 and !ocial !ervice !y!tem! offered in yor !tate and the fnding !orce! for yor !tate government. rite a1053 to 1043)ord paper that addre!!e! the follo)ing(

    • o) are the main component! of government !et p *yyor !tate-! con!tittion6

    • o) are the !ervice! in yor !tate athori7ed *y the !tate-! con!tittion6

  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 +ondation! of the #.,. +e

    deral %overnment or8!heet "#O $

    • +ondation! of the #.,. +ederal %overnment or8!heetComplete the #niver!ity of Phoeni' &aterial( +ondation! of the #.,. +ederal %overnment or8!heet located o

    n the !tdent )e*!ite.

  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 &ltiple %overnment! and

    Intergovernmental elation!hip! "#

    O $

    • &ltiple %overnment! and Intergovernmental /elation!hip! rite a 953 to :3)ord paper a*ot the )ay! in)hich different level! of government interrelate )ith ea

    ch other. Inclde the follo)ing point! in yor paper(• Provide an e'ample of a crrent event or i!!e )here m

    ltiple government! interact on the !oltion.

    • De!cri*e the )ay! that tho!e government! )or8 togeth

    er or again!t one another on that i!!e.

  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 ole! ithin the ,tate &at

    ri' "#O $

    • /ole! ithin the ,tate &atri' Colla*orate )ith yor Learning ;eam mem*er! to !elect a !tate and complete the#niver!ity of Phoeni' &aterial( /ole! ithin the ,tate &


  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 ,tate e!earch = Element!

    that Inflence ,tate %overnment "#

    O $

    • ,tate %overnment +or thi! a!!ignment0 choo!e from thefollo)ing option!(

    • Option 1( Intere!t %rop

  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 ee8 1 D> 1 and D> 2 "#

    O $

    • ee8 1 D> 1

    • Identify all of yor !tate-! delegate! "!enator! and repre!entative!$ to congre!! *y name and party affiliation. D

    o yo feel that the overall party affiliation of yor delegate! reflect! the feeling! of people in yor !tate accrately6 hy or )hy not6


  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 ee8 2 D> 1 and D> 2 "#

    O $

    • ee8 2 D> 1


    • ?riefly de!cri*e the !trctre of the dicial !y!tem and

    cort !y!tem of yor !tate or another !tate of yor choo!ing. ith )hich0 if any0 of the level! of the !tate-! dicial !y!tem do yo have e'perience6 Are yo !ati!fied that they are mo!tly !t6 hy do yo thin8 !o6

    EE@ 2 D> 2• If there )ere a conflict *et)een !ome !tate-! con!tittio

    n and the #.,. Con!tittion0 !hold the #.,. Con!tittional)ay! ta8e precedence6 hy or )hy not6

  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 ee8 4 D> 1 and D> 2 "#

    O $

    • ee8 4 D> 1

    • 2

    o) ha! the candidacy of &ichelle ?achman )ho I *elieve i! from

    • yor !tate impacted &inne!ota on a !tate and local *a!i! if at all6

  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 ee8 4 Local %overnment

    I!!e! re!entation "#O $

    • /ral0 ,*r*an0 and #r*an I!!e! or8!heet completed in ee8 ;hree ,elect a local government )ithin yor cho!en !tate to analy7e. o may !elect either an r*an0

    !*r*an0 or rral government to revie). Prepare a pre!entation addre!!ing the follo)ing(

    •   De!cri*e )hich area yo cho!e( r*an0 !*r*an0 or rral.

    De!cri*e the local form of government and identify themaor elected official! of yor !elected area.

    • Identify the maor p*lic policy i!!e!0 crrent event!0 and challenge! thi! government face! and analy7e one indepth.

  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 ee8 5 D> 1 and D> 2 "#

    O $

    • ee8 5 D> 1

    • #!ing rricane @atrina a! an e'ample of intergovernmental relation!0 )hat are !ome advantage! and di!advan

    tage! of local0 !tate0 and federal government! )or8ing together6 o) efficiently did the vario! level! of government )or8 dring rricane @atrina6 hat cold have *een done differently6

    EE@ 5 D> 2•  ,elect a crrent i!!e in yor local commnity in )hich

    the local0 !ta

  • 8/18/2019 POL 215 AID teaching effectively / pol215aid.com


      OL 215 AID teaching effectively / p



