Plain jv circles samples

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Plain jv circles samples

1 Development –Aims,goalsBrainstorm & research

2 Pitch ideas & write scripts and optimise.

3 Create storyboardcreate shooting schedule & shot list

4 create scene breakdown

5 rehearse & optimise with actors move to production

6 obtain kit , film required scenes ,return footage ,log footage

7 convert footage , create a production report for post production

8 review footage, create paper edit import to computer

9 post production do rough cut edit footage

10 add extras titles and music and sound effects. export to view & check

11 show to target audience make new changes. then make new final cut

12 work on poster & magazineshow & optimise create link between the products for evaluation Question.Distribution

13 show final trailers and talk of merits & failures

14 write summary of what you learn and how you could make it better next


Horror Trailer Notes

1 Development –Aims,goalsBrainstorm & research Include Media theory from Past and Present

2 Pitch ideas & write scripts and optimise.

3 Create storyboardcreate shooting schedule & shot list

4 create scene breakdown

5 rehearse & optimise with actors move to production

6 obtain kit , film required scenes ,return footage ,log footage

7 convert footage , create a production report for post production

8 review footage, create paper edit import to computer

9 post production do rough cut edit footage

10 add extras titles and music and sound effects. export to view & check

11 show to target audience make new changes. then make new final cut

12 work on poster & magazineshow & optimise create link between the products for evaluation Question.Distribution

13 show final trailers and talk of merits & failures

14 write summary of what you learn and how you could make it better next


Horror Trailer Notes

1 think or research about Prepare for video Project

2 Which camcorder

3 How it works

4 Camera controls

5 Equipment

6 Learn about exposure

7 control Colour

8 Focusing

9 See a project ,analyse and learn from it.

10 learn 5 stages

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Prepare for video ProjectNotes

1 Holding the camera

2 Camera movements

3 moving with the camera

4 zooming

5 sound sense

6 Using Lights

7 composition

8 A sense of Direction

9 Space and time

10 Practice and perfect

11 Summary

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video Production

1 Editing

2 Rostrum shooting

3 Animation

4 Creating Titles

5 Sound Tracks

6 Practice Ediiting

7 Scene and edit yours

8 Analyse again and optimise

9 Distribution – do all marketing etc and show target audience

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Post Production Notes

1 Music video

2 Small news project

3 Drama

4 Comedy

5 Horror

6 Thriller

7 Slideshow

8 Special Effects

9 Small film or video

10 Kids shows

11 Documentary

12 sci fi

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Different Video Projects

1 Get an idea. How bad is it when a horror story has no great idea to get it started?

2 Take care of the details. This is just good, general advice for any story: you - need - details!

3 Plan it out. It's a good idea to write out what will happen in the story, in point form, before you actually write out your story

4 Think of an exciting first sentence. Nothing is better than to start a story with an exciting, unexpected sentence then keep the detail and excitement going.

5 Just write. Put pen to paper and write, write, write. Add extra description (and with a horror story, description is your biggest tool in causing shivers,

6 Keep track of your characters. Make sure never to lose them. You might put a small child under the bed on the fifth page and then end the story without giving the readers their purpose.

7 Eerie settings. Some locations are better suited for a horror story than others.

8 Add the horror. Ask people what scares them the most, then think of something you're afraid of, then think of something genuinely scary

9 Twist it till it cries. Add a very scary, exciting twist (or lots of scary exciting twists) that scarily alter a character's life

10 End with a bang. A very scary bang. Try not to make the ending happy. It is horror, after all. Resolve final ending.

11 Rewrite. Go through your story, edit it, rewrite what parts look like they could be better said, and then get your friends and acquaintances to read the story too!

12 Think out of the box! What's better than being creative? NOTHING, of course

13 When writing horror stories, get an idea of what other authors have wrote stories similar to


14 Look through old stories for inspiration or to defy writer's block. Correcting

old plot problems can get your mind moving, too.

Writing Your Own Horror Story

1 Get a scary idea for the movie.

2 Turn your idea into a plot, or story.

3 Find an awesome place to film the movie

4 Find a cast who's willing to star in your thriller.

5 Add scary and scratchy, eerily atmospheric music for suspense.

6 Have a scary killer/monster/whatever. For some reason killers that don't talk are scarier than ones who do

7 Make something completely ordinary the center of the drama (paper bag, telephone, toilet, doorbell, TV, videotape)

8 Have a plot twist (at the end or middle end).

9 Add good effects (if the blood looks like ketchup you're not going to scare anyone so use hot sauce or tomato soup instead

10 Make sure you use good effects, visual ,special, audio or other effects

11 After all of the filming is complete, start moving it to the computer

12 About half way into editing, set a release date and make a Trailer and think about poster & magazine.

13 Research by watching some scarymovies and find what made them scary

14 Make sure the plot is believable.

Think About Horror Trailers.

A To make a horror /Mock Parody of one or more your best horror scenes

B The time and effort taken to learn how to use Preproduction, production skills and post production will help you with your final skills in the Teaser Trailer.

C Your aim is create some thing which includes at least some or all of the following & meet the deadlines.

1 A Wide shot - Establish the location

2 Medium shot - of Person or main character.

3 Extreme Close-up - to show the detail of something important to the plot or story.

4 A pan shot

5 A moving camera shot

6 Talking scene between 2 or more characters.

7 A fast paced or suitable music to go with the action

8 Title of this short film and credits.

9 Be Creative with your edits,Titles & Music.

10 Meet the Horror or Mock parody

11 –Learn from the problems Do the best you can & Make it better

next time.

Prelim Task

1 choose the subject you like to study

2 course search goes live in may for following year entry

3 look carefully at info of the entry profiles and universities website and ensure you have the qualities they looking for make list of what the universities and colleges are looking for in a personal statement

4 do a mind map writing your subject at centre and surround it with key point strengths and evidence and justifies why you chosen the suject

5 write a first draft refer back to the research you did about what to include

6 show it your parents and teachers or careers adviser and ask them to check it for you make changes to your statement and check your grammar and spelling

7 check the length is no more than 4000 charter or 47 lines of text including blank lines

8 show your redrafted statement to parents teacher or carer as final check

9 cut and paste your final statement into apply after proofread.

10 dont forget re read it before you go for interview it may form the basis for questions

11 Choose a subject you like You have to live with it for 3 years. decide and research carefully.Find out if practical or theory. Some are 60 /40 split.

12 What are dreams, goals, passion and aims in life after University. Plan now you may live with choice and career as result of what you study.

13 –Use web,youtube and research your top 3 and make your choice after

Looking at league table after this.

14 You will need to Dream, believe, plan, create and


UCAS Notes

1 plan first ,brainstorm after watching couple of horror teaser trailer and make notes

2 Introduction look at other trailers in same genere and decontruct video scenes and create quick summary.list main scenes and analyse what you like and list it.

3 remember do rough plan on a4 or a3 and think about main scenes ,horror icons ,music and mis encene you can rough storyline begining middle and end planned.

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What is Important in


1 –19 sept th shirley high CR0 5EF -5-7.30

2 19 sept th woodcote high CR5 2EH -6.3-9

3 23 sept mo nmbec high -6-8

4 24 sept tu addington high CR0 0AH -6-9

5 24 sept tu virgo fidels high SE19 1RS -5-8.30

6 25 sept wed harris south norwood SE25 6AE high -5-8pm

7 26 sept th riddlesdown high CR8 1EX -5-8.30

8 3 oct th thomas moore high SS0 0BW

9 5 oct sat colomo high CR9 5AS -10-12

10 9 oct wed oasis shirley high CR0 7AR -9-10

11 12 oct sa oasis colomon high CR5 1ES -10-12

12 15 oct tu oasis couldon high CR5 1ES -9-10

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Croydon Schools

12 12








1 images

2 nature

3 close up shots

4 group

5 singular

6 effects- black and white

7 long shot

8 portait

9 landscape

10 intro

11 what

12 why

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What is Important in

making a photo

1 New Product ideas

2 Target market

3 Sales Funnel

4 Customer Support

5 Selling the product

6 self Development

7 be prepared for reported issues

8 be confident in your product

9 handle compaliners with class

10 ask for testimonials and dewell

11 listen to all feedback fouces on improvemnt

12 maximize productivity

13 -product delivery

14 packaging& delivery format

Product creationNotes

delivery format

1 Include Media theory from Past and Present.

2 What is the genre.

3 Who is the Audience.

4 How is horror references and Representation made in your product.

5 What is the Horror Narrative.

6 How did you use Media Language to enhance your final media Project.

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1 Halloween (1978)

2 psycho

3 house on left

4 conjuring

5 insidious

6 sorority row

7 hills have eyes

8 eden lake

9 scream

10 saw

11 shining

12 Excorist

13 –evil dead

14 carrie

Halloween Horror film


1 Subject


3 Moment in time

4 Light

5 Sound & feelings

6 Evoke a mood

7 Tell your story

8 Shutter


10 Apperture

11 Creative lighting

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Keypoints for photography

1 composition

2 handheld techniques

3 depth of field

4 shutter speed

5 colour balance

6 exposure

7 natural light

8 set lights

9 filming at night

10 sound - get close

11 pick genre related shots & scenes

12 a little planning

13 shooting to edit

14 angles and positions & mis en scene

use video camera keypoints

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Common Codes & Conventions

for Horror Trailer

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Common Codes & Conventions

for Horror Trailer

1 Connect With Your Subject

2 Find The Place

3 Find the Angle

4 Tell the Story

5 Sweat the Small Stuff

6 Don't Mess with a Good Thing

7 Pose, Gesture, Emotion

8 Less is More

9 See the Light

10 Group Portraits Without Formality

11 Create the Look

12 Lights, Camera, Lens

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Secrets of Great Portrait


1 Ctrl A- select all

2 Ctrl Z- Undo last action

3 Ctrl X- Cut

4 Ctrl V- Paste object

5 Ctrl C- Copy selected item

6 Ctrl S- Save

7 Ctrl D- Deselect

8 Ctrl T- Resize free transform

9 V- Move tool on toolbar

10 T- Type text on toolbar

11 Z- Zoom Tool.

12 W- Magic Wand

13 L- Lasso Tool.

14 F7 – Layer Palette

Photoshop Shortcuts

1 Ctrl A- select all

2 Ctrl Z- Undo last action

3 Ctrl X- Cut

4 Ctrl V- Paste object

5 Ctrl C- Copy selected item

6 Ctrl S- Save

7 Ctrl D- Deselect

8 selection tool V

9 Track select tool A

10 Ripple Edit Tool B

11 Rolling Edit Tool N

12 Zoom tool Z, Razor Tool C

13 Space - Play or Stop

14 J,L -Reverse and forward\ - show entire sequence
