Please join us First Presbyterian Church Growing in Faith ... · First Presbyterian Church Growing...

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Transcript of Please join us First Presbyterian Church Growing in Faith ... · First Presbyterian Church Growing...

First Presbyterian Church Growing in Faith and Love

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time January 17, 2016


The music of the Opening Voluntary draws us from the outside world into the presence of God. In preparation for worship, you are invited

to use this time for prayerful reflection.

OPENING VOLUNTARY John Tabler "Toccata Giocosa" Ian Hunt "Sonata I" William Boyce Nicki Richmond, flute WELCOME Kathy Beach [Please pass the friendship register down the row for each person to sign.] CALL TO WORSHIP from Psalm 89

I will sing of your steadfast love forever, O Lord. I will tell of your faithfulness to all generations. I will proclaim that your love stands firm forever. Blessed are those who have learned to praise you and blessed are all who walk in the light of your presence.


God, whose love that knows no boundaries, we come before you now with our confessions. We confess that we often crowd our lives with so much activity, that it is hard to find time for you. We can become so focused on ourselves, that we overlook those around us who are searching for hope. We fill our spiritual emptiness with junk, rather than feasting on your Word.

In your abundant mercy, forgive us, we pray. Open our eyes, that we may see your new covenant written in plain sight on our hearts. Open our hearts, that we may join you in serving the broken of the world. Open our love, so we may pour it out as abundantly and graciously as your love is given to us in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.



Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy upon us.


[+You are invited to stand. For each hymn, please stand as the last line of the introduction is played.]

Officer Assignments 2016 Clerk of Session: William F. King Treasurer: Bam Alling President of Corporation: Dennis Decker Moderator of Deacons: Margaret Hamilton; Betsy von Biberstein, Vice Moderator Robin Robinson, Secretary Children’s Ministry: Allison McWhorter, Chair; Cara Ward, Vice Chair Lisa Murray, Elder; Caroline Hope; Kathy Beach, Staff Liaison

Youth Ministry: Ann Bumgardner, Chair; Sissy Schoettelkotte, Vice Chair; Elaine Hogan, Elder; Meade Van Pelt; Elizabeth Hipp, Staff Liaison

Adult Christian Ed.: Jennifer Coleman, Chair; Ben Chatham, Vice Chair; Jack Carnegie, Elder; Kitty Smith; Kathy Beach, Staff Liaison

Fellowship: Margaret Robison, Chair; Janet Conser, Vice Chair; Brian West, Elder; Adam Weinberg; Kathy Beach, Staff Liaison

Congregational Care: Nicki Kurosu, Chair; Salena Warlick, Vice Chair; Seldie Hutchins, Elder; Joan Ruden; Jay Atkinson, Staff Liaison

Growth & Involvement: Beth Woodruff, Chair; Ted Shipley, Vice Chair; Holly Bullard, Elder; Anne Parker, Elder; Sabrina Davis; Charlie Lee, Staff Liaison

Community Service: Ben Rigby, Chair; Vance Meanor, Vice Chair; Ben David, Elder; Lisa Sherrill; Charlie Lee, Staff Liaison

Domestic & Global Mission: Chris Hayden, Chair; Marvin Hage, Vice Chair; Lindsey Luther, Elder; Freddie Butler, Charlie Lee, Staff Liaison

Worship: Becky Jones, Chair; Justine Lerch, Vice Chair; Christian Miller; Bonnie Eksten, Elder; John Tabler, Staff Liaison

Stewardship: Jay Baker, Chair; Suzanne Coleman, Vice Chair; Bert Williams, Elder; Bill Lee; Charlie Lee, Staff Liaison

Personnel: David Martin, Chair; Linda Grice, Vice Chair; Brad Southerland; Murphy Averitt, Elder; Staff Liaisons: Charlie Lee, Jay Atkinson

Administration & Finance: Charles Mintz, Chair; Bam Alling, Vice Chair; Dick Verrone, Elder; Dennis Decker, Elder; Staff Liaisons: Jay Atkinson, Veronica Carter-Edwards, Lorene Walsh

Building & Grounds: Jay Talbert, Chair; Richard Waldkirch, Vice Chair; Charles Boney, Elder; Ryan Benton; Gary Southerland, Staff Liaison Session Committees: Planning & Discernment: Holly Bullard; Charles Boney; Elaine Hogan; Ben David; Lindsey Luther; Charlie Lee, Staff Liaison

Prayer & Partnership: Anne Parker; Dennis Decker; Bonnie Eksten; Bert Williams; Brian West; Kathy Beach, Staff Liaison

Church Life: Dick Verrone; Lisa Murray; Seldie Hutchins; Jack Carnegie; Murphy Averitt; Jay Atkinson, Staff Liaison

*Please leave your bulletin at the end of the pew to be collected-thank you! Pastor on Call - 762-9622

REMINDER: Please be sure to silence all electronic devices upon entering the sanctuary.

Please join us... CONNECT: New Member Class: Please join us for a time of exploration for potential new members of First Presbyterian Church! We will spend four Sundays connecting with each other and learning about the worship, fellowship, and volunteer opportunities at First Presbyterian. We would like to invite you to learn about all that our Church family has to offer! Today, as well as January 24, & 31 at 9:45-10:45 am in the Bride’s Room. Email Jennifer Levine at if questions.

Wednesdays@First - 4:45 children’s choirs, 5:30 dinner service begins, and 6:15 evening program. Reservations: may only be made online, or by calling the church office (762-6688) by noon on Monday. This week enjoy pork roast, rice and gravy, baked apples, corn, salad and rolls, chocolate chip cookies. Online payment is available at Program options are Engaging Islam and Conscious Discipline (see below for details).

Women’s Retreat 2016: Signup deadline extended until 1/20/2016. Spaces still remain. Please sign up on the church website and call Pinehurst to make your room reservation. Contact Elaine Hogan ( for general questions. For assistance with signing up online, call Amy Osborne in the church office (762-6688 x 136).

Connecting Women’s studies: small group bible studies open to women of all ages and stages on the faith journey continue once a month on Tuesday night, Feb. 2 at 7:00 p.m. in the Bride’s Room, and every Thursday morning at 9:00 a.m. in the Library. Companions in Christ meet the 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 9:45 a.m. in the Bride’s Room. Questions, contact Kathy. LEARN: January Jumpstart combined Adult Classes continue on January 24 & 31 at 10:00 in Boney Hall. On January 24th, Dr. Jennifer Coleman, child psychologist, and Evie Niklas, a social worker who heads our Grandparents Support Network, will share about the needs of youth and young adults in our community from their professional perspectives. And, they will help us explore ways that we as a church can respond. On January 31st, we will hear from our China Mission Team.

Engaging Islam A faithful beginning with promising fruit: getting to know Islam through a brief introduction, by considering a report adopted by our General Assembly, and by reflecting on a Muslim call to “a common word between us and you.” On Wednesday evenings through February 3rd. 6:15-7:15 pm. Led by Bob Snell.

Conscious Discipline: Gail Richardson, experienced parent, teacher and trained parent educator, will teach at both 5:00 and 6:15 on Wednesdays through February 3 in Room 203. Gail has taught parents at First Pres many times. Homework help and supervised game time will be offered for children from 6:15-7:15. A nursery for infants and toddlers will be offered from 4:30-7:30 each night.

Lorena Clark Piner Scholarship applications are now available. This scholarship is offered through Presbyterian Women and selected through the Coastal Carolina Presbytery. It is open to High School seniors and college students (male or female). Applications are due by February 13, 2016 and can be picked up in the church office.

Youth Fundraiser - Super Bowl Snacks: Everyone needs delicious snacks to enjoy while watching the Super Bowl! The youth will be selling homemade appetizers after all church services on Sunday, February 7th. Please contact to preorder your tasty treats! Orders will be taken through Wednesday, February 3rd. You don’t want to miss out!

2016 Pledge Update: Thank you to everyone who has pledged their support for 2016. We have received 273 pledges committing $987,874.24 to support our staff, programs and outreach in 2016. This is below the 2015 pledge total of $1,240,030.28. The Administration & Finance committee and Session are working to create a budget and will present the 2016 budget at a congregational meeting in February. If you intended to pledge for 2016 please do so immediately by contacting Veronica Edwards in the church office or at so that your pledge will be considered as we finalize our budget for 2016. You may also make a secure pledge at

2016 Offering Envelopes are available in the Coffee Kitchen (next to the Welcome Center), if you need them.


“Keep Me Faithfully In Thy Paths" - George Fredrick Handel Keep me faithfully in thy paths, O Lord, and cleanse me from my sin. In thy goodness, Lord be thou merciful.


Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.


Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.


+HYMN 733 “We All Are One in Mission” ES FLOG EIN KLEINS WALDVÖGELEIN +CHARGE & BENEDICTION CLOSING VOLUNTARY "Carillon – Sortie" Henri Mulet Calendar Highlights of Upcoming Events: Today, Sunday, Jan. 17 - Averette Lectures at 9:45 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. in Gilmour Hall, and Combined Worship at 11:00 a.m. in the sanctuary January 21-24 Youth Ski Trip to Wolf Ridge Sunday, Jan. 31 - Music at First - Beverly Andrews, violin & Domonique Launey, piano Saturday, Feb. 6 - Officers’ Retreat - 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Boney Hall & Gilmour Hall Tuesday, Feb. 9 - Preschool Winter Festival - 5:00-7:00 p.m. in Boney Hall Visit the our website ( for a full schedule of events.


[Three year olds through second graders are invited to come forward, place their offering in the plate and have prayer with the minister before leaving with their teachers for Children’s Worship. Ages 3-K meet in Room 208; Grades 1 & 2 meet in Room 311]


OLD TESTAMENT LESSON Jeremiah 31:31-34 The Word of the Lord Pew Bible P. 735

Thanks be to God. +HYMN 67

“My Song Forever Shall Record” PUER NOBIS NASCITUR


The Word of the Lord Pew Bible PP. 140-141 Thanks be to God

SERMON Dr. Rodger Nishioka

“New Ways of Knowing”


+HYMN 53

“O God, Who Gives Us Life” NOEL AFFIRMATION OF FAITH from “A Declaration of Faith” Charlie Lee

The church is founded on Jesus Christ. Gathered around the Word and Sacraments, those who confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, together with their children, have formed a corporate, visible body in pilgrimage with God across the centuries. The church has sought to order its life and ministry in obedience to the teaching of the first apostles. It has attempted to carry out Christ’s commission in various institutional forms and structures that demonstrate both continuity and change. We acknowledge that Christ chooses to be known in the world through this community of ordinary people, therefore we dare not despise or abandon the church.

Christ is the foundation of the church, therefore it will not fall despite our weakness. We are confident that the Lord of the church will judge and defeat our sinful intentions and actions, help us in our weakness and blindness, and use the church to accomplish his purposes.


First Presbyterian Church is a Stephen Ministry Congregation

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12 If you or someone you know needs the care of a Stephen Minister, please call Janice Clark at 256-3477 or the church office at 762-6688 for more information.

First Presbyterian Church 125 S. 3rd St. Wilmington, NC 28401 910-762-6688


Welcome to First Presbyterian Church! We are so glad you are worshipping with us this morning and hope that you find your experience of worship to be uplifting and meaningful. We invite all of our guests to visit our Welcome Center which is located near the central staircase in the building near the door facing Orange St. Please come and meet our membership coordinator who will be glad to answer any of your questions, help you find your way around, or help you find ways to connect with the ministries and people in this community of faith.

We offer a nursery for infants and toddlers during the worship service and the Christian Education hour. During the 11:00 worship service, children 3 years old through 2nd grade begin in the main service, and then go to “Worship and Wonder,” a worship experience designed especially for children. Please feel free to ask an usher or greeter if you need wireless audio receivers, large-print bulletins and hymnals, directions to the nursery, children’s worship classrooms, restrooms, or access ramps.

Dr. Rodger Nishioka It is our great pleasure to welcome Dr. Rodger Nishioka to First Presbyterian Church this morning. Rodger holds the Benton Family chair in Christian education as an associate professor at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA. He specializes in ministry with youth and young adults and has completed a research project comparing the participation of young adults in mainline Protestant congregations and non-denominational independent Christian movements.

Rodger received his undergraduate degree from Seattle Pacific University, his master’s degree in theological studies from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, a Doctor of Divinity degree from Austin College and his Ph.D. from Georgia State University in Atlanta. Prior to his joining the faculty at Columbia, Rodger served for 12 years as denominational staff in youth & young adult ministry for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Rodger grew up in the Presbyterian Church. He is the son of an honorably retired Presbyterian pastor.

Rodger will lecture again tonight at 5:00 p.m. in Gilmour Hall. There will be a light dinner served before the lecture. The flowers in the Chancel are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Mr. and Mrs. Woodus Kellum, Mr. and Mrs. G. Dudley Humphrey, and Dr. Willard S. Swiers. Today’s Prayer of Confession is from the blog “Lectionary Liturgies” by Tom Shuman.

A BIG Thank You! Thank you so much to the members of FPC for donating 30 lbs of pasta, 250 beef bullion cubes, and 200+ bay leaves for the “Be The Light” event and to our 25 youth that volunteered. We had 8 churches and over 225 youth came together to make dried bean soup mixes for the Help Hub. Our teenagers made over 200 jars of soup mix and packaged them with a can of tomatoes and a box of corn muffin mix. Ben David spoke to the youth about the needs of our city and encouraged them to let their faith shine. Pastor Whitney Fauntleroy of Chestnut Street Presbyterian spoke about being the light of Christ in the world and reminded them of Matthew 5:14-16, “You are the light of the world – like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. No one lights a lamp and then puts it under a basket. Instead, a lamp is placed on a stand, where it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your heavenly Father.” For the news coverage, go to the WECT website.