Play Framework Tutorial

Post on 28-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Play Framework Tutorial

A Play Framework Tutorial

What is Play Framework

• An open-source modern web framework

• Based on a lightweight, stateless, web-friendly architecture.

• Built on Akka, Play provides predictable and minimal resource consumption

• Developer friendly

• Has great support for Eclipse and Intellij IDEA.

• Provides RESTful by default

• Has a built-in JSON module and extensive NoSQL & Big Data Support.

• There are libraries for everything - most of which can be used in Play.

System Requirements

• Install JDK 1.6 or later.

• Install Scala (general-purpose language designed to support clear, concise and type-safe programming). Optional, but good to have, you may also use Java.

• Install SBT is an open source build tool for Scala and Java projects, similar to Java's Maven or Ant.

• Install Play Framework through a tool called Typesafe Activator.

• Install PostgreSQL.

• Install pgAdmin is a comprehensive PostgreSQL database design and management system.

Game Play Tutorial

• Let's create a new vanilla Play Scala application and name it scala-game. Here is the command you need to run it in command-line:

• To start your game from command-line run from your project root folder:

• or (recommanded)

• To view your work go to: http://localhost:9000/

Game Configuration Tutorial

• To add more experience to your Play skills add the following dependencies to your build.sbt file:

• Slick - a modern database query and access library for Scala.

-It allows you to work with stored data and gives you full control

• PostgreSQL JDBC is necessary to connect to PostgreSQL database

Game Configuration Tutorial

• Then, create a database and add its credentials to application.config file.

• Add a package named dao to your app folder

• Define database tables and set it in configuration

• Uncomment evolution plugin and set it enabled

• Play Framework's Evolutions will create tables and relations between them (primary keys, indexes, sequences etc...) for you.

Game Configuration Tutorial

• We have to specify to which database to connect creating a trait named PostgresSupport and define an implicit database