Planets Anatomy Geology World War II Animal Classification.

Post on 22-Dec-2015

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Transcript of Planets Anatomy Geology World War II Animal Classification.




World War II

Animal Classification

Computer Basics































Planets Anatomy Geology WWII Animals Computers

This planet has extinct, dormant, and active volcanoes. It is the 3rd

planet from the sun.

What is Earth?

This world is sometimes called the Red Planet.

What is Mars?

This planet is second from the Sun.

What is Venus?

This is the second smallest planet in the solar system.

What is Mercury?

This is the biggest planet in the solar system.

What is Jupiter?

Consists of the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries.

What is the circulatory system?

The system responsible for removing waste gases.

What is the respiratory system?

The organ that can be injured from a sharp blow to the back.

What is the kidney?

Pulse, blood pressure, respiration, and relative skin temperature.

What are vital signs?

What the patient tells you he or she is feeling.

What is symptom?

A large area of flat or gently sloping land.

What is a plain?

The longest river in the United States.

What is the Mississippi River?

A deep valley with steep sides.

What is a canyon?

The line of latitude which divides the north and the south hemisphere.

What is the Equator?

Canyons, Mountains, plateaus, and plains.

What are landforms?

Nation attacked by Germany to begin WWII in Europe in September of


What is Poland?

Led the Bolshevik Revolution and became the first leader of the USSR.

Who is Vlademir Lenin?

This created an alliance between Germany and Italy.

What is the Rome-Berlin Axis?

He created the Fascist system in Italy in 1922.

Who is Benito Mussolini?

Area occupied by Germany in 1936 in violation of the Treaty of


What is the Rhineland?

Vertebrate that has hair or fur and that feeds it young with milk.

What is a Mammal?

Invertebrates that have a long, flexible, rounded, segmented, or

flattened body without appendages.

What is a worm?

A consumer that eats both plants and animals.

What is an Omnivore?

Chiefly marine invertebrates that have a soft body and a mantle

and/or a shell.

What is a Mollusk?

Vertebrate that usually lives in water in its early life. It breathes with gills and

then later develops lungs.

What is an Amphibian?

Portable magnetic storage medium for computer data that allows users to

randomly access information.

What is a Floppy Disk?

The Hardware that provides printed output from the computer.

What is a printer?

The computer’s working memory, sometimes called random-accessed


What is RAM?

A fixed, large capacity magnetic storage medium for computer data.

What is a Hard Disk?

The Hardware used to pass information into the computer.

What is an Input Device?





























