PLANT PROPAGATION Seeds. SLM and KUD Unit Essential Question: How are plants propagated? Lesson...

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Transcript of PLANT PROPAGATION Seeds. SLM and KUD Unit Essential Question: How are plants propagated? Lesson...




Unit Essential Question: How are plants propagated?

Lesson Essential Question: What medium is used to propagate seedlings?


Break into 3 groups Draw a picture to represent what the cards are trying to explain

NO WORDS20 minutes

Greenhouse Log

Every time in greenhouse, record & hand in for grade

PropagationPropagating= reproducingMost popular method: seedsSexual process, requires union of pollen and egg

From same parent (self-pollination) or separate (cross-pollination

PropagationHybrid- offspring of two cultivars of one plant, each has certain characteristics desired in new plant

Do not plant seeds of hybrid

SeedsQuick and easyProper environment & conditions Temperature, moisture, light & medium

Treatment for GerminationHard seed coat, soaked or scratched before able to germinate

Some require cold rest period below 37*F for 8 wks plus

Some must have alternate wet & dry

Treatment for GerminationSome must have lightSome must have darkFollow directions on pack

Basic PartsSeed Coat- covering of seed, protects embryonic plant

Endosperm- food storage tissue that nourishes during germination

Embryo- new plant that developed.

Basic Parts

Choosing Seeds

Choose locally grownChoose tested for that growing season

Purchase from reliable dealerHybrid varieties Heavyweight or primed seeds

Choosing Seeds

Primed or enhanced to: Activate growth hormones & enzymes

Less chance for insects & disease


Ideal: good pH, nutrients, porous, uniform in texture, sterile

Types of Medium

Soil: loam composed of 45% mineral matter, 5% organic matter, 25 % air, 25% water

Types of Medium

Types of Medium

Construction grade sand: more porous

Does not hold nutrients

Types of Medium

Types of Medium

Peat moss: partially decomposed vegetation preserved under water. High capacity to hold water. 1% nitrogen, low in phosphorus & potassium

Types of Medium

Types of Medium

Horticultural Grade Perlite: gray-white material of volcanic origin. Expands when heated.

Provide good drainage & aeration

Types of Medium

Types of Medium

Vermiculite: light-weight , has pH of 7, high water holding capacity

Types of Medium

Types of Medium

Jiffy mix: equal parts of shredded sphagnum moss, peat, terrlite vermiculite, & nutrients to sustain initial plant growth

Types of Medium


Usually mix of 1 or more of the previous

Testing Medium

Create a mix that you think would work good for a seedling.

Plant seeds (5) and test it to see what works.

Compare with others after 4 weeks.

Exit Question

Answer the leq: What medium is used to propagate seedlings?


Types of Seeding


Why is the germinating medium important?


How do we plant a seed?

Indirect seeding

Process in which seed is sown in a place separate from where the plants will eventually grow

Transplanting happens 1 or 2 more times

Indirect seeding

Flats: made of plastic, size determined by # of seeds to grow

Medium placed in & leveled off ½ to ¾ inch below top of flat

Plant seeds in rows

Indirect seeding

Individual cells in cavity seedling trays

Flats made up of many small pots

1-2 seeds per cell, later thinned

Transplant with less damage

When to seed

Seeds must be planted on certain dates so the seedlings are ready for transplanting at the proper time

Seed to market chart

Using the popular bedding plants we will plant, create a chart to display date planted by to be ready for market sale.

30 minutes

Sowing Seeds



Water lightly with watering cans

Be careful not to wash out seeds

Water from bottom when possible

Conditions for Germination

Semi shaded area of greenhouse

Receive bottom heat Cover with plastic No fertilizer until true leaves have developed


When true leaves have formed, ready to be transplanted

Page 73 & 74 transplanting procedure

My procedure

Direct Seeding

Seeds planted in permanent growing area

What plants?

Direct Seeding

Corn, melons, beans, beets, peas, lettuce, carrots & other veggies


Using your chart that you created, what seeds should be planted first?

Each student will plant this correctly as taught in this lesson

Show me before completing


How do we plant a seed?


Softwood & Semihardwood Cuttings


Explain the steps in transplanting.


How do we propagate a softwood & semihardwood cutting?

Asexual reproduction

To produce clones of plants that do not produce seeds & are difficult to grow from seeds


Leaves or pieces of stems or roots used for propagating a plant

Various kinds Require same conditions to grow as seedlings with added light


Root formation simulated because of interruption of carbohydrates, hormones & other materials from leaves & growing tips

Rooting hormones used to aid in root formation

Softwood & Semihardwood Cuttings

Taken after current season’s growth has partially matured

Wood should be bendy Active terminal growth

Softwood & Semihardwood Cuttings

Find parent 2-6 inches of new growth

Make sure plant full of water Cut in morning (most moisture)

Immediately place in bucket of water

Softwood & Semihardwood Cuttings

Made when leaves on them

Leaves help keep cutting right side up

Cut at 45* angle on bottom, straight at top

Softwood & Semihardwood Cuttings

Made when leaves on themLeaves help keep cutting right side up

Cut at 45* angle on bottom, straight at top

Take back to table

Softwood & Semihardwood Cuttings

Flat, pot or container 4 inches deep with holes in bottom

Sterile medium ½ perlite & ½ sphagnum mossMedium varies Soak medium night before

Softwood & Semihardwood Cuttings

Make 3-4 inch cutting from stem or shoot

Very sharp knife/pruning shearsInclude 2-3 buds on each cuttingTreat with proper concentration of rooting hormone (fungicide included)

Softwood & Semihardwood Cuttings

Cutting immediately placed in rooting medium to ½ its length, no more then 2 inches deep


Softwood & Semihardwood Cuttings

Keep humidity very high (Transpiration)

Plastic bag to control No direct sunlight Tug gently after time to see if rooting begun, leave for 7-10 more days if not

Softwood & Semihardwood Cuttings

Hardening off- prepare for transplanting

Open plastic a little each day When completely open, water as normal, fertilizer at 1/4th strength

Ready to be transplanted after 14 days

Herbaceous Cuttings

Made from succulent greenhouse plants – geranium, chrysanthemum, coleus, carnation, swedish ivy, wandering jew, begonia

Cuttings 3-6 inches long w/leaves on upper to terminal end

Same conditions as previous w/bottom heat added

Lets Practice!!

Choose a plant to propagate: Wandering JewJade PlantBegoniaDemonstrate proper techniques, be sure to label!!

Exit Question

How do we propagate a softwood & semihardwood cutting?




Do you think it is easier to make a cutting or to plant a seed? Why?


What is micropropagation and how can we do it successfully?


Tissue cultureAsexual method using sterilized terminal shoots or lead buds placed on sterile agar gel or other nutrient growing medium

Buds or stem tips placed in jar


Tiny sprouts start, pulled off with sterile tweezers, placed in new medium in another container to grow roots

Harden off as roots developMany thousand plants exactly like parent


Used for orchidsOnly used for professionals

Other types of Softwood Cuttings

Leaf Cuttings African Violet cut base of leaf stem, place in rooting medium

Pg 87 figure 7-16

Other types of Softwood Cuttings

Leaf-Bud Cutting Cut from stem with bud, remove wooden shield of stem, cutting placed in rooting medium with bud in soil

Pg 87 figure 7-17

Other types of Softwood Cuttings

Mallet Cutting 2-4 inch piece of 2 year old wood with current season or 1 year old shoot on it

Mallet placed horizontally & covered 1 inch with rooting medium

Other types of Softwood Cuttings

Root Cuttings Any plant that will sprout from root

Place root in container, water well, place clear glass/plastic over

Page 88 figure 7-19


Root spider plant in Greenhouse


Hardwood Cuttings


What is important to remember about tissue cultures?

Lesson Essential Question

How do we propagate hardwood cuttings?

Hardwood Cuttings

Easiest & least expensive of asexual propagation

Prepared in winterCan be shipped longNo expensive equipment or storage facility needed

Hardwood V. Softwood/semihardwood

Time of yearHardness (maturity) Absence of leavesStorage

Hardwood Cuttings

6 stepsPg 92 procedure

Selecting Hardwood Cuttings

From current years growthCut from ends of branches or long shoots from base

Collected once dormant Taken all winter

Collecting Hardwood Cuttings

Use sharp knife or hand prunerLabel 6-8 inch cuttings for immediate use or stored in cool moist place

Cover with sawdust, sand or peat moss to maintain moisture

Not too wet or dry

Taking Hardwood Cuttings

Bottom cut just above a node & top about 1 inch above a node or bud

Bottom cut 45* angle & top 90*

Storing Hardwood Cuttings

Treated with rooting hormone for better growth

Tied in bundles for storageStored for 6-8 weeks before planting

Allows callus to form- root quicker

Storing Hardwood Cuttings

May be buried in sand containers

Low enough temp to prevent growth at top

First 4 weeks- 50-55*Lowered to 40* after

Lining out Hardwood Cuttings

Planted outside soon as soil ready in spring (lining out)

Prepare soil Place cutting in soil and firmly surround with soil, careful not to put too much pressure on

Lining out Hardwood Cuttings

Mulch to retain moistureWatch growth to make sure roots have formed

No extensive care


Propagate 3 hardwood stems

Crape MyrtleForsynthiaDogwood


Separation & Division


What is different between hardwood and softwood propagation?

Lesson Essential Question

How can we effectively propagate using separation and division?


Method of propagation in which naturally reproductive organs of a plant detach from the parent plant to become new plants

Usually removed during dormant stage


Bulbs & cormsResponisble for food storage & propagation of plant

Natural process


Plant structure containing many parts but primarily composed of leaf scales

Outside of foliage leaves are bulblets – produce tiny bulbs that grow into bigger bulbs, separated & planted


Splits or slabs –first separated

1 year- round bulb2 year- second flower bud- double nose- 2 flower stalks

Round & double nose sold commercially

Types of Bulbs

No special care or handling- tulip bulb- laminate or tunicate, dry membranous outer scales

Lily- loosely scaled, cannot withstand handling- nontunicate or scaly, no tough outer cover

Bulbs- Propagation Procedure

Dug & separated after foliage dies back & plant dormant , stored & planted at correct time

Washed & cleaned before storage

EX: narcissus, hyacinth, grape hyacinth, tulip

Bulbs- Lily Propagation

Much slower rateMother bulbs split at base to force production of bulblets

Flowering bulbs pulled from ground in late August-mid September, kept moist by sprinkling with water

Bulbs- Lily Propagation

Mid-October, placed 4 inches deep & planted 1 inch apart

Moved again in September, planted 6 inches deep & apart

Then sold as flowering bulbsShould be 7 inches in circumference


Very solid, compact stem with nodes & internodes

Very short specialized stem for food storage

Covering that protects from injury & drying

Corms- Propagation

Development of cormels is means of reproducing

Form naturallyWhen dies back, dug up & small cormels separated & grown to larger size

Propagation by division

Method of propagation in which parts of the plant are cut into new sections, each will develop a new plant

Use knife or pruners


Underground stems that grow horizontally and produce roots on the bottom & stems on top

Rhizomes- Propagation

Removed by digging underneath with a garden fork or shovel

Soil washed offCut rhizome into sections- make sure each has one eye (bud)


Swollen end of an underground side shoot or stem

Distinguished by eyes- produces separate plant as sprouts, developing a shoot with roots at base

Contains stored food for plant until leaves form


EX: Irish PotatoTo propagate: Cut tubers into pieces, each must contain one eye

Planted same as seeds

Tuberous Roots

Thickened roots that contain large amounts of stored food

Have buds at stem end

Tuberous Roots- Propagation

Dividing crown, or cluster of roots, when plant is dormant

Dug in fall after frost killed top, stored in dry sawdust, peat at 40-50* to prevent shriveling or complete drying out

Tuberous Roots- Propagation

In spring, clumps or crowms are cut apart so each has a bud

New pieces planted EX: Sweet potatoAdventitious buds- sporadic & unexpected places, pulled off & planted


Plant bulbs correctlyCorrectly separate a plant




Why is it important to know about bulbs?

Lesson Essential Question

How do we propagate using grafting?


Two different plants are united to become one

Scion- newly installed shoot or top of plant

Rootstock- seedling or plant used as bottom half of the graft


Growing together of tissues Used to rapidly increase # of a plant & give stronger, disease-resistant roots

Two plants must be compatible


Used to: Topwork a large treeInsert a different variety on part of the limbs of a tree for cross pollination

To propagate plants that may be difficult to bud

Grafting Requirements

Compatibility- must be related to one another, stock & scion grow together

Know what families grow best together

Grafting Requirements

Scion wood- 1 year old & vigorous growth

Timing- don’t when stock & scion are dormant

Matching of tissues- cambium layer, scion & rootstock must have close contact & held tightly together

Grafting Requirements

Waterproofing- all cut surfaces must be covered with grafting wax, plastic or rubber ties

Whip or Tongue Graft

During winter months Small material Fruit treesScion should contain 3 budsRoot piece 4-8 inches & small fibrous roots

Whip or Tongue Graft

Grafting cut made below bud on stock, slant at angle, smooth surface

Cut on rootstock should be same= even fit

Cambium must match growing area at edge of root piece

Whip or Tongue Graft

Second cut made on first cut surface in reverse direction, 1/3 of distance from tip & nearly parrallel to first cut

Half as long as first cutPieces slipped together w/tongues interlocking

Whip or Tongue Graft

Pieces tightly tied together with plastic propagation tape or rubber bud ties

Stored in moist sand or peat moss to heal

3-4 wks @ 50-55*After- 32-40*

Whip or Tongue Graft

Then planted in nursery, graft union must be below ground

Side Veneer Graft

Effective way to graft evergreens

Colorado Spruce grafted w/ blue spruce to obtain shade of blue

Side Veneer Procedure

Pencil sizeMade in early springShallow cut made 1 ½ in long made into one side of seedling rootstock

Second cut made to remove piece of wood

Side Veneer Procedure

Two cuts made on scion to shape it so it fits cut made in rootstock.

Scion inserted into rootstock. Cambium layers must match at least one side

Scion tied tightly in place mulch

Cleft Graft

Used in topworking trees (grafting to rootstock considerably larger than scion

Cleft Graft Procedure

Rootstock sawed off at right angle

Rootstock split with heavy knife & hammer

Split help open with wedgeScion cut in a long, smooth wedge shape

Cleft Graft Procedure

Scions placed in rootstock, must make close contact with rootstock for entire distance, must be cut at same slant as the split in the rootstock

Cambium of both must match


Roses Grafting selected scion of desired plant onto a piece of stem that produces good roots


Grafted stems then placed in rooting chamber for healing & roots to form

Treated exactly as a semihardwood cutting


Grafting Video




What are the 3 types of grafting?

Lesson Essential Question

What is the process of budding propagation?


Form of graftingSingle bud used instead of scion

Many more plants reproduced from same amount of parent wood

More quicklyTime- during active growth

Budding Steps

Plant seeds for seedling rootstock

Select variety of budwood to be propagated

Determine correct date to budCut budwood, label it, & protect it so does not dry out

Budding Steps

Perform budding processCheck to see if buds takenCut off rootstock above bud the following spring


Small 1-2 yr old seedlingsActively growing, disease resistant, & able to give desired growth

Scion & rootstock must be compatible

Collecting Budwood

Bud sticks, small shoots of current seasons growth, collected on same day to be inserted

Kept wrapped in waterproof paperVegetative buds necessary for propagation

Cut all leaves except 1 for handling


Developed for 1 yr, good size

Make t-shaped cut to determine if seedling is receptive, if bark separates from wood of stem & is moist and smooth

Cutting & Inserting Bud

Obtain materials1 person makes cut & inserts bud while other person ties securely

T-shaped cut made in the rootstock, corners of bark lifted for easy insert

Bud cut from bud stick middle portion with shield of back & sliver of wood

Cutting & Inserting Bud

Bud immediately inserted in the T cut until bud shield even w/ top fo T-cut

Tie area with bud tieEntire area covered, only bud itself exposed

Inspection in 3 weeks, transplanted in 1-2 yrs

Cutting & Inserting Bud

Page 114-116 in book

Chip Budding

Used for grapes Done when rootstock not in active growth

Chip Budding Procedure

Pg 117 45* cut made in rootstock ¼ of way thru stem

Second cut made 1 ½ in above first cut, extending down to meet first

Chip produced removed

Chip Budding Procedure

Bud to be inserted cut from bud stick exactly as chip removed

bud is inserted in rootstock & tied with bud tie

Chip Budding Care

Cut rootstock off just above bud 10-15 days for spring budding

Fall budding, cut rootstock just above bud the following spring, as growth starts






How do the 2 types of budding differ?

Lesson Essential Question

How do we layer to propagate?


Asexual propagation, roots are formed on a stem or root while still attached to the parent plant

Stem or root to be rooted is called a layer

Layer is cut free from parent only after rooting

Advantages & Disadvantages

Simple but time consumingFew plants started Very high success rateSome plants naturally do this….strawberries, red raspberries, & African Violets

Simple LayeringBranch from parent bent to ground, partially covered w/ soil.

Terminal end exposedEarly springWater liberallyCreate a visual organizer to represent the steps in layering page 123

Air LayeringProcess that eliminated the burrying part of the parent plant

Part of plant is slit or girdled (girdle- completely remove bark & cambium around plant)

Surrounded by moist growing medium

Air LayeringRoots form where plant has been wounded

Generally made in spring on wood of previous year

Create a visual organizer to represent air layering page 124-125

Other methods of layeringTrench layering- mother plant bent to ground & burried in trench, roots form on covered portion of plant, shoots can be separated

Other methods of layeringStool Layering- begins with planting of rooted layer in soil, parent plant cut back to soil level, stem covered with soil, as shoots grow, more soil is added. Shoots cut & planted in early spring

Other methods of layeringCompound Layering- springtime, very similar to simple layering, except stem covered by soil at 2 or more points along length. Stem girdled at point below ground where new roots will form

Several plants produced from single stem

ActivityLayering on plant

ReviewReview for test