Plot, Setting, and Conflict “7 th Grade” by Gary Soto.

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Transcript of Plot, Setting, and Conflict “7 th Grade” by Gary Soto.

Plot, Setting, and Conflict

“7th Grade” by Gary Soto

What is Plot?

• Plot is a series of related events in a short story or drama• It is made up of 5 categories of events.


• The beginning part of story used to introduce background information about events, settings, characters etc• Who? What? When? Where?• Setting—the TIME and PLACE in which the events in the story occur


• Before the action really can begin, we have to have some kind of exciting force.• This is called the conflict—the main problem or struggle the

character(s) must face or overcome in the story.

2 Types of Conflict

• Internal-- A struggle within the mind of a literary character (man vs. self)

• External-- A struggle between a character and an outside force such as nature or another character•Man vs. Nature•Man vs. Man•Man vs. Society

Rising Action

• the series of events that begin immediately after the exposition of the story and build up to the climax


• The turning point of the story• the point of highest action OR when we see the main character(s)

begin to change• **This is often the part of the story that students struggle to identify


Falling Action

• The events that occur in a story right after the climax but before the ending• Things are wrapping up, but not quite over yet


• The final outcome• The story has come to an end and the character(s) receive some kind

of closure.• The problem has been solved or the struggle overcome.

Vocabulary in Context

• The woman bustled around reorganizing the shelves.

• Bustled—rushed around being busy

• The artist used broad strokes to paint the gaping night sky.• He has broad shoulders.

• Broad—of great width

• Young children sometimes forget the concept of sharing.

• Concept– a general idea

The spy could bluff her way out of a dangerous situation.

• Bluff—to fake it; act confident; pretend to be sure or positive

• If you linger outside much longer, you will be late for class.

• Linger—to continue to stay; delay leaving

• Michael’s lip would quiver when he scowled at the girls at school.• The little Chihuahua quivered in the cold, wet night.

• Quiver—to shake with a slight, rapid movement

• Victor’s scowls did not show as much ferocity as he hoped.

• Ferocity—fierceness; extreme intensity

• He is a little portly because he loves to eat French fries in the cafeteria.

• Portly—stout or overweight

• The class recited the sentences in unison.

• Unison—harmony or agreement

• Victor looked sheepishly at his classmates because they knew he was lying.

• Sheepishly—with a bashful or embarrassed look

Quick Write

• In the story we will read, the character(s) face conflict when they try to figure out how to fit in with people that seem different from them.• Complete this sentence: Sometimes it is a struggle to fit in because….

Quick Write

Our character in the story we will read today tries very hard to impress one of his new classmates. What are some things we sometimes do to impress others? Does this always work out? Why or why not?

Exit Slip

6. What is one example of internal conflict in the story so far?7. What is one example of external conflict in the story so far?

“7th Grade” Quiz

1. Most of the story takes place in…A. A schoolB. FranceC. A playgroundD. Spanish class

2. Which sentence tells you that Victor likes Teresa?A. They were anxious to go first period.B. As he trudged to English, he practiced scowling.C. He sat in the back by the window, hoping that he would not be called on.D. He felt himself blushing again.

3. When does the conflict of the story begin?A. Victor receives his schedule.B. Victor promises himself he will go out with Teresa.C. Victor scowls at girls with Michael.D. Victor tries to speak French in class.

4. The climax of the story occurs when Victor—A. scowls at the girls with Michael.B. sees Teresa speak to a teacher about ballet.C. finds out Teresa is not in school.D. talks to Teresa after French class.

5. Which sentences best complete the following summary?

A. Mr. Bueller realizes Victor cannot speak French, but does not exposehis lie. After class, Teresa asks Victor to be her tutor.

B. The class snickered as Victor spoke. He feels ashamed as he leaves the room.C. Victor is embarrassed by his attempt to speak French. Teresa approaches him

and asks if he would like to join a study group.D. Victor knows that Mr. Bueller has discovered he can’t speak French. Victor

offers to mow Mr. Bueller’s lawn in return for his silence.

Victor is hoping to impress Teresa. During French class, he pretends to speak the language….

What is the main conflict in “7th grade”? Is it internal or external? Explain whether or not the conflict is resolved or settled by the end of the story.

Plot QuizLabel the plot diagram:

1. 2.





Plot Quiz (cont.)

7. What 2 things make up the Exposition?8. Setting is made up of the _________ and _________.9. What are the 2 kinds of conflict?10. What is Mrs. B’s definition of climax?