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Newsletter from Kim Westerskov Email:

Web: 20 Greerton Road, Tauranga 3112, New Zealand

Phone 07-578-5138

Newsletter #23 - June 2013 1. MAGIC & SOUL IN YOUR PHOTOS







This newsletter goes out to many photographers in New Zealand and overseas -

and to anybody who asks to go onto the mailing list. If you know anybody who

would like to be on the mailing list, please get them to email me. It’s free and

they can unsubscribe at any time, of course.


We’d all like some magic – and/or “soul” – in our photos. Sure, we all take normal or “real” photos, but most of us also want to take or create photos with something extra that sets them apart from the rest, something that makes you smile or makes other people go “Wow!” But how to do this? I’ve thought about this for many years, and talked with many photographers about it. It’s an on-going discussion but for starters, here’s five ways of creating those extra special photos:

1. Using the warm light of “Magic Hour” at sunrise and sunset. 2. Using long exposures to create a misty, ethereal look. 3. Photo Impressionism. 4. Capturing a special moment [maybe a fleeting smile or look] of someone close to you. 5. Capturing one of nature’s special moments.

Some of these can be taught. I run workshops on Magic Hour, Long Exposures, and Photo Impressionism. The last two probably cannot be taught. They may happen serendipitously [“luck”], or not at all. What I am certain of is that they are much more likely to happen if you strongly want them to happen and work towards them happening. Having your camera with you helps too ☺. So does recognizing “the moment” when “it” happens, and quickly capturing it. I’d like this to be an on-going discussion, so I’d love to hear your thoughts. I’ll summarize these in future newsletters.


Occasionally I feature one of our photographers in the newsletter, and from now on I’d like to do it more often. This month I’m delighted to introduce to you Tauranga’s Vicki Ostler. Vicki brings an always-welcome smile to our “Photos & Coffee” evenings and workshops. She is a talented, enthusiastic and widely-travelled photographer. Wherever she is, Vicki “finds” good photos. Vicki’s best photos possess that rare quality – they make you smile: for the humour of the situation, or the humanity – the connection with the animal or person, or the quirkiness, or the “Gee, I wish I’d thought of that” way of framing her photos. Or sometime just simply “Wow!”. I asked Vicki to write a few words to go with her photos. “Say anything you like” I said.

Vicki: “I am a recent addition to the circle of

digital photography enthusiasts. Many years

ago I wandered the world with an SLR camera

and the exposed film was my most precious

possession. This was followed by a very busy

period of running around after a number of

children. Now, as my youngest is nearing the

end of college, I am determined to learn more

about photography and very importantly,

make the time to enjoy it. I love taking

photographs, there is something exciting at

every turn... you just need to see it!

I am blessed with a number of factors which

have helped propel this enthusiasm into

photographs worth sharing. One is the

opportunity to travel and the range of

photographic opportunities that arise. This is

shared with a supportive family and camera

upgrades at birthday time. Another is being at

the receiving end of Kim Westerskov’s patient

and informative tuition. Kim provides

wonderful workshops which not only develop

skills but also help you see the magic in almost any moment.

The photographs featured here are taken on my Nikon

D7000. I primarily use the Nikon 28- 300mm lens. Our family

is usually on the move and this lens gives me the ability to

compose photographs in most situations... quickly. I do not

use a tripod and have spent very little time quietly waiting for

my subjects, those are things I can look forward to doing, along with improving my editing

skills. I have been known to take photos with a wine in one hand and my camera in the

other. I am often up the mount at sunrise or walking and enjoying the beautiful place in

which we live.”


“You learn to see by practice. It’s just like playing tennis, you get better the more you play. The more you look around at things, the more you see. The more you photograph, the more you realize what can be photographed and what can’t be photographed. You just have to keep doing it.”

- ELIOT PORTER - one of our finest landscape photographers. His coffee table book “Antarctica” is one of my treasured books.




• Northern lights, night sky, Norway, timelapse photography

• Northern lights, night sky, Iceland, timelapse photography

5. “LONG EXPOSURES” WORKSHOP – Saturday 29 June

Long exposures can add a touch of magic, of otherworldliness to your photos. It’s a technique I’ve been using for decades, and have recently come back to explore it further. Is it easy? Yes, the basic techniques are easy, or at least not hard. Do I need any special equipment? Yes and no. I’ll show you how to get good long exposure photos with just your normal camera and tripod, nothing else needed. More advanced

techniques [still moderately easy] need strong neutral density filters [8-12 stops] and maybe a shutter release cable. But don’t worry if you don’t have a strong neutral density filter - I have three that I’m happy to lend you for the afternoon. First in, first served – book yours now. They are 77mm filters, but I have step-up rings that allow these filters to be used on lenses with filter sizes of 52mm, 58mm, 67mm & 72mm, and I’m happy to lend these as well.

This workshop is in three parts: Part 1: The workshop itself is on Saturday 29 June at Kim’s comfortable workshop studio in Gate Pa, Tauranga. 9.00am to 5.00pm. A mix of modules covering different aspects of the subject, screen-projected images, live demonstrations e.g. Photoshop, and questions answered. If the weather is good, we’ll head into the field about mid-afternoon. Part 2: Photo assignment – in your own time over the following 2-3 weeks.

Part 3: Evaluation and critiquing of your photos [this can be done by email if you’re from out of town]. We meet at Kim’s studio again for a few hours at a time that suits everybody, probably a weekday evening.

Cost: Full course fee [which includes tuition, hand-outs, refreshments, yummy lunch and follow-up] $295 Fulltime students $150.

6. “LANDSCAPES” WORKSHOP –Saturday 20 July

Always a favourite among photographers! Landscapes is a big topic and there’s many ways of approaching it, so we cover a lot of ground. Topics covered include:

• elements of good landscape photos: composition, lines and layers, minimalism, colours …

• dusk and night landscapes

• wide angle landscapes

• telephoto landscapes

• dealing with “scruffy foregrounds and blah skies”

• post-production [Photoshop, Lightroom]

• pre-visualization and serendipity

• good places to go

• “soul” in landscapes

• reflections

• forests

• geothermal areas

• mountains

• coastlines

• rivers

• waterfalls

• ….. and much more. It’s a huge – and very rewarding – subject. No wonder so many of us love landscapes! Part 1: Saturday 20 July 9.00 -5.00pm. Workshop at Kim’s studio. Part 2: Landscape assignment – in your

own time over the following 2-3 weeks. Part 3: Evaluation and critiquing of your photos. We meet at Kim’s studio again for a few hours at a time that suits everybody, probably an evening. Cost: Full course fee [which includes workshop, follow-up, hand-outs, and Vivienne’s yummy catering] $295 [or $245 Early Bird – if booked 10 days or more in advance]. Fulltime students $150.


3 August “Composition – Making Your Photos Sing” photo workshop.

24-25 August 2013. Photography Safari to Opoutere with Bob Tulloch and Kim

Westerskov. Opoutere is a hidden gem on the Coromandel peninsula, within two hours of Tauranga and Auckland. Kim and Bob’s weekend photo-workshop will take in the wonderful natural seaside and bush locations for nature and wildlife photography. Bob will also have models to demonstrate environmental portraits using just natural light [Bob’s trademark lighting]. Between Kim and Bob there are a couple of lifetimes of winning major awards. These workshops will suit both keen SLR beginners and advanced amateurs, with critiques and encouragement offered. Photo workshop fee is $275 per person. Numbers are limited. Onsite Youth Hostel accommodation is dormitory [$26] or private room [$37]. BYO food and wine. Kitchen and BBQ facilities are available. Register your interest and obtain booking details - Email to:

14 September “Impressionism” photo workshop – creating art with your camera.

5-6 October “Nature Photography Weekend” The biggest workshop I run – a full weekend of workshop, nice food, nice people and field trips, then an assignment and follow-up later on. $475 [$425 EarlyBird]. Students $235..Price includes Viv’s yummy catering.

12 October “Lightroom Magic” – organising & processing your photos in Lightroom. Apart from the “Nature Photography Weekend” and “Photo Safari”, all workshops are one full day [9.00am to 5.00pm at Kim’s workshop studio in Greerton, Tauranga + field trip] plus assignment and a follow-up evening a few weeks later. Price includes workshop, follow-up, hand-outs, and Vivienne’s yummy catering. Cost: workshop + follow-up $295 [or $245 Early Bird – if booked 10 days or more in advance]. Fulltime students $150.


A long, long time ago I was very “into” surfing. I surfed, I dreamt about surfing, I ran surfing competitions, I ran a small surfboard factory, I hired out surfboards, I photographed surfing [I was NZ correspondent for Surfing World magazine] and was a competitive surfer - once reaching the quarter finals of the NZ surf champs. At one of these national champs I met up with another keen surfer, Bob Tulloch, and Bob gave me a ride from Gisborne to New Plymouth, where the finals of the competition had been rescheduled to. Bob and I caught up again many years later in Tauranga. We had both turned our photographic passions into careers, and a few years ago Bob and I ran several photo workshops together – which a good number of you will remember. Bob asked if I would let my photographers know about an upcoming tour he has organized to Canada, so here it is, from Bob [I have no financial or other connection with this tour – I’m just passing this on for Bob] "Bears and eagles, golden maples, towering firs, salmon runs, magnificent gardens, weathered fishermen and local Indians are all part of the colourful visual adventure that I want to share with some likeminded keen photo enthusiasts."

On the 13th of September, Bob Tulloch, well known as a highly awarded professional photographer and author of several books, embarks on a 10 day tour of Canada's West Coast. The tour is restricted to four couples and registrations have already been confirmed. Bob enjoys teaching and the tour would appeal to those keen amateurs who enjoy the great outdoors and are looking for inspirational one-on-one teaching, from a man who has gathered a lifetime of experience. Bob lived on Vancouver Island in the 70's and knows British Columbia well. An itinerary taking in brilliant scenery, wildlife and character portraits has been arranged, and non-photographer partners will also be catered for. More information is available from Bob at: or phone 572-5266. You can also contact Shelley at The House of Travel, Mount Maunganui - phone 572-8000

9. NZ GEOGRAPHIC PHOTO COMPETITION A quick reminder about New Zealand’s largest and most prestigious photographic competition, Entries close 16 July. There are great prizes - $6,000 in cash and an expedition voyage. Plus the winner of the Young Photographer category wins the opportunity to attend a Kim Westerskov nature photography workshop – as well as $1,000 cash from New Zealand Geographic. The competition is open to professionals, amateurs and students. Do you think you might have what it takes? Why not find out?

10. IN-DEPTH PHOTO EVALUATION EVENINGS Earlier this year a photographer asked me if I would run “in-depth photo evaluation evenings” – somewhat like the Tuesday “Photos & Coffee” evenings that I run every month, but with real in-depth photo critiques. We’ve run two so far, and they were great: enjoyable and definitely in-depth. In-depth Photo Evaluation Evenings will run on the THIRD WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH except December. As the person who suggested these evenings said, both the frequency of the meetings, and seeing what others are photographing, should be motivating. What to expect: You bring along some photos, ideally 3-6, that you’d like constructively critiqued/evaluated, primarily by me, but also by the others attending. If you bring only three photos, each photo will be given more time than if you bring a larger number. A good number of the photos will be brought into Photoshop or Lightroom to show different cropping, tidying or processing possibilities - how they could be improved in post-production. Cost. $55 for the evening, which will run from 7.00pm to 10.00pm. The next IN-DEPTH evening will be on Wednesday 17 July.


These friendly, relaxed get-togethers are for those of you who have been to any of my workshops or field trips over the last couple of years [since the University of Waikato workshops finished] or are thinking about maybe coming on one. There’s no obligation of any kind. We meet on the first Tuesday of each month [every month of the year except January], chat informally about photography, and view some of the recent photos we’ve taken. No charge [free]. Supper is served. Please email me if you’d like to come and please only book up to one month ahead. It’s always fun and friendly.

The next two are: Tuesday 2 July 2013 – starting 7.00pm Tuesday 6 August 2013 – starting 7.00pm


I had a great day not so long ago, all day teaching three photographers [in two separate sessions] how to get the best out of their camera, and covering specific techniques they were interested in. A bit later I was teaching two more photographers, concentrating on the best organisation for their photo libraries, their workflow through Lightroom/Photoshop, and photography in general. Topics covered can be anything from photography in general to specific techniques, computer workflow, Lightroom, Photoshop… Each photographer determines their own agenda, and so each session is unique. All tuition so far has been one-on-one, but there’s no reason why [if you’d like to bring a friend with similar questions] it couldn’t be for two people at once [making it much less expensive for each person, of course]. Sessions are typically 2-3 hours. We cover a lot of ground every hour. First 2 hours: $80 per hour, after

that $70 per hour [for those of you who qualified on the previous plan, don’t worry, your bottom rates still apply – nothing has changed for you]

“What I learned in one evening with Kim would have taken me months to figure out by myself. Overall I found the session extremely worthwhile and consider it excellent value”. Raewyn Adams [Kim’s] “support and encouragement has enabled me to understand my camera and how it works, and a lesson in Photoshop was amazing.” Lyn Yates