
Post on 20-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Pitch

Concept Art

Media Format Concept art Based around anime MMORPGs have influenced this Shall follow Fantasy/Sci-fi genres

Synopsis of Idea The main idea for this project that I want to

do is character concept art. Will have different genders- Example: not

everyone will be one gender Anthropomorphic animals will be some characters

Between 4 and 9 characters- depends on difficulty.

Different mythical creatures and races

Target Audience Target is for both genders

Mainly fans of Sci-Fi and Fantasy genres of games

Anime fans will hopefully be drawn to this due to the style.

Audience Needs Caters to fans of anime, sci-fi and

fantasy games. Would be interesting to my target

audience of teenagers

Production Techniques Create the concept art

through drawings Use scanner to scan art

into computer files Clean it up in Photoshop or
