Planning Innovation

Post on 02-Nov-2014

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TIEC - 2014

Transcript of Planning Innovation

Planning InnovationYomna Hassan

What is innovation?

What is innovation?Innovatio

n stereotyp

e 1

Result not process


stereotype 2

Steve Jobs and Howard


What is innovation?

Not all ideas come suddenly out of the ground

We are all innovators!

What is innovation?

 It's about problem solving, understanding how to ask the right questions, and seeing patterns before facts. True innovation takes a bit of planning.

Planning for innovation: steps

Define what you're bringing to market

Identify which trends are indicative of changing consumer needs.

How can you affect consumer behavior? Why are you going to be relevant in

consumers' daily lives?

Push to the market  Once you've identified the idea, how do

you create believers, and drive momentum without polluting your brand?

It’s not all about being completely different The key battle to differentiating is

balancing your intuition with certainty. It's not just about what makes you competitively distinct. It's what you stand for in people's lives.

Innovation in brand not only product Great brands think about the entire

engagement of the innovation and improve every aspect, not solely the product. Remember that packaging is not an afterthought, and it's not just an execution: It's the most tangible touch point the consumer has with your brand.

Planning for innovation: steps Define what you're bringing to market Push to the market It’s not all about being completely

different Innovation in brand not only product

Gear up and start planning!!!


References How to Plan Innovation, Laura Jakobsen,

Bloomberg Business Week, 2011.