Playing to the Strengths of Introverts

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Transcript of Playing to the Strengths of Introverts

The Strengths of Introverts

Simon Davie

Introvert Learning Centre

From the day we're born, we are encouraged to be extrovert.

We're put on show and expected to perform on command.

We're put on show and expected to perform on command.

At school, the message is you need to have lots of friends.

Ignoring that for some, having 1 or 2 good friends makes them perfectly happy.

Classrooms favour the extrovert child who speaks first

Classrooms favour the extrovert child who speaks first

Then, when you're older Facebook creates a tally so everyone can see how many 'friends' you have.

Then, when you're older Facebook creates a tally so everyone can see how many 'friends' you have.

We live in a world that idolises extroversion

Extroverts are often seen as more creative than introverts, even though......there is zero correlation between being the best talker and having the best ideas. Zero. - Susan Cain

At work, activities like brainstorming can favour those that speak up, so many great ideas never get captured.

At work, activities like brainstorming can favour those that speak up, so many great ideas never get captured.

In the 1920s Dale Carnegie changed the focus for Sales Success from Character to Personality

Now we are seeing sales techniques return to a focus on TRUST

...a strength introverts develop through deep connection.

So what are the traits of an introvert?

Introverts GAIN energy
from being on their own, and EXPEND energy by socialising with groups of people.

An introvert will expend energy 'working a room' full of people

An introvert will expend energy 'working a room' full of people

...but can be energised by talking with one person all night about a topic they care about.


Introvert is not another word for shy

Shyness is different:
a fear of social disapproval
- Elaine Aron.

Introvert is not another word for shy

Shyness is different:
a fear of social disapproval
- Elaine Aron.

Introverts make great leaders

Leaders tend not to spend as much of their time talking to big groups... they do leading small groups and in Exec meetings.

Many great leaders are introverts

Warren Buffett

Bill Gates

Mahatma Gandhi

J. K. Rowling

More Strengths of Introverts...

They're excellent listeners

Introverts are also strong at making thoughtful, considered decisions

(instead of shooting from the hip)

Extroverts can emit confidence through quick decision making.

Introverts can be seen to be just as self-confident by making cool, calm decisions.

Extroverts can emit confidence through quick decision making.

Introverts can be seen to be just as self-confident by making cool, calm decisions.

Creative Strength of Introverts

Without the creative genius and introvert strength of Steve Wazniak being able to work continuously for weeks, we'd probably never have had Apple.

No-one is

introvert or extrovert

We're all on the introvert extrovert spectrum somewhere

With a strong foundation of introvert strengths, it can be useful to build some extrovert skills on top ...

...such as thinking on your feet.

We all have to do things that don't come naturally, but it shouldn't be all of the time, not even most of the time.

If you're an introvert that has to expend a lot of social energy in a day ...

afterwards by spending
some time alone.
Prof. Brian Little

For what seems like forever, training programs have been focused towards extroverted learning.

Icebreaker time!

Tell me a secret no-one else knows about you?

Finally there are programs written for introverts to develop their strengths, in a way that suits their natural style.

To learn more about strengths of introverts, or to see if you are lucky enough to be one, visit:

One last thing...

You've been taught since school to focus on your weaknesses

It's time to focus on your Strengths!Trust
Problem Solving
Decision Making

Being an introvert is a blessing, not a curse.

Tell the others.