PO6 - jobs - rules and illustrations

Post on 31-Mar-2016

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Transcript of PO6 - jobs - rules and illustrations



1. Game consists of twenty- numbered fields and one field named

START and one field- FINISH.

2. Put illustrations of different professions next to the fields- you

can choose where - Job titles should be bilingual.

PROFESSIONS: - Lawyer - Teacher - Builder - Driver - Singer - Cook - Seller - Computer Technician - Policeman - Doctor - Banker

3. To play game Children need only dice. Players are pawns. 4. Players in turn roll the dice. 5. When someone is standing on the field with picture of the job-

he needs to do special task.

TASKS: - Lawyer: Tell about three bad situations and about three appropriate.

Remember you need to be fair. - Teacher: Share the letters for consonants and vowels. - Builder: Build three towers with blocks. Then set them from low to high. - Driver: Share the road signs into three groups- signs order; signs ban; warning

signs. - Singer: sing your favourite song - Cook: Where is the best place for cutlery? Place them. - Seller: Share the vegetables and fruits into two groups.

- Computer Technician: Name parts of the computer: monitor; keyboard; computer mouse etc.

- Policeman: Write the emergency numbers (Police; Medical Emergency; Fire Brigade)

- Doctor: Put the heart on the right side. - Banker: Put the Euro in the correct order- from the highest value to the smallest


When someone do the work properly, he goes one field further.

6. The winner is someone, who is first on the FINISH.