PLANTS Redwood picture. Plants are broken into two main divisions: Non vascular – did not have...

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of PLANTS Redwood picture. Plants are broken into two main divisions: Non vascular – did not have...

PLANTSRedwood picture

Plants are broken into two main divisions:

Non vascular – did not have tubelike tissues to move water and food:

mosses, liverworts and hornworts Vascular – have tubelike tissues that

move water and food through the plants:

Ferns, gymnosperms and angiosperms

Gymnosperms Four major characteristics of

gymnosperms are 1) Seeds are not enclosed in a fruit 2) Do not produce flowers 3) Leaves are needlelike 4) Many are evergreen

Major Gymnosperms Cycads – look like a palm tree Ginkgo – has a split leave Gnetophytes – an ornamental bush or

shrub Conifers are cone bearing Gymnosperms

- spruce, firs, junipers and pine trees – (Many look like Christmas trees)

Redwoods are the tallest conifer

cycad spruce PINE TREE


Other Characteristics of Gymnosperms They secrete (produce) a sticky

substance called resin Cones contain the unprotected seed of a

conifer (cone is the “fruit”) The wood of conifers is softwood, so it is

widely used in the building industry Fragrant wood for closets and chests is


ANGIOSPERMS Major characteristics of angiosperms are 1) Produce Flowers 2) Lose their leaves in winter (usually) 3) Produce a fruit in which their seeds

are contained

One type of Angiosperm is a Monocots (characteristics)1) One seed coat (monocotyledon)2) Long narrow leaves3) Flower parts in multiples of threesExamples – grass, wheat, orchids, palm tree, tiger lily

Another type of Angiosperm is Dicot (characteristics)1) Two seed coats (dicotyledon)2) Broad leaves3) Flowers in multiples of fours or fivesExamples – cactus, oaks, magnolia trees, lima beans, rose, maples, sunflowers

Flower Parts


Flower Parts and Their Functions Stamen – male part of the flower Filament – the stalk of the stamen Pistil – female part of the flower Style – connects stigma and ovary Stigma – sticky top of the pistil Ovary – swollen base of the pistil Petal – colorful part of the flower Sepals – tiny leaves that protect the flower


Pollination and Fertilization of plants Pollination – transfer of pollen from the

anther of one flower to the stigma of another flower

Fertilization – the pollen forms a tube which grows down into the egg, and the sperm (pollen) unites with the egg (ovule) to form a seed.

XYLEM AND PHLOEM Xylem and Phloem are like the “arteries

and veins” of animals. Xylem takes water and minerals from

the roots and upward into the plants Phloem (food) takes nutrients (glucose)

from the leaves and downward throughout the plant