Please Support DontStreamandDrive Day April 8th

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Please Support DontStreamandDrive Day April 8th

Jon and I are honoured to be hosting a 'Blabbing for Britain' on Friday at 10:00 AM with

Sargeant Neil aka SgtTCS

The Announcment



Please Support #DontStreamandDriveDay Friday April 8th

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The Campaign


In the news this week, the latest fad of recording or streaming video from mobile phones

while driving is being discouraged by Neil, a serving police sergeant, in an unofficial

social media campaign.

Neil, a prolific Twitter user also known as @SgtTCS (who does not wish his surname to

be known), used a driving simulator at the Transport Research Laboratory in Berkshire

to demonstrate the effects of streaming and driving and the dangers caused to other

road users as a result.

Please Support #DontStreamandDriveDay Friday April 8th

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During the driving simulation, Neil recorded a video on a smartphone stuck to the

windscreen, looking at the phone and not the motorway, which caused the car to drift

dangerously out of lane while travelling at speeds in excess of 70mph. In addition, his

reaction times were impaired.

Neil has organised an unofficial online campaign called #dontstreamanddrive to highlight

the dangers of streaming and driving.


The mission

Friends. I need your help.

Driving is a complex operation. A blending of eye, hand and foot coordination that can

propel a vehicle down a road at incredible speed. A process that requires skill,

judgement, responsibility and places upon you, as a driver, a duty of care to yourself and

every other road user.

If done correctly, driving a car fully occupies your attention. Listen to my simple

commentary here as I drive down country lanes. Now consider that in a city with

pedestrians, cyclists, pedestrian crossings, more traffic, buses, more road signs,

junctions and hazards. If you are fully focussed on your driving you have zero time to do

anything else.

The use of mobile phones by drivers has been in existence since the devices were

introduced. The specific offences were introduced to UK legislation in 2003.

As phones have become an essential part of day to day life the use of them by drivers

has increased. Stand at any busy junction for 5 minutes and count how many drivers

Please Support #DontStreamandDriveDay Friday April 8th

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you see using a phone. You will be appalled. Studies have shown that driving ability is

clearly impaired by using a mobile phone and that talking on a hand-held mobile phone

impairs driving more than driving above the drink drive limit. Just think about that for a



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How you can support - Thunderclap

Click and support with

your Twitter , FaceBook or Tumblr Account

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Video Chat on Friday 8th April on Blab

You are invited to join us as Sgt Neial chats with Jon and Steven about


10:00 AM Friday


You can ask questions and join us live on camera .

Log in with your Twitter account

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We wish the campaign every success

as do all the organisations who support the Sgt Nei'ls campaign

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