Platypeople: Fighting for a Change in Transportation Thomas Poston, Hannah Tate, Emily Fost, Jackie...

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Transcript of Platypeople: Fighting for a Change in Transportation Thomas Poston, Hannah Tate, Emily Fost, Jackie...

Platypeople: Fighting for a Change in Transportation

Thomas Poston, Hannah Tate, Emily Fost, Jackie Covell, Tyler Carter

Last Year…

• Currituck buses traveled 703,800 miles, using a staggering 101,000 gallons of diesel fuel!

The total cost of that fuel was approximately $219,000!

Those figures show the stress our transportation system is putting on the environment; not to mention the school’s budget.But how can we change those numbers? The routes are already redrawn every year to increase efficiency, and biofuels aren’t exactly feasible, and do not lower costs.


Buses don’t have to travel through every subdivision or turn down every

side road to pick up children.

Instead, kids can walk to the end of the street or have their parents drive them to the entrance of their neighborhood.

Thousands of dollars, and gallons upon gallons of fuel, could be saved!

This is a solution that is simple,

easy to implement, and

cost free! We are saving the

environment with no sacrifice of our





Determine which side roads/subdivisions

would be worthwhile places to have bus


STEP TWO:Erect easily visible signs to notify

the public of the presence of a bus stop.


Be sure bus operators know how the bus stops work.

Step four:

Call all students to

inform them of the new practice.


Save time, money, fuel, and the environment!

School Recycling

By Global Warming TerminatorsG.W.T.

Megan Poyner, Olivia Resto, Mercedes Slocum, Brenna Swartz and Ashley Arnold.

What we are trying to incorporate into our school system:

• Get recycling bins in all of the cafeteria

• Get plastic, reusable trays to use for lunch

• Get washable utensils

• Get plastic milk jugs for lunch

• Get all schools in the system to recycle paper

Recycling Bins In Cafeterias

• Have bins for all recyclable things such as:

Plastic bottles

Aluminum Can

Plastic forks, spoons ect.

All things recycled MUST be clean

Plastic Lunch Trays

• Can be washed, and save money.

• Each week every school is using around $200 a week on Styrofoam plates that can’t be recycled.

• Styrofoam plates take thousands of years to decompose.

Washable utensils

• Would be better on the ecosystem then the plastic one would.

Plastic Milk Jugs

• They can be recycled if you switch to these, eliminating even more trash.

All schools recycling

• Would be very beneficial.

• No more paper would be going to the regular trash.

Thank you(:

Thank you for taking time out of your day. I hope you consider our ideas.

The Tree Farm

The Beavers: Kirstin Moster, Megan Sample, Chad Nelson, Tyler Griggs, and

Logan Pierce.

Deforestation The Past Much of the Earth was once covered by trees, but the majority of these were cleared long ago to make way for an ever expanding human population. On a global scale there was twice as much tropical forest at the turn of the 20th century as there is today, and only around 700 million of the original 1.5 billion hectares remain.



The Rate of Deforestation.The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that 53,000 square miles of tropical forests (rain forest and other) were destroyed each year during the 1980s. Of this, they estimate that 21,000 square miles were deforested annually in South America. Based on these estimates, an area of tropical forest large enough to cover North Carolina is deforested each year!

What we plan to do to help…

Step 1:

Collect a few garbage cans and place them in the Cafeteria.


Have the students place the milk cartons in the specially marked trash cans.

Step 2:

Offer service hours for those who are willing to go to dig up saplings from specific areas in Currituck.

Step 3:

Place the dirt saplings into each milk carton collected.

Recycle the containers!

Step 4:

Kids from all

grades can sign

up if they want

to. They’ll be able to

take home their

own tree and nurture it.

Step 5:Near the end of the year, we will set up a date and the kids who signed up will bring their now grown plants in.

We, as a group, will take a “mini” field trip to the CCMS baseball field to plant them.

The Lunch Menu And How We Plan To Fix It


• Some of our school lunch is disliked by many of the students.

• It is mostly the fruits and vegetables that nobody eats.

• And one of the school rules is food can’t be reused after 3 days so after a three day weekend we just throw it away why not give it to

the home less shelter

The Students

• 352 students attend CCMS. These students’ opinions should matter.

• We are after all the ones who have to eat it.

Their Opinions

• Most students think we should switch from some of the less eco-friendly foods to some of the foods that are grown in the area.

• Eco-friendly produce includes: sweet bell peppers, celery, nectarines, strawberries, cherries, and spinach.

How to fix it

• We need to buy produce from local farmers.

• The food we buy from the local farmers will be fresher and won’t have as much of an environmental impact, because it won’t take as much gas to ship the food.

• It will also help out local farmers and provide income. (hint, hint)

Service…With A Smile

• The only problem that doesn’t happen to be in this school is the cafeteria staff. They have been helpful, kind, and understanding throughout our entire project, supplying a service…with a smile.