Po Leung Kuk Camoes Tan Siu Lin Primary School Leung Kuk Camoes Tan Siu Lin Primary School ... and...

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Transcript of Po Leung Kuk Camoes Tan Siu Lin Primary School Leung Kuk Camoes Tan Siu Lin Primary School ... and...

Po Leung Kuk Camoes Tan Siu Lin Primary School

Sabah Study Tour 2009-2010

4C Tang Tung Katsie

The study tour to Sabah was fun! We went to a Chinese school, Mt Kinabalu, the Canopy Walkway and

Mamudi Island and all of these places were exciting. I liked Mamudi Island most because of the beautiful scenery

and the activities we did there.

We went there by speedboat. We started with team-building activities which were difficult because we need

to trust our teammates and cooperate with them, but we managed to finish the activities at last.

Then, we played and swam in the sea. Almost everybody was wet, yet we were still happy. It was an exciting day;

I really hope that I can go to Mamudi Island again!

The study tour to Sabah was a very good experience for me as it was my first time on a study tour. I learnt

how to look after myself from this tour. I really loved the study tour!

5B Tivona Thach

“Wow!” I thought when I received the name list of students who were going on the Sabah study tour.

“There are so many students who can come this time!”, I thought this because I also went on the study tour to the

UK and France last year, when there were a lot less students than this year. There were 28 students this year but

there were only 18 students last year, what a big difference!

The study tour was my first trip to Sabah. I had quite a good impression of the place after this first trip. We

could always see the blue sky with no clouds. Although it was very hot there,(about 35 degrees celsius), the air

was very fresh. The 35 degrees celsius there felt cooler than that in Hong Kong.

I think Sabah is a great place to visit. Both study tours I went on were enjoyable, except that we had more

shopping time in UK and France, ha!ha!… Although there was not much shopping time, I still enjoyed the trip a

lot. I loved the 4th day the most as it was the day that we went to another island. The sand there was as soft as

cotton. We wanted to bring some sand back to Hong Kong.

I hope I can visit Sabah another time.

5C Lam Sai Chak Toby

I had a great study tour in Sabah this Easter holiday!

We gathered at school and the teachers explained the background and the rules and regulations in Sabah

before we started our journey on the 7th

April. We arrived at night and had our dinner at a local restaurant in Sabah.

I was really tired!

The next day after breakfast, we went to visit a local school called SRJK Chung Hwa K K. The Principal of

the school welcomed us and the students preformed for us. The Principal brought us to the library to have a talk

about their school. We had snacks and met new friends. Then the P.5 students brought us to their classroom, 5H. I

learnt a few words “Mengucapkan Terima Kasih” to say “Thank You” and „Mengesat Peluh” for “Wipe the

Sweat”. We went for lunch after the school visit. In the afternoon, we went to the canopy walkway. Although the

walkway was really high, I did not feel scared!

We went to a mangrove to see the Proboscis Monkeys and the fireflies on the third day. The Proboscis

Monkeys had enormous noses, especially the males. At night, there were lots of fireflies in the trees. It seemed

like there were stars decorating the trees! It was beautiful.

I loved the fourth day the most because we went to Mamutik Island, where we had team building training.

The trainer introduced quite a lot of games to us. I liked “The What Game” the most. It is extremely interesting!

After the training, the teachers let us swim and play on the beach. We went shopping afterwards and I bought

some souvenirs for my family. It was the last day we stayed in Sabah.

On Sunday, we took our flight back to Hong Kong. At that moment, I missed Sabah so much and I hoped I

could travel to Sabah again!

6A Ho Sung Tim Timothy

On the 7th

April, 2010, I joined a five-day, four-night study tour to Sabah in Malaysia. First, we met at school.

After briefing, we went to the airport. We were excited!

On the first day, we went to visit a local school. We had lessons with the Malaysian students. We introduced

ourselves to one another and exchanged souvenirs there! Then, we went to the Kinabalu National Park. We saw

many special plants and took photos with the biggest flower in the world! We also went to the Mount Kinabalu

and the Canopy Walkway. It was scary to walk across it!

On the second day, we went to the Mangrove to see the rare Proboscis Monkey. They have a long nose and

look very cute! At night, we went to see the fireflies. They seemed to twinkle in the dark night like stars. They

were very fascinating!

On the last day, we had team-building activities on a beach. They were fun!

After this trip, I have learnt a lot. I have become more independent. I have met some Malaysian friends. I

have learned about the culture of Malaysia. It was an unforgettable experience for me.

6E Aditya Jain

In the airport we were divided into 4 groups and we got to take pictures with Mr. Yeung!

The study tour to Sabah in Malaysia was the best study tour I have been to. We had so many activities to do

and Sabah is a very green place but it has less public transportation and taxis than Hong Kong so in Sabah you see

lots of cars. We stayed there for 5 days and 4 nights.

On the first day we reached Sabah at around 6:30 in the afternoon. We had our dinner in a Chinese restaurant

and then we went to The Palace Hotel and stayed there for 1 night.

On day 2 we ate our breakfast and then we went to a Chinese school and made a lot of new friends! In that

school we saw the principal,and students play a traditional drum of both China and Malaysia, we ate a traditional

type of cake and saw the school, and classrooms. The students there are not shy and were very friendly and funny.

After that we went to a forest to have a walk. In that walk we crossed four dangerous bridges and luckily no one

got hurt! Finally we ate dinner and went to stay In Zen Garden Resort.

On day 3 we again went hiking in a forest, and then we went to see big nose monkeys and Fireflies. The

monkeys were funny while the fireflies were beautiful. To see them we had to sit in a big boat as we were going

along a river. We went back to the Palace Hotel. We then went back to the Palace Hotel.

On day 4 we went to an island in the morning and it was so much fun! We went there to play team-building

games and since it was a beach, the teachers let us swim in the water. It was the best day in the whole study tour!

After the beach fun we got to go shopping.

Day 5 finally came and we had to pack our bags and come back to Hong Kong with souvenirs for the

Principal from all of the 4 teams!

6E Liu Ansley Ying Suet

This was my first time to go on a study tour of Sabah. We went on this trip for five days and I had a lot of fun

with my friends.

In these five days, we visited a lot of places. On the second day, we went to visit a school in Sabah.

Compared with Hong Kong schools, there are a lot of differences. For example, they have different kinds of

classrooms. Some don‟t have windows. The teachers there use different kinds of teaching methods. The students

there eat different kinds of food. After visiting the school, we went to Kinabalu National Park Canopy Walkway. I

saw a lot of beautiful scenery. There were tall and wide trees. Moreover, I had walked four canopy walkways.

They were really long and very high.

On the third day, we went to the rainforest and Mangrove to see monkeys and fireflies. All of us were on the

boat. We saw monkeys jumping around the trees and at night we saw more than one million fireflies on the trees.

It was very beautiful. They were sparkling with a green colour.

Day four was the most interesting day, when we went to the ocean to play. While playing games, we learnt a

lot of things such as trusting others, being confident in our friends, letting others trust ourselves, leadership skills

and the importance of co-operation. After playing games, we went to play in the water. At night, we went to eat

seafood and there were dancers while you were eating. The dancers chose me, Tivona and Justin to get on the

stage to dance with them. I think it was a great chance to dance in front of many people!

This was a great trip that I will never forget.